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 Young Workers > About wages

About wages

Minimum wage rates

Since May 1, 2006, the minimum wage rates are as follows:

  • General rate $7.75 an hour
  • Employees who usually receive tips $7.00 an hour

Minimum wage rates are subject to change. Check with customer services at the Commission des normes du travail.

Training periods

Training periods to hold a job are considered work. The hours associated with these periods must be paid.

Payment of wages

Wages must be paid in cash in a sealed envelope or by cheque. The cheque must be cashable in the two working days following its receipt. You must receive your wages in person on a working day. If pay day falls on a statutory holiday, the wages must be paid on the preceding working day. Payment may also be made by bank transfer if provided for by a written agreement or decree.

Pay sheet

With each pay, the employer must give you a detailed pay sheet. This will allow you in particular to check the calculation of your wages.

Deductions from wages

The employer may deduct from wages the sums required for legally authorized deductions such as employment insurance, contributions to the Régime des rentes du Québec, etc. He may also make a deduction from wages if the employee consents thereto in writing, for a specific purpose mentioned in that writing. The employee may revoke this authorization at any time.

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