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Our Vision

A fair and equitable application of Alberta's collective
bargaining laws.

Our Mission

To administer, interpret and enforce Alberta's collective bargaining laws in an impartial, knowledgeable, efficient, timely and consistent way.


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Alberta Labour Relations Board or the Employment Standards Branch?

Problems with your employer?

Did you know that many people confuse the Alberta Labour Relations Board and the Employment Standards Branch? If you belong to a trade union, then you do want to contact the Alberta Labour Relations Board. However, if you do not belong to a trade union, you will want to contact the Employment Standards Branch.

arrow The difference between the ALRB and Employment Standards
arrow Go to the Employment Standards Branch website



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Collective Agreements

Looking for collective agreement information?

Collective bargaining agreements may be accessed on-line at: To file new collective bargaining agreements or for further information, contact the Data Development and Evaluation Branch of the department of Alberta Human Resources and Employment at (780) 427-8531 or email the branch at

arrow On-line collective agreements
arrow Email the Data Development & Evaluation Branch



Photo - Firemen Publications

For Your Information:

Most of our publications have been prepared in Adobe Portable Document (PDF) format because it is quick and easy to convert documents to the web. The software is free and accessible to most computer users. If you do not currently have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your PC, please go to the Adobe Acrobat website to download and install Adobe Acrobat Reader.  Download and installation instructions are provided at the Adobe Acrobat site. 

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