Department of Government Services Government of Newfoundland and Labrador

Description: General information about the Registry of Co-operatives, administered by Commercial Registrations Division.

About the Registry

Registry of Co-operatives


The Registry of Co-operatives in Newfoundland and Labrador presently has 73 registered Co-operatives. Co-operatives may be formed by groups of people of similar interest that are willing to organize and operate on a co-operative basis and meet the criteria for incorporation. Most co-operatives fall under the following basic types: - consumer, producer, housing, workers, community service, and extra-provincial.

Primarily, the objective of this registry is to provide a regulatory environment which facilitates continued growth of co-operatives while providing public awareness. Co-operatives are distinct legal entities from corporations and are regulated pursuant to the CO-OPERATIVES ACT. Individuals or groups should understand this legal structure before considering the formation of a co-operative. The nature of a co-operative is more clearly defined in section 3 of the Act.

Legislation and Regulations

The regulation of co-operatives is governed by the CO-OPERATIVES ACT which deals with governance and compliance issues including:

  • Powers of the Co-operative
  • Procedures for Incorporation
  • Responsibilities of Officials
  • Responsibilities of Members
  • Procedure for Dissolution
  • Powers of the Registrar
  • Penalties for Violation of the Act

Forms Download

Forms are available at the Registry of Co-operatives or may be downloaded for your convenience. Links to specific forms are found throughout the Web Site or you may browse our entire list.

Fee Structure

The Minister of Government Services prescribes all fees (PDF: 58). Furthermore, no provision exists in the legislation giving the Registrar authority to waive any fee or penalty.

Hours of Operation

Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Except Summer Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Contact Information


Registry of Co-operatives
Department of Government Services
Commercial Registrations Division
5th Floor, East Block
Confederation Building
PO BOX 8700

Telephone: (709) 729-3317
Facsimile: (709) 729-0232

Copyright © 2000 — Last modified on Tuesday, 03-Oct-2006 Newfoundland Daylight Time