Human Resources, Labour and Employment
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Career, Employment and Youth Services

NL Works is designed to provide individuals with valuable work experience and skills to improve their employment prospects and attachment to the labour market by providing profit and not-for-profit employers with a wage subsidy to create new positions. The department will continue to work with individuals who may benefit from the NL Works program and will assist them to develop an employment plan and identify an employer.

The program is comprised of Seasonal and Long Term components. Both components provide employers with financial assistance to assist them to create new employment opportunities for income support recipients and unemployed or under-employed non-EI eligible individuals.


  • Employers

    • Profit and not-for-profit employers who agree to provide a blend of training and work experience to an individual to assist them to make an attachment to the labour market.

    • Preference will be given to applicants willing to hire individuals identified by the Department of Human Resources, Labour and Employment.

    • Contact the nearest HRLE office for potential employees.


  • Individuals

    Individuals who are actively seeking work and who are

    • in receipt of income support  or unemployed/under-employed;

    • non-EI eligible (see note);

    • legally entitled to work in Canada; and

    • not an immediate family member of owners/operators of the business submitting the application.

Note: Non-EI eligible is defined as individuals currently not receiving E.I. benefits; not having received E.I. benefits within the last three years; or not having received E.I. maternity or parental benefits within the last five years.

For more information on the eligibility criteria and other program details as outlined above please refer to the Terms and conditions of the NL Works Application/Agreement.

Wage Subsidy

  • NL Works requires that:

    • Individuals employed under the program be provided with a minimum of 25 hours per week;

    • The position pay the prevailing wage rate;

    • Subsidy not apply to existing staff; and

    • There be no interruption to the subsidy period for the duration of the agreement.


  • Profit and not-for-profit employers are eligible to receive a wage subsidy of 50% of the hourly wage rate (to a maximum of $5 per hour), for a maximum of 40 hours per week, per pay period.

    Not-for-profit employers are also eligible to receive a 12% administration fee.


  • Seasonal Component

    Employers operating in seasonal industries can access the program for a duration of no less than 10 weeks and up to a maximum of 20 weeks.

  • Long Term Component

    Employers can access the program to support long term employment opportunities for a duration of no less than 21 weeks and up to a maximum of 40 weeks.

How to access?

Applications may be obtained from any office of the Department of Human Resources, Labour and Employment. Applications must originate from employers; however, unemployed individuals may use the NL Works application in their job search.



For information contact the HRLE office in your area:

Avalon Region

Central Region

Western Region

Labrador Region






Visit our website: (check Career, Employment and Youth Services - CEYS)

 Or contact:

 Labour Market and Career Information Hotline

1-800-563-6600 or 1-866-729-4685 (TTY for Hearing Impaired)



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