• CIC is the holding company for Saskatchewan's commercial Crown Corporations. SaskEnergy provides natural gas transmission and distribution services across Saskatchewan

  • Crown Investments Corporation (CIC) is the holding company for Saskatchewan's commercial Crown Corporations.

  • CIC is the holding company for Saskatchewan's commercial Crown Corporations. SaskPower is the principal supplier of electricity in Saskatchewan

  • CIC is the holding company for Saskatchewan's commercial Crown Corporations. SaskTel is the leading full service communications provider in Saskatchewan

  • CIC is the holding company for Saskatchewan's commercial Crown Corporations. SaskWater provides cost-effective solutions to help Saskatchewan communities gain access to reliable and professional water and wastewater services.

  • CIC is the holding company for Saskatchewan's commercial Crown Corporations. Saskatchewan Gaming Corporation (Sask Gaming) owns and operates Casino Regina and Casino Moose Jaw. Profits are transferred to the General Revenue Fund to meet legislated obligations to the First Nations Trust, the Community Initiatives Fund and the Mu00e9tis Development Fund. Sask Gaming also pays dividends to CIC.

  • CIC is the holding company for Saskatchewan's commercial Crown Corporations. Saskatchewan Government insurance (SGI) conducts a competitive property and casualty insurance business in seven provinces. It also administers the Saskatchewan Auto Fund, the Province's compulsory auto insurance program and the provider of its driver's licensing and vehicle registration system

  • CIC is the holding company for Saskatchewan's commercial Crown Corporations. Saskatchewan Opportunities Corporation (SOCO) supports Saskatchewan's technology sector through the development and operation of research parks at the province's two universities

  • CIC is the holding company for Saskatchewan's commercial Crown Corporations. Saskatchwan Transportation Company (STC) provides affordable transportation services throughout Saskatchewan.


Crown Investments Corporation (CIC) is the holding company for the province’s commercial Crown corporations.   CIC oversees subsidiary Crown corporation strategic direction and manages a framework designed to strengthen governance, performance and accountability of Crown corporations and to assist Crown corporation boards in discharging their responsibilities.  CIC manages the Gradworks program and CIC Asset Management Inc.  Additionally, CIC provides oversight to a number of funds established with financial assistance or administrative coordination by the provincial government.


Capital Pension Plan, Retirement Annuity Fund - Court Application

CIC is administering the distribution of reserve funds accumulated in the Capital Pension Plan, Retirement Annuity Fund pursuant to a Court Application.  If, prior to January 1, 1994, you were employed with one of the 27 employers which contributed to the reserve funds, you may be an eligible beneficiary.

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New at CIC


May 1, 2017

The most recent quarterly report on losses of public money for the period January 1, 2017 to...

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March 22, 2017

The government announced today, as part of the 2017-18 budget, that the Crown Investments...

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February 6, 2017

The most recent quarterly report on losses of public money for the period October 1, 2016 to...

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