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Women's Organizations of Alberta


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Women's Organizations of Alberta

We are pleased to introduce the fifth edition of Women’s Organizations of Alberta (July 2002). 

Women's Organizations of Alberta is available free of charge. The directory is available pdf format or a hardcopy version can be ordered from the Alberta Human Rights and Citizenship Commission.

This directory is designed to:

  • List organizations in Alberta that provide ongoing services and programs primarily for women; 
  • Encourage networking among women’s organizations; 
  • Increase referrals between groups; 
  • Provide points of contact so women can become involved; and 
  • Act as a springboard in the creation of new community-based services and programs. 

We have included not-for-profit organizations that offer at least one ongoing service or program designed specifically for women. To avoid duplicating other directories, we have NOT included agencies that offer services for the general public.    

What’s in the Directory? 

Groups and organizations are listed first according to subject areas. This section includes descriptions of the organizations’ services as well as their telephone numbers and addresses. 

The Location Index sorts the groups and organizations by communities. So, if you want to know what groups exist in your community, turn to the Location Index starting on page 98. We have included the Alphabetical Index starting on page 103. These two indexes list only the names of the organizations. Once you have found an organization by location or alphabetically, go to the Subject Area listing for details on how to contact the organization.

As there are many other services that may be of interest to women, we have listed other directories currently available in the province. This listing is on page 109.

For the Future

We have made every effort to ensure the information in this directory is current and complete. However, information about groups and organizations changes from time to time. Also, new groups are formed and some are no longer active. 

Recognizing that this directory will always be a "work-in-progress," we plan to provide periodic updates.

To help keep the directory up to date, please let us know of changes to your organization. You can do this by completing the Update Form on pages 107 and 108. If your group is not included in this edition and wants to be added to the next edition, please complete the Update Form. 

Send the Update Form to: 

Alberta Human Rights & Citizenship Branch 
Alberta Community Development 
800 Standard Life Centre 
10405 Jasper Avenue SW 
Edmonton, AB T5J 4R7 
Fax (780) 422-3563 


We acknowledge and thank the many women’s organizations that responded to our requests for information. Without their help, this directory would not be possible. Funding for this initiative has been provided by the Human Rights, Citizenship and Multiculturalism Education Fund.


The organizations listed in this directory provided their contact information and the description of their services. They gave written permission to include them in this directory.

The views and policies of the organizations listed do not necessarily reflect those of the Alberta government. The Human Rights and Citizenship Branch is not responsible for the quality of programs and services offered by these organizations.

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