Expense Deductions

Deducting business expenses

As a rule, you can deduct any reasonable expense you incur to earn business income. The expenses you can deduct include any goods and services tax (GST) you incur on these expenses unless you claim an input tax credit on these expenses. Therefore, enter only the business portion of expenses on the form. Please note that you cannot claim expenses you incur to buy capital property.

Deductions might include:

  • Advertising
  • Bad debts
  • Delivery, freight and express costs
  • Fuel costs
  • Insurance
  • Interest on money borrowed to run your business
  • Maintenance and repairs
  • Management and administration fees
  • Meals and entertainment (50% of the amount you incur, or an amount that is reasonable in the circumstances, whichever is less)
  • Motor vehicle expenses (including license and registration fees, fuel costs, insurance, interest, maintenance and repairs and leasing costs)
  • Telephone and utilities
  • Disability related modifications, devices and equipment
  • Expenses for disability-specific computer software and hardware attachments
  • Computer leasing costs
  • Other leasing costs
  • Small tools (i.e. less than $200 cost per tool)
  • Convention expenses (maximum two conventions a year)
  • Capital cost allowance
  • Allowance on eligible capital property (e.g. goodwill, franchise)
  • Business use of home expenses

    For more information, please contact the Canada Revenue Agency, Tax Services
    Vancouver District Office
    1166 West Pender St.
    Vancouver, BC V6E 3H8

    General Inquiries: (604) 689-5411 or 1-800-663-9033
    Business, GST Payroll: 1-800-959-5525
    Requests for forms: 1-800-959-2221

See also:
Guide for Canadian Small Business
Employee or Self-Employed?
Business and Professional Income NOTE THIS IS THE 2002 EDITION
Corporate Income Tax Information