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The Acadia Centre for Small Business and Entrepreneurship has a vision that everyone, everywhere should recognize and reach their entrepreneurial potential. It is our mission to harness and use our staff resources and those of Acadia University to help people achieve that ambitious objective.

We are committed to the concept that pursuit of an entrepreneurial career is first and foremost a personal decision and secondarily a business decision. We believe that a successful entrepreneurial career will continually contribute to the accomplishment of an individuals personal vision. It is also our belief that an entrepreneurial person may manifest their skills, knowledge, and attitudes in a variety of venues including business, government, education, or society generally.

Thank you for viewing our site, please take advantage of our offerings, and we look forward to receiving your comments and/or queries.



Nova Scotia Business Inc. (NSBI) is proud to present EDGE: Executive Development in Global Entrepreneurship, an exciting competition open to Nova Scotia entrepreneurs. Two successful EDGE candidates will have the opportunity to attend 3-5 day entrepreneur programs at either Babson College or MIT Sloan. To get complete EDGE criteria and apply online please visit: Deadline is October 30, 2006.


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ACSBE Resource Centre Lunenburg County
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