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(Consolidated up to 35/2007)


Societies Act


Table of Contents

                1       Forms

                2       Fees

                3       Definitions

                4       Similar names

                5       Minor differences

                6       Distinctive meaning through use

                7       Required elements

                8       Family names

                9       Name of amalgamated society

              10       Permitted characters in name

              11       Prohibited names

              12       Proposed names

              13       Other prohibited affiliations

              14       Registrar’s powers

              15       Name search reports

              16       Number as name

              17       Repeal

              18       Expiry

              19       Coming into force



1(1)  An application under section 9 of the Act must be in Form 1 in Schedule 1.

(2)  A notice under section 24(2) of the Act must be in Form 2 in Schedule 1.

(3)  The annual return under section 26(2) of the Act must be in Form 3 of Schedule 1.

(4)  The audited financial statements that must accompany the annual return need not be audited by a professional accountant unless

                                 (a)    the by-laws of the society so require, or

                                 (b)    a fee is being charged to perform the audit.

(5)  An application for amalgamation under section 32 of the Act  must be in Form 4 in Schedule 1.

(6)  A certificate of amalgamation under section 32 of the Act must be in Form 5 in Schedule 1.

AR 122/2000 s1;251/2001


2(1)  The fees payable under the Act are the fees prescribed in Schedule 2.

(2)  The Registrar may waive the payment by

                                 (a)    a department or agency of the Government, or

                                 (b)    a Provincial agency as defined in the Financial Administration Act

of a fee set out in Schedule 2 where the Registrar is satisfied that the department, agency or Provincial agency will not recover the fee from a third party.


3   In sections 4 and 5,

                                 (a)    “corporate person” means a body corporate incorporated in Alberta, a registered extra-provincial corporation and a Canada corporation;

                                 (b)    “dissolved body corporate” means a dissolved body corporate that was incorporated in Alberta.

Similar names

4(1)  A society may not have a name that is similar to the name of a corporate person unless that person consents in writing to the use of the name in whole or in part.

(2)  A society may not have a name that is similar to the name of a dissolved body corporate unless the body corporate has been dissolved for more than 3 years.

(3)  For the purposes of subsections (1) and (2), a name is similar if it is

                                 (a)    a name that would reasonably lead to the inference that the society bearing the name is or would be associated or affiliated with the corporate person or dissolved body corporate if the society and the corporate person or dissolved body corporate are not or will not be associated or affiliated, or

                                 (b)    a name whose similarity to the name of the corporate person or dissolved body corporate would reasonably lead to the belief that the corporate person or dissolved body corporate and the society are the same entity.

Minor differences

5(1)  A society shall not have a name where the only difference from the name of a corporate person or of a dissolved body corporate is

                                 (a)    the addition or deletion of punctuation marks or spaces,

                                 (b)    the insertion or removal of a year in the name,

                                 (c)    the substitution of a word for its abbreviation or an abbreviation for the word,

                                 (d)    the substitution of a word for its homonym,

                                 (e)    the addition or deletion of an article, or

                                  (f)    any other change that does not produce a phonetic difference between the name and the name of the corporate person or dissolved body corporate.

(2)  Subsection (1)(b) to (f) as they apply to a corporate person do not apply where the corporate person consents in writing and undertakes to change its name or dissolve within 6 months.

(3)  Subsection (1)(b) to (f) as they apply to a dissolved body corporate do not apply where the dissolved body corporate has been dissolved for at least 3 years prior to the time the society has the name.

Distinctive meaning through use

6   No society shall have a name that

                                 (a)    is too general,

                                 (b)    is only descriptive, in any language, of the function or other characteristics of the society,

                                 (c)    is primarily or only the name or surname of an individual, or

                                 (d)    consists primarily or only of a geographic name,

unless the name has through use acquired a meaning that renders the name distinctive.

Required elements

7   Unless approved by the Registrar, the name of a society shall contain at least one of the following words:

                                 (a)    Society;

                                 (b)    Association;

                                 (c)    Club;

                                 (d)    Foundation;

                                 (e)    Institute;

                                  (f)    Guild;

                                 (g)    Fellowship;

                                 (h)    League;

                                  (i)    Committee;

                                  (j)    Council;

                                 (k)    Board;

                                  (l)    Centre;

                                (m)    Bureau.

Family names

8(1)  No society may have a name that contains a word or expression an element of which is the family name of an individual, whether or not the word or expression is preceded by the individual’s given name or initials, unless the individual or the individual’s heir, executor, administrator, assigns or guardian consents in writing to the use of the individual’s name.

(2)  Subsection (1) does not apply where the family name has acquired secondary meaning.

(3)  Subsection (1) does not apply where the society that will have the name is the successor or affiliate of a society using the family name as an element in its name, and that society consents in writing to the use of the name by the successor or affiliate society.

Name of amalgamated society

9   When 2 or more societies amalgamate, the name of the amalgamated society may be identical to the name of one of the amalgamating societies if the name is not a number name.

Permitted characters in name

10(1)  The name of a society may contain only the following:

                                 (a)    letters of the alphabet of the English language;

                                 (b)    Arabic numerals;

                                 (c)    the following punctuation or other marks:

                                           (i)    !


                                         (iii)    #

                                         (iv)    $

                                          (v)    %

                                         (vi)    &


                                       (viii)    ( )

                                         (ix)    *

                                          (x)    +

                                         (xi)    ,

                                        (xii)    .

                                       (xiii)    -

                                       (xiv)    /

                                        (xv)    :

                                       (xvi)    ;

                                      (xvii)    >

                                     (xviii)    <

                                        (xix)    =

                                         (xx)    [ ]

                                        (xxi)    \

                                       (xxii)    Ç

                                      (xxiii)    ?

                                     (xxiv)    @

                                 (d)    any combination of letters, numerals and marks referred to in clauses (a), (b) and (c).

(2)  The first character of the name of a society must be an Arabic numeral or an alphabetic letter of the English language.

(3)  No society may have a name that consists primarily of a combination of punctuation marks or other marks.

Prohibited names

11(1)  No society may have a name that contains either of the following:

                                 (a)    a word or expression in any language, that is obscene or connotes a business that is scandalous, obscene or immoral or that is otherwise objectionable on public grounds;

                                 (b)    a number or word that might lead to the  inference that the name is a number name, unless the name is a number name.

(2)  No society may have a name that contains a word or expression that might lead to the inference that the society is not a society to which the Act applies.

Proposed names

12   No name that is identified in a computer printed search report as “proposed” may be used by a society unless it is the person who first proposed the name or unless it has the consent in writing of the person who first proposed the name.

Other prohibited affiliations

13(1)  No society may have a name that indicates that the society

                                 (a)    operates under royal, vice-regal or governmental patronage, approval or authority unless the appropriate government department or agency consents in writing to the name,

                                 (b)    is sponsored or controlled by or is affiliated with

                                           (i)    the Government of Canada,

                                          (ii)    the government of a province, or

                                         (iii)    the government of a subdivision of a country other than Canada,

                                          or a political subdivision or agency of any such government, unless the appropriate government, political subdivision or agency consents in writing to the use of the name, or

                                 (c)    is sponsored or controlled by a university, college or technical institute or a professional or other occupational association that is regulated by provincial or federal legislation, unless the university, college, technical institute or professional or occupational association consents in writing to the use of the name.

(2)  No society registered in Alberta may have a name

                                 (a)    that indicates that the society is associated with

                                           (i)    the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund,

                                          (ii)    the operation of Nakiska Ski Area, unless it has the written consent of the Minister of Tourism, Parks, Recreation and Culture, or

                                         (iii)    the Olympic Games or its organizing committee, unless it has the written consent of the Canadian Olympic Association,


                                 (b)    that includes the word “Kananaskis” and indicates that the society is associated with land of the Crown in right of Alberta or the administration of land of the Crown in right of Alberta, unless it has the written consent of the Minister of Tourism, Parks, Recreation and Culture.

AR 122/2000 s13;206/2001;35/2007

Registrar’s powers

14   In determining whether a name contravenes the Act or this Regulation, the Registrar may, without limitation, consider the following:

                                 (a)    the distinctiveness of the name or any element of it and the extent to which the name has become known;

                                 (b)    the length of time the name has been in use;

                                 (c)    the degree of similarity between the name and another name in appearance or sound;

                                 (d)    the geographic area in Alberta in which the name is likely to be used;

                                 (e)    the nature and function of the society.

Name search reports

15   In the case of

                                 (a)    the incorporation of a society,

                                 (b)    a change in the name of a society, or

                                 (c)    the revival of a society that has been dissolved for more than 3 years,

                                 (d)    the amalgamation of 2 or more societies where the name of the amalgamated society is not identical to the name of one of the amalgamating societies,

the following must accompany the documents sent to the Registrar in connection with the incorporation, change of name or revival:

                                 (e)    an original Alberta Search Report from the NUANS (Newly Upgraded Automated Name Search) system maintained by the Government of Canada, dated not more than 90 days prior to the submission of the report;

                                  (f)    any consent or consent and undertaking required under the Act or this Regulation.

AR 122/2000 s15;206/2001

Number as name

16   Where the Registrar assigns as a society’s name a designated number, the number shall be the society’s file number followed by “Alberta Society”.


17   The Societies Regulation (AR 203/84) is repealed.


18   For the purpose of ensuring that this Regulation is reviewed for ongoing relevancy and necessity, with the option that it may be repassed in its present or an amended form following a review, this Regulation expires on July 31, 2011.

AR 122/2000 s18;354/2003

Coming into force

19   This Regulation comes into force on July 2, 2000.

Schedule 1

Form 1

Societies Act
(Section 9)


We, the undersigned, hereby declare that we desire to form a society under the Societies Act, and that

                                 (1)    The name of the society is                       

                                 (2)    The object of the society is                      

Dated           ,                

     (full names, addresses and occupations of applicants)    


Witness:          (full name, address and occupation)       

Form 2

Societies Act
(Section 24(2))

Notice of Address or
Notice of Change of

1. Name of Society:

2. Corporate Access Number:


3. Address of Registered Office: (Street Address, including Postal Code, or Legal Land Description)



4. Records Address, if different from the address in item 3: (Street Address, including Postal Code, or Legal Land Description)



5. Address for Service by Mail, if different from Item 3: (Post Office Box, including Postal Code)



6. Date






Form 3

Societies Act
(Section 26(2))

Annual Return

Your corporate access number           

This is your Annual Return for the year that ends on
  (year)   (month)     (day)      

In order to keep your status as a society, you must submit 2 copies of an annual return and supporting documents to Corporate Registry each year. A list of supporting documents is given below.

Send both copies of the annual return with the supporting documents to an office listed on the back of this form. If you have questions, please call one of those offices. One copy of the annual return will be sent to you for your files.

Name of society:

Address of society’s registered office:
If this address has changed, please get a Notice of Change of Address form from an office listed on the back of this form. Fill it out and return it with this form.

Date of incorporation                   

Please return these supporting documents with this form:

1              An audited financial statement that was presented to members at your last annual general meeting held before                       .

The financial statement must:

     be signed by the auditor

     be audited according to your society’s bylaws

     state all income, disbursements, assets and liabilities of the society

2              A list of officers and directors.

Please include

     the name and occupation of each person who was an officer or director on                         

     the position each person holds in the society

     a mailing address for each person

3              Fee of $      , made payable to the Minister of Finance.

4              A Notice of Change of Address form if necessary.

This form must be signed by an authorized official of your society.

Business telephone number            
Home telephone number               

Form 4

Societies Act
(Section 32)

Application for Amalgamation

We hereby apply on behalf of our respective societies to amalgamate the societies into a new society having the name:

             (print name of the new society)               

Attached to this application are the following documents:

1              The amalgamation agreement.

2              A copy of the special resolution, passed by each amalgamating society, adopting the amalgamation agreement.  (The resolution must be certified to be a true copy by the president and secretary of each of the societies).

3              A NUANS name search report (if required)*.

4              The by-laws of the amalgamated society.

The objects of the amalgamated society are:                 

The registered office of the amalgamated society is:          

The directors and officers of the amalgamated society (if available) are:                                          


This form must be signed by an authorized official of each of the societies wishing to amalgamate.

    (signature)                                                   (signature)     

    (print name)                                                    (print name)     

(name of existing society)                             (name of existing society)

*   A NUANS report is only required if the name of the amalgamated society is not the same as that of one of the amalgamating societies.

Form 5

Societies Act
(Section 32)

                                               Corporate Access Number            

Societies Act

                  (NAME OF SOCIETY)                 



AR 122/2000 Sched 1;27/2002;203/2003

Schedule 2

1   The fees payable under the Act are as follows:

                                 (a)    for Certificate of Incorporation

$ 50

                                 (b)    for Certificate of Amendment


                                 (c)    for filing Restated By-laws

no charge

                                 (d)    for Certificate of Amalgamation


                                 (e)    for Certificate of Revival


                                  (f)    for Certificate of Dissolution

no charge

                                 (g)    to accompany annual return sent to the Registrar

no charge

                                 (h)    to accompany annual return if late

no charge

                                  (i)    for Certificate of Status


                                  (j)    for Certificate Amending the Objects


                                 (k)    for any certificate or certification for which a fee is not provided


                                  (l)    for search - for each corporation (microfiche only)


                                (m)    for certification, per file


                                 (n)    for appointment of a receiver

no charge

                                 (o)    for a printed search - for each corporation



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