Business Start-Up Quiz

Are you ready for self-employment? Take the Youth Employment Services interactive entrepreneurship quiz to find out! Answer the questions honestly, then click How'd I Do? to find out whether you're ready to become an entrepreneur. To get the most accurate assessment, first rate yourself then have someone who knows you well rate you.

1.I want to control how much money I make, i.e., the harder I work, the more I make.
2.I want independence, to be my own boss and have no one to answer to but myself, (and to my customers).
3.I want to have flexible working hours, (i.e., I don't mind working day & night, week-ends, as long as I am the one who chooses to do so.)
4.I am good at making decisions.
5.I want to create things.
6.Do you often predict trends before they happen?
7.Are you the type of person who is always finding or creating opportunities?
8.When you have a good idea or notice an opportunity, do you do something about it - that is, do you seize opportunities?
9.Do you like change and look forward to it?
10.Do you like to constantly improve things?
11.Do you have expertise, a skill, a product or service that is worth buying on the competitive market?
12.Have you ever worked in a business like the one you want to start? Do you have previous experience in this industry?
13.Do you have a base of contacts and potential future clients who might require your services or product? (Say, enough to keep your business afloat in Year 1?)
14.Do you have trustworthy contacts in the legal and accounting professions to assist you?
15.Do you enjoy contract-chasing, sales and negotiating? Wheeling and dealing?
16.Do you have savings or someone to financially support you through the rough spots - at least for at least the first 6 months in business?
17.Do you have the moral support of your family or significant other?
18.Do you have good strong physical health?
19.Do you have good strong emotional health? Are you able to stay enthusiastic by yourself even when the going gets tough?
20.Are you willing and/or able to give up many hours of your personal life to ensure the smooth running of your business?
21.Do you like to work alone most of the time? Are you self-reliant ?
22.Are you organized enough to manage your tasks and prioritize your time? (Remember, no one is watching!)
23.Are you disciplined? Do you finish what you start?
24.Do you believe that, most of the time, the customer is always right? Are you willing to concede a point to keep a customer?
25.Do you believe in the saying, "You have to spend money to make money?"

Quiz created by Peter Johnson and Johanne Larouche. All rights reserved.
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