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List of some funding and community development programs of the Government of Ontario - 2003

The following list of programs was compiled in the fall of 2003. They are for your information only and are subject to change.

Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration

The Newcomer Settlement Program
The Newcomer Settlement Program (NSP) supports the early and effective settlement of newcomers to Ontario. Its objective is to help newcomers settle, adjust and contribute to life in Ontario. To achieve this objective, the Program encourages partnerships and collaboration among service providers to meet the needs of immigrant communities. To be eligible for NSP funding, organizations must provide or support as a priority the provision of ongoing settlement services that help newcomers settle and adjust. The deadline is usually in February.

For more information, please call (416) 314-7541 or 1-800-267-7329 or visit:

Cultural Interpreter Services and Training
The purpose of the program is to provide support for the development, delivery and evaluation of language interpreter services for victims of domestic violence who do not speak English. Examples of services supported by this program are activities related to the recruitment and training of the interpreters, the delivery of the service and service promotion. Organizations supported by this program must be incorporated as a non-profit organization and demonstrate through their administrative and financial management procedures the ability and capacity to develop and deliver language interpreter services.

For more information, please visit:

Guide to Government of Ontario Programs for People with Disabilities
For more information, please visit:

The Community AccessAbility Program
The program provides grants to not-for-profit organizations in Ontario that form partnerships with other groups in their community in order to create practical and workable projects that help eliminate obstacles that people with disabilities face. The maximum grant for a local community project is $ 5,000. Projects with a broader, cross-regional/provincial impact may be considered for a maximum grant of $ 10,000.

For more information, please call 1-888-335-6611 or visit:

Community Action Awards
Annual awards are presented to people who are dedicated to promoting the acceptance and participation of persons with disabilities in their communities. The Community Action Awards are presented to persons with or without disabilities who have made a significant contribution to promoting access and equal opportunity for persons with disabilities, or who have shown commitment and dedication to developing the potential of persons with disabilities and improving their quality of life.

For more information, please call (416) 314-7526 or visit:

Ontario Screening Initiative
The Ontario Screening Initiative (OSI) was established in partnership with the voluntary sector and the government of Ontario to help community groups serve children, seniors and vulnerable adults more safely. The project was completed due to funding of more than $1.2 million over three years. Resources and tools created by the OSI are now available and allow leaders from the voluntary sector to work with their member organizations to develop and establish effective screening strategies.

For more information, please visit:

Making IT Work for Volunteers is a Web site created in partnership with the Information Technology Association of Canada - Ontario (ITAC - Ontario) and the Ministry of Citizenship. This tool enables the leading-edge technology private sector to support the voluntary sector in Ontario through effective use of information technology.

For more information, please visit:


Ministry of Municipal Affairs

Rural Economic Development Program
The program was set up in conjunction with people who live and work in rural areas of Ontario. With this program, residents, business people and municipal leaders can coordinate their activities, resources and expertise to reach the common economic goals for their communities.

For more information, please visit:

Rural Summer Jobs Service Program
The government provides employers in rural Ontario and the agriculture and food industries with wage supplements for each student they hire.

For more information, please visit:

Ontario Disaster Relief Assistance Program
The program is intended to alleviate the hardship suffered by private homeowners, farmers, small business enterprises and not-for-profit organizations, whose essential property has been damaged in a sudden and unexpected natural disaster, such as a severe windstorm, tornado, flood, forest fire or ice storm. The program provides funds to those who have sustained heavy losses for essential items such as shelter and the necessities of life.

For more information, please visit:

Rural Economic Development Data & Intelligence (REDDI)
This Web site helps communities take on local challenges, which allows them to access data on economic development, community economic analysis tools and socio-economic data. Communities can use this site to assess their competitive advantage, identify local strengths and analyze current conditions and trends affecting the local economy.

For more information, please visit:

Business retention and expansion (BR+E)
BR+E is an internationally recognized community economic development tool that responds to business needs and issues, encourages communities and local businesses to work together and enhances job creation and economic prosperity.

For more information, please visit:


Ministry of Agriculture and Food

Food Processor's reference manual
The manual is intended to assist entrepreneurs in developing their food processing business. The manual offers information on a range of services and areas that are important to food processors of all sizes.

For more information, please visit:

Fact sheets for voluntary agencies
To support rural volunteer groups and community groups, the Ministry has developed a series of fact sheets to help community organizations function more effectively. You will find information on starting an organization and fundraising, as well as recruiting volunteers and effective community decision-making.

For more information, please visit:


Ministry of Culture

Arts Service Organization Support Program
Operating grants are offered to arts service organizations to enable them to provide direct assistance to the artists, the arts professionals, the arts organizations and the public, for the development of the arts throughout Ontario.

For more information, please call: (416) 314-7658
Or visit:

Trillium Book Award/Trillium Book Award for Poetry
These awards honour works of fiction, non-fiction, drama, children's books and more established poets, in both English and French. The Prix Trillium/Trillium Book Award will award $20,000 per recipient and $2,500 for publishers. An award-winning first book of poetry will be chosen in both English and French, with each award recipient of the Trillium Book Award for Poetry receiving $10,000, and $2,000 for the publisher.

As a rule, submissions must be made before the end of November.

For more information, please call: (416) 642-6697
or visit:

Ontario Arts Endowment Fund Program - Phase 2
This fund of $29 million (over a period of 3 years: 2000-2003) offers arts organizations an important source of permanent revenue. The Ontario Arts Endowment Fund doubles the amount invested by the private sector in endowment funds while giving the organizations and the private sector the opportunity to develop partnerships. The program is being administered on behalf of the government by the Ontario Arts Council Foundation (OACF).

For more information, please call:
Ontario Arts Council Foundation (416) 969-7413
Ministry of Culture (416) 314-7644
or visit:

Cultural Strategic Investment Fund
The goal of the fund is to strengthen the cultural and economic vitality of the province by making strategic investments in projects/initiatives designed to enhance the long-term viability of the arts, cultural industries and heritage sectors, at the provincial, regional and local levels.

For more information, please call: (416) 314-7660.

Ontario Cultural Attractions Fund
The fund is open to Ontario-based, not-for-profit, professional arts, cultural or heritage organizations. This $20 million initiative supports the tourism potential of special events, exhibitions or performance programs mounted by the province's arts, heritage and cultural organizations.

For more information, please call: (416) 969-7421
or visit:

Cultural Tourism Marketing Fund (CTMF)
The Fund is one of a group of special programs, part of a $128 million tourism recovery package to respond to the unique challenges that Ontario's tourism and cultural organizations are facing due to SARS and other issues. This Fund provides enhanced marketing assistance to Ontario's cultural attractions, events and festivals, to support you in your endeavours to create innovative marketing opportunities and to reassure patrons your organization is open for business and ready to welcome visitors.

For more information, please call (416) 314-7645 or visit:

Ontario Arts Council (OAC)
The Ontario Arts Council is an independent organization that falls under the Ministry of Culture. The council's role is to offer financial assistance to artists and organizations in the province's arts sector. It also gives awards to Ontario residents who have become well known for their work.

For more information, please call: (416) 961-1660 or 1-800-387-0058
or visit:

Arts programs for the franco-ontarian sector
These programs encourage the development of the arts and of franco-ontarian artists. Their purpose is also to provide the franco-ontarian population access to arts resources. Application deadline dates, in particular applications for funding, vary based on the program.

For more information, please call: (416) 969-7427
or visit:

Ontario Arts Council Foundation (OACF)
The Ontario Arts Council Foundation (OACF) is a public charitable foundation established to encourage and facilitate private giving to the arts. The OACF is distinct from the Ontario Arts Council. The Foundation administers and manages these private funds and the revenue generated by the funds is distributed each year as awards, grants and bursaries.

For more information, please call: (416)-969-7441
or visit:

The Ontario Trillium Foundation
The Ontario Trillium Foundation is an agency of the Ministry of Culture. The foundation has two grant programs: a provincial program (which has a province-wide impact) and a community program (which has a local impact in the communities of all regions of Ontario).

It awards grants in four sectors: Arts and Culture, Environment, Social Services, Sports and Recreation.

In each of the four sectors, three types of grants are available:

  • Operating grants
  • Project grants
  • Capital grants

For more information, please call: (416) 963-4927 or 1-800-263-2887
or visit:

Advisory Services and Grant Programs
Specialized advisory services are offered to both grant recipients and other Ontario museums and heritage groups. These services are provided by three museum advisors, one conservation advisor and one historical resources consultant.

For more information, please visit:

Library programs


Ministry of Economic Development and Trade

Summer Company Program
The Summer Company program provides hands-on business training and mentoring – together with awards of up to $3,000 – to help enterprising young people start up and run their own summer business. Summer Company is coordinated and delivered at the community level through the government's Small Business Enterprise Centres by way of business mentoring groups.

For more information, please visit:

My Company Program
The My Company program combines hands-on business training and the availability of competitive loans of up to $15,000 to help enterprising young people start and run their own business. The program is offered by the Ontario government in partnership with RBC Royal Bank.

For more information, please visit:

Small Business Enterprise Centres
Small Business Enterprise Centres focus on providing support to start-up and small enterprises (SMEs) during their first through fifth years of operation. Entrepreneurs are provided with easy access to business consulting services and information covering management, marketing, technology and financing.

For more information, please visit:

Ontario Youth Science Technology and Engineering Resource (OYSTER)
OYSTER is a searchable database that provides links to science and technology resources on the web. OYSTER is also a bulletin board of new resources as well as a calendar of science and technology events. This database provides a list of lecture series, science competitions, career days and science and technology weeks. OYSTER resources are grouped under a variety of common titles such as astronomy, biotechnology, engineering, weather and climate, etc.

For more information, please visit:

Ontario Research and Development Challenge Fund (ORDCF)
The program is an $800 million program with a mandate to promote research excellence and partnerships between research institutions and business. Funding is open to research institutions – including hospitals, universities and colleges – on a competitive basis. The Challenge Fund contributes up to 22.2% of the costs of the project with the remainder coming from the applicant and their partners.

For more information, please visit:

Ontario Innovation Trust (OIT)
OIT is designed to complement the work of the Ontario Research and Development Challenge Fund. With more than $1 billion endowed from the province, OIT helps support the capital costs of research for Ontario's universities, community colleges, hospitals and research institutes.

For more information, please visit:

Ontario Research Performance Fund
The fund provides $32 million a year to colleges, universities and research institutes to cover indirect costs associated with Ontario-funded research. The Fund supports indirect costs up to 40% of the total direct costs provided through government-sponsored research programs.

For more information, please call: (416) 325-7061
or visit:

Biotechnology Cluster Innovation Program
The goal of the $20 million program is to accelerate the development of Ontario's biotechnology clusters by supporting commercialization infrastructure projects such as research parks and other initiatives that promote entrepreneurship and innovation. Funding is open to regionally-based consortia.

For more information, please call: (416) 314-2525
or visit:

Premier's Research Excellence Awards
The Program aims to help gifted researchers attract talented graduate students, post-doctoral fellows or research associates to their research teams. The awards are awarded on a competitive basis and are typically worth $100,000.

For more information, please call: (416) 314-3808
or visit:

Premier's Platinum Medal for Research Excellence
This program, which is a $10 million, six-year program, aims to attract and keep outstanding senior researchers in the province. Created in 2001, the PPMRE is one of the largest single research awards in the world. It includes a platinum medal, citation and cash prize of $1 million to support the winner's research, either by way of covering his/her direct research costs or by endowing a scholarship, fellowship or chair in his/her name.

For more information, please call: (416) 314-3808
or visit:

Ontario Export inc. (OEI)
OEI is the main agency that promotes trade in the province. It works with Ontario companies to develop new export opportunities and assist foreign buyers in finding Ontario suppliers for their purchasing requirements. It provides export market intelligence, consulting and commercial advocacy services to expand the international trade potential of Ontario firms.

For more information, please visit:

Ontario Investment Service (OIS)
OIS provides a single source of customized information, investment marketing materials and services to Ontario businesses considering an expansion, as well as potential investors in Ontario.

For more information, please visit:

Business Advisory Services
The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade's 11 business advisory service offices provide assistance to innovative growth firms, associations and municipalities. Our Business Development Consultants work with companies by assessing their current situation, supporting development of future plans and providing options for achieving their goals. They link firms with the right people, information and business resources to enhance competitiveness and profitability.

For more information, please call: 1-800-461-2287 or visit:

Ontario Centres of Excellence
This program was created to strengthen research linkages between academia and industry. The Ontario Centres of Excellence network helps to bridge the gap between research and the marketplace -- bringing universities, industry and government together to help in the application of new science and technology to successful business endeavors. The program currently consists of four Centres, which promote the economic development of Ontario through activity in the areas of directed research, commercialization of new technology and training and development of highly qualified personnel.

For more information, please visit:

Strategic Skills Investment
This program is a $130 million program that supports innovative partnerships to help develop critical skills necessary for business competitiveness in a rapidly changing world. The program supports the best projects that accelerate forward-looking skills development, and collaboration between business and training providers.

For more information, please visit:

BiotechOntario Web Portal
This Web portal is the premier resource for information on the biotechnology sector in the province of Ontario. The Web portal features a biotech directory of all companies, research institutes, hospitals, universities and colleges in the province, as well as BioGuides, which provide information on regional biotech clusters as well as business, investment and government programs relating to biotechnology. The portal's BioMatch tool assists stakeholders seeking or offering a range of services, including financing and business development. This Web portal helps stakeholders network and develop strategic partnerships within the biotech community. BiotechOntario highlights the province's dynamic biotechnology sector to interested parties both locally and internationally.

For more information, please visit:

Aboriginal Affairs
The Office of Aboriginal Affairs helps connect Aboriginal entrepreneurs and businesses with services and resources at the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade. It offers business liaison services and advocacy services.

For more information, please visit:

Community and Economic Development Resource (CEDR)
This Centre was designed to help you advance your community's economic development strategies. CEDR helps you identify the range of strategies available and how Ontario's programs and services can help you. The Web site was developed through an Ontario government partnership of ministries involved in delivering community and economic development programs and services.

For more information, please visit:

Wisdom Exchange
The Wisdom Exchange is a unique annual discussion forum, hosted by the Ministry of Economic Development and, with the support of key corporate sponsors for the CEOs of leading growth firms. Participants can also attend sessions hosted by speakers, interactive workshops and discussion groups.

For more information, please call: (416) 325-6493 or visit:

Connect Ontario – Partnering for Smart Communities
This Program invests in regional partnerships to improve online community information and services. COPSC assists local economic development by marketing and delivering of goods and services through the Internet. The program helps communities to retain and attract new businesses, thereby creating new jobs in the region. COPSC invests in community Internet portals that are a one-window access to the region's municipal services, activities and businesses.

For more information, please call (416) 326-9604 or visit:

Connect Ontario – Broadband Regional Access
This program, whose goal is to provide high-speed telecommunications in rural and northern Ontario is based on the SuperBuild program. The Program provides the necessary broadband infrastructure for communities to provide Web-based services.

For more information, please call: (416) 326-9643 or visit:


Ministry of Northern Development and Mines

The Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation

The Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC) is a vital component of the government's Northern Prosperity Plan. The Ontario government is proud to be returning the NOHFC to a mandate of fostering private sector job creation and economic development while continuing to play a significant role in helping northern communities build a foundation for future economic growth and enhanced quality of life.

The NOHFC has introduced the following programs to help create sustainable jobs for northerners and to bring back hope and opportunity across Northern Ontario.

  • Enterprises North Job Creation Program:
    capital assistance to enterprises that commit to creating jobs in Northern Ontario
  • Northern Ontario Young Entrepreneur Program:
    providing young entrepreneurs the opportunity to develop business skills while assisting them with starting their own enterprises in the North
  • Northern Ontario Youth Internship and Co-op Program:
    providing youth with the opportunity to develop skills to make the transition from school to the workplace and encourage youth to remain in, or return to the North
  • Infrastructure and Community Development Program:
    encouraging businesses, economic sectors and communities to form partnerships to find effective ways to create jobs and improve economic prospects in Northern Ontario
  • Small Business Energy Conservation Program:
    offering assistance to small businesses to conserve energy
  • Emerging Technology Program:
    supporting innovative initiatives and demonstration projects that will create jobs and enhance economic growth in the North
  • Drinking Water Protection Program:
    providing capital assistance to enhance drinking water protection in Northern Ontario.

For information regarding these programs, please visit the ministry's Website at:

Northern Development Division

The Northern Development Division of the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines allocates funding to develop and maintain the necessary transportation infrastructure that will promote economic growth, sustain an evolving industrial base and meet the social needs of Northern residents. With its funding, the Ministry supports four capital activities in the North:

  1. Northern Highways Program
  2. Local Roads Boards Program
  3. Resource Access Roads Program
  4. Winter Roads Program

The Northern Development Division also provides a service to assist business and industry in Northern Ontario as well as financial assistance to the Ontario Northland Transportation Commission and the Owen Sound Transportation Company Limited for specified services.

  1. Transportation Logistics Consulting
  2. Ontario Northland Transportation Commission
  3. Owen Sound Transportation Company Limited

For information on these programs please visit the Ministry's Website at:

Regional Economic Development Branch

Recognizing the North's uniqueness, the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines' Regional Economic Development Branch has established an integrated network or area teams to serve as the focal point for economic development in Northern Ontario. Working together, area teams deliver the province's economic and social development programs and services in the North.

For Program and Service information in the following sectors, Agriculture, Business Support, Community Development, Infrastructure, Tourism and Health and Social, please visit the Ministry's Website at: programs_services/program_services_e.asp?


Ontario Women's Directorate

Violence Against Women Prevention Initiative – Northern Grants Program
The Ministry of Northern Development and Mines, in cooperation with the Ontario Women's Directorate, delivers the Violence Against Women Prevention Initiative – Northern Grants Program. The primary focus of the program is to assist Northern Ontario projects that support and promote community-based violence against women prevention, public education, and awareness in helping to reduce the incidence of violence against women in Northern communities and provide safety for women and their children in the North. Examples of projects are conferences, workshops, training sessions, program development and delivery projects, minor capital projects for shelters, purchasing or developing resource materials and developing or updating Web sites.

For more information, please visit:

Investing in Women's Futures
Through this program, the Ontario Women's Directorate provides funding to non-profit, community-based women's organizations operating in the province of Ontario.

For more information, please call: (416) 314-0300
or visit:

A Guide to Government Services for Women
The Government of Ontario offers a wide range of programs and services which may be of particular interest to women, and this guide will help you find the programs you're looking for.

For more information, please visit:


Ministry of Education
Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities

Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)
OSAP wants to help students from low-income families with expenses related to their post-secondary education. OSAP can offer financial help for education costs and living expenses.

For more information, please contact the financial aid office of the postsecondary institution you plan on attending or visit the OSAP Web site:

Youth Opportunities Ontario
This Web site provides assistance and tools to help you look for work and start a business. You will find a lot of useful information on the site regarding such programs as the Ontario Internship Program, Career Gateway, Job Connect, Young Entrepreneurs, etc.

For more information, please visit:

The Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) Program
This Program supports literacy agencies that help people improve the literacy skills of adults (19 years of age and older). The Ministry provides more than $60 million to support delivery of the LBS Program at more than 300 sites throughout Ontario.

For more information, please visit:

Adjustment Advisory Program (AAP)
This permanent program supplies advisory and financial assistance to help clients adjust to the impacts of job loss, or threatened job loss, in the workplace. Advisors help clients identify their needs and secure appropriate support, career counselling, training, referral and job search skills. Labour adjustment committees are available in both French and English.

For more information, please call: (416) 326-5656 or
1-888-562-4769 or visit:

Summer Jobs Service
This service gives students access to job search information and to information on local job market conditions, on how to look for a job and to find a job on their own. The program provides a $2/hour wage subsidy for private sector and semipublic businesses that employ students for up to a maximum of 16 weeks during the summer. Francophone customers can access the service through a network of community organizations. The program is available each year from mid-April to the end of September.

For more information, please call: (416) 326-5656 or 1-888-562-4769 or visit:

Job Connect
No financial aid is offered directly. The program helps participants, particularly young people who are out of school and out of work, to acquire skills and access the services they need to find and keep a job, finish their studies or continue their studies. Customers can obtain service in French through a network of community contacts in the province that are connected through organizations such as community colleges and not-for-profit organizations.

For more information, please call: (416) 326-5656 or 1-888-562-4769
or visit:


Ministry of Finance

Community Small Business Investment Fund
This program is for small businesses that are ready to grow. It attempts to encourage communities to develop partnerships with financial institutions, labour sponsored investment funds and local investors to give promising small businesses access to capital. Community sponsors are a requirement. They can consist of a municipality, a First Nation Council, a college or university in Ontario or a research institute affiliated with a university or hospital.

For more information, please call: (416) 325-2476
or visit:

Ontario Graduate Transitions Tax Credit
This program reimburses businesses for 10% of eligible costs (to a maximum of $4,000) that they incur over the first 12 months for each eligible post-secondary graduate hired. Small and medium businesses that hire a post-secondary graduate are eligible for an enhanced tax credit of up to 15% of eligible costs, up to a maximum of $4,000.

For more information, please call: (416) 327-0239 or (416) 325-2428 or visit:

Co-operative Education Tax Credit
This program reimburses eligible businesses for 10% of eligible expenditures (to a maximum of $1,000) regarding eligible expenses related to each eligible co-operative education placement. Small and medium businesses are eligible for an enhanced tax credit worth more than 15% of eligible costs, to a maximum of $1000. Eligible students must be registered in a recognized post-secondary education program in Ontario.

For more information, please call: (416) 327-0239 or (416) 325-2468 or visit:

Labour Sponsored Investment Funds (LSIF) LSIFs are venture capital corporations, designed to provide alternative sources of capital to small and medium-sized Ontario businesses, to help stimulate the provincial economy and to create jobs. LSIFs offer unique investment opportunities and tax credits to individual investors who purchase Class A shares of registered LSIFs.

For more information, please visit:


Office of Francophone Affairs

Prevention of Violence Against Women – Public Education Program
The Office of Francophone Affairs provides grants for projects that contribute to the development of public education activities that make Ontario's Francophone population aware of the issue of violence against women and supports the development of measures to prevent it.

For more information, please call: (416) 325-4949


Ontario Seniors' Secretariat

A Guide to Programs and Services for Seniors in Ontario
This guide provides a general introduction to programs and services for seniors, plus telephone, e-mail and Internet sources where you can learn more about specific programs or services.

For more information, please call: (416) 314-7511 or 1-888-910-1999 or visit:


Ministry of the Attorney General

The Victim Services Division, Ministry of the Attorney General works in partnership with other ministries, community based agencies and organizations. Together with this division, these partners develop projects, programs and services that benefit victims in Ontario. The following grant programs exist:

  • Community Capacity Building Grant Program
    The goal of the Program is to improve community responses to victims' needs by broadening the range of services and interventions that are offered and by diversifying the approach to service provision. Specifically, the Program was designed to provide financial support for the planning and implementation of innovative community projects that address areas of ongoing or emerging need in victim services.
  • Police-Linked Community Victim Services Grant Program
    The goal of the Program is to improve community responses to victims' needs by strengthening linkages and networks among police services and community agencies/service providers. Specifically, the Program was designed to provide financial support for the development and implementation of victim service projects that enhance inter-agency cooperation, collaboration and coordination.
  • Domestic Violence Community Coordination Grant Program
    The goal of the Program is to improve community responses to the needs of victims of domestic violence by strengthening linkages and networks among existing community agencies/service providers. Specifically, the Program was designed to provide financial support for the development and implementation of domestic violence related projects that enhance inter-agency cooperation, collaboration and coordination.
  • Demonstration Projects Grant Program
    The goal of the Program is to improve the response to victims' needs by providing financial support for the development and piloting of substantive, multi-year, innovative initiatives that are provincial in scope or will have an impact across the province and produce models that encourage sharing knowledge and experience.
  • Revictimization Prevention Grant Program
    The goal of the Program is to provide better protection for victims from revictimization by broadening the range of services and interventions that are offered in communities and by diversifying the approach to service provision. Specifically, the Program was designed to provide financial support for the planning and implementation of innovative community projects that address areas of ongoing and emerging need with respect to revictimization.
  • Research Grant Program
    The goal of the Program is to fund research initiatives that are relevant to supporting victims of crime and preventing their revictimization. The Program is designed to focus on research initiatives that investigate the impact on victims of components of the criminal justice system or the impact of related processes.

For more information on these programs, please visit:


Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care

Northern Health Travel Grant
The Ministry funds grants to help defray the transportation costs for eligible residents of Northern Ontario who must travel long distances within Ontario to receive medically needed insured specialty services that are not available locally.

For more information, please call 1-800-461-4006 or visit:

Health Research Personnel Career Scientist Development Grant
This program encourages the training and development of research personnel on health services in Ontario.

For more information, please call: (416) 327-8363 or visit:


Management Board Secretariat

Ontario Government Regular Summer Student Hiring Program
Ontario government ministries and agencies provide a wide range of interesting summer jobs for students throughout Ontario. Each ministry decides what summer positions will be available. Hiring usually takes place in the spring.

For more information, please visit:

Ontario-Quebec Summer Student Job Exchange Program
The Program allows a maximum of 75 university students from Ontario to work in the province of Quebec for the summer for an agency or ministry of the government of Quebec. Subsequently, 75 university students from Quebec will work in the province of Ontario for the summer for an agency of ministry of the government of Ontario.

For more information, please visit:

Summer Experience Program
This Program provides a variety of summer positions in the Ontario Public Service, its related agencies, and community groups. Jobs are available in critical government activities related to recreation and cultural programs, fish and wildlife programs in provincial parks, the administration of justice and law enforcement, laboratory research, public safety, etc.

For more information, please visit:

Ontario Internship Program
The Ontario Internship Program is an initiative of the government of Ontario to help new college and university graduates acquire practical experience. Two-year paid internships are offered in the following areas: communications, labour relations, human resources, policy development, business and financial planning, contract and service and management, electronic service delivery and information technology. Up to 150 interns will be hired for the 2004 program.

For more information, please visit:


Ministry of Community and Social Services

Income and Employment Supports
The Ministry provides income and employment supports to Ontario residents who are most in need. This enables individuals and families to live as independently as possible within the community:

Ontario works
Ontario Works provides financial and employment assistance to people in temporary financial need. People receiving assistance through Ontario Works participate in a wide range of employment assistance activities, which help them prepare for, find and keep a job.

Ontario Disability Support Program
This Program is intended to meet the needs of people with disabilities and help them to become more independent. The Program has two parts: income supports provide financial assistance to people with disabilities and employment supports provide the supports people with disabilities need to get and keep jobs.

For more information on these programs, please visit:


Ministry of Children's Services

Early Years Challenge Fund
This Fund was created to help communities develop successful early years projects. The Fund contributes up to $30 million annually to support innovative community projects that meet the needs of children and families. Five per cent of this amount supports francophone projects.

For more information, please call: 1-866-821-7770 or visit:


Ministry of Consumer and Business Services

Ontario Business Connects (OBC)
OBC is the online service offered by the government throughout the province to simplify and streamline registration processes for Ontario businesses. With Ontario Business Connects, businesses can easily perform any necessary registration with the government. With computer workstations, you can register a business name, renew a registration or perform other government requirements in less than 20 minutes.

For more information, please call (416) 314-9151 or 1-800-565-1921 or visit:

Government Information Centres
A province-wide network of 57 Government Information Centres provide general information and referral services through a combination of electronic and over-the-counter channels for individuals and businesses. All these centers offer the Ontario Business Connects services.

For more information, please call (416) 326-1234 or 1-800-267-8097 or visit:

Company Information
Forms and information regarding the requirements businesses must fulfil are available on this Web site. You can obtain information on business name registration, incorporating a business or a not-for-profit organization, obtaining an extra-provincial license or an Ontario Corporation Number and more.

For more information, please visit:

Electronic Personal Property Security Registration
The Personal Property Security Registration System records and reproduces information concerning personal property that has been used to secure loans. Businesses large and small rely on the Personal Property Security Registration System to maintain records on secured assets other than real estate. Online submissions to the Personal Property Security Registration System database are registered and accessible to clients within 24 hours.

For more information, please call (416) 325-8847 or 1-800-267-8847 or visit:

Electronic Real Property Registration and Searches
A database offering access to more than three million property records is available in 24 of the province's 54 land registry offices. In addition, an automated land registration system eliminates the need for personal attendance at a Land Registry Office. Documents are created, submitted and maintained in electronic form. The Ministry of Consumer and Business Services, in partnership with Teranet Inc., provides a single access number for these services.

For more information, please call 1-800-208-5263

Canada-Ontario Business Service Centre
The Centre provides access to accurate and timely information on federal and provincial government programs, services and regulations. COBSC is managed jointly by Industry Canada and the Ministry of Consumer and Business Services.

For more information, please call 1-800-567-2345
or visit:


Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services

The Program Development Division works with the police and community organizations. This Division administers the following ministry grant programs:

  • Community Policing Partnerships (CPP) Program provides cost-sharing transfer payments to municipalities to hire 1,000 new front-line police officers.
  • The R.I.D.E. program provides grants to municipalities to enhance regular R.I.D.E. spot check activities, carried out by local police services.
  • The Partners Against Crime (PAC) Program:
    Community Crime Prevention Grant provides grants to eligible organizations for specific, time-limited projects addressing community-based crime prevention needs.

    Front-Line Policing Grant provides grants to Ontario police services to support front-line police activities for community safety and crime prevention initiatives.
  • Constable Joe MacDonald Public Safety Officer's Survivors Scholarship Fund provides scholarship funding to eligible families of public safety officers who died in the line of duty.
  • Youth Crime and Violence Initiative provides grants to the police services for enforcement programs that reflect a strict discipline approach to youth crime and police and community agency partnerships for prevention programs that have potential to decrease youth crime.

For more information, please visit:


Ministry of Labour

WorkSmartOntario is the official Web site of the Ministry of Labour for young workers and new workers in Ontario. This site provides information on how to be safe at work and be treated fairly. Among other things, you can find information on employment standards at work, work health and safety and Ontario work laws.

For more information, please visit:


Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Recreation

The Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership
The Program was established to work with tourism industry stakeholders in strengthening Ontario's tourism marketing efforts. The partnership aggressively markets Ontario as a year-round, world-class tourist destination by undertaking consumer research and developing and delivering tourism advertising campaigns for domestic and international markets.

For more information, please visit:

Investment and Development Office (IDO): Investment
The IDO is responsible for improving the investment climate in the tourism, culture and recreation sector in Ontario and to increase investments throughout the province. The IDO provides the sector with a "one-window access" to obtain government approval and to benefit from funding and other aid programs.

For more information, please visit:

Investment and Development Office (IDO): Product Development
The IDO facilitates ensuring products are well-suited to the market by gathering tourism information, by sponsoring feasibility studies, by conducting pilot projects and by creating partnerships with businesses, the Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership Corporation and other ministries to establish strategies. The IDO works to develop new initiatives such as tourism related to food and wine, as well as tourism related to aboriginals. The IDO also launches technological initiatives that could make Ontario a leader in the development of electronic tourism.

For more information, please visit:

Ontario Convention Development Fund
The Tourism Recovery Program following SARS is anticipating an investment by the province in the amount of $5 million over two years to encourage conventions to be held in cities throughout Ontario. Through this initiative, the Ministry of Tourism and Recreation set up the Ontario Convention Development Fund, which is managed by the Investment and Development Office. Funds will be available to eligible Ontario cities that want to host conventions based on the current partnership model with the City of Toronto. The Ministry will assume 50% of the eligible costs of these conventions, up to $200,000 per city and per year over a period of two years.

For more information, please visit:

Community Sport Opportunity Fund
The goal of the Fund is to increase the number of low-income children and youth participating in community sport and recreation over a sustained period of time. The Fund finances projects that include community sport and recreation activities such as team and individual sports, physical activities, skill development, arts/cultural activities, camping and leadership development.

For more information, please visit:

Recreation Development Fund
The Fund supports activities that encourage all Ontarians to be involved in recreation, sport and physical activity that support sport and recreation safety initiatives at the community level and with provincial recreation organizations and encourage youth to be physically active to help reduce the incidence of childhood obesity and other health conditions associated with inactivity. The Fund finances projects that propose new opportunities for increased participation by Ontarians in recreation, physical activity and community sport.

For more information, please visit:

Volunteer Leadership
The Ministry supports the development and delivery of leadership training programs for volunteers, coaches, trainers, teachers, administrators, leaders and participants in sports, fitness and recreation activities, whether in the area of sports, physical conditioning or recreation.

For more information, please visit:


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Last Modified: November 1, 2006