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Regional data
Theme :  Research by regional data
Theme :  Research by census
What's new

February 6, 2008
Economic Situation > Main Economic Indicators
Update of the statistical data on Building permits, by type of building in the regions and urban centres, Québec

February 5, 2008
Demography > General Data
Update of the monthly statistical data on births, deaths and marriages

February 1, 2008
Biofood Industry > Agricultural Production
New data on cattle sector
Economic Situation > Main Economic Indicators
Update of the Main Economic Indicators

January 29, 2008
Social Involvement > Involvement in Political and Decision-making Bodies
Update of statistical data on female involvement in political and decision-making bodies

January 28, 2008
Transportation, Warehousing and Infrastructures > Railway Transportation
Data and stastical table on functional classification of the railway network have been updated, Québec, 2008
Economic Situation > Main Economic Indicators
Update of the statistical data on housing starts, completed, under construction: Residential sector

January 25, 2008
Foreign Trade > International Trade
Update of monthly tables of foreign trade now available up to november 2007 data

Preceding News Nouvelles précédentes
À venir

February 8, 2008
Update of monthly tables on labour market indicators, by administrative region
Saviez-vous Que?
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Did you know that for November 2007, the number of births in Québec was 6,750?
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coin rond
Building permits 973 364 k$
Decreasing -13,89 %
Residential Housing starts 9 354 n
Decreasing -22,05 %
Consumer Price Index 111,1
Increasing 2,21 %
Exports 5 571,3 M$
Decreasing -6,37 %
Imports 7 384,9 M$
Increasing 1,88 %
Real gross domestic product 249 394,4 M$
Increasing 0,10 %
coin rond
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