Minimum Wage Fact Sheet

  • B.C.’s general minimum wage is $8 per hour.
  • The First Job/Entry Level minimum wage is $6 per hour. This only applies to employees with no paid work experience before November 15, 2001. After they have worked for a total of 500 hours with one or more employers, these employees are entitled to the regular minimum wage rate. See the Factsheet - First Job/Entry-level Wage.
  • Minimum wage for live-in home support workers for each day or part of a day worked is $80.
  • Minimum wage for resident caretakers in apartment buildings with more than 8 but less than 61 suites is $480 per month plus $19.25 for each suite.
  • Minimum wage for resident caretakers in apartment buildings with more than 60 suites is $1,635 per month.

Minimum Piece Rates - Hand harvested crops (Effective May 16, 2003)

The following piece rates include vacation pay (4%).


$ 15.60/ bin (27.1 cu. ft.)


$ 17.94/ 1/2 bin (13.7 cu. ft.)


$ 0.214/ pound


$ 0.362/ pound

Brussels sprouts

$ 0.149/ pound


$ 0.205/ pound


$ 16.58/ 1/2 bin (13.7 cu. ft.)


$ 0.215/ pound


$ 16.58/ 1/2 bin (12.6 cu. ft.)


$ 17.56/ bin (27.1 cu. ft.)


$ 0.267/ pound

Prune plums

$ 17.56/ 1/2 bin (13.7 cu. ft.)


$ 0.326/ pound


$ 0.314/ pound


$0.125/ bunch (10 stems)

**The rate for daffodils does not include vacation pay.

Ministry of Labour and Citizens' Services
Employment Standards Branch
Province of British Columbia

This factsheet has been prepared for general information purposes. It is not a legal document. Please refer to the Employment Standards Act and Regulation for purposes of interpretation and application of the law. May 2003

For more information, please contact the Employment Standards Branch.