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Wednesday, February 27    

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Be Your Own Boss

Not everybody wants to work for someone else.  If you're considering starting your own business, you have to do some serious thinking. You want a business...what kind of business should you have? To answer this, you need to know yourself pretty well and do a bit of visioning. If you haven't done so already, try doing some fun tests.   

From there you need to plan.  Is your proposed business viable?  Does it have the potential to work smoothly or will it be more hassle than it's worth? SaskBiz.ca has a lot of information about markets, populations, etc., so you can start making your business plan. Check it out. www.saskbiz.ca/ 

Next comes business planning and securing funding.  For help, you can contact your nearest Business Services Centre for help in this regard.

Whether you have a business plan in place, a great idea for a business, or simply the desire to become an entrepreneur check out the many organizations that have programs available to help you make your dream a reality. Check out the many links below.

Youth Opportunities Unleased (YOU)
Youth Opportunities Unleashed (YOU) was developed to encourage and assist young adults, between 18 and 30 years of age, to consider opening a business in their community.  Administered by more than 230 Saskatchewan Business Loans Associations (SBLAs) around the province, the YOU initiative has three components: loans, training and mentorship.  http://www.recd.gov.sk.ca/SBLA/YOU/YOU.asp

Venture Forward
Part of the $50K Business Plan Competitions that includes prestigious organizations such as MIT, Harvard, Standford, Yale and many others.  This competition allows young post-secondary entrepreneurs to have an opportunity to show their ideas and win big money to make their dreams a reality.  http://www.ventureforward.ca/

Saskatchewan Young Professionals and Entrepreneurs (SYPE)
A group of young energetic people, working together to promote ethical business and opportunity in Saskatchewan.  Keep checking back for updates as this exciting new group keeps growing bigger and better.  http://www.sype.ca/

my Future Is Here
A Saskatchewan initiative offering Start-Up Capital Sponsorships to young entrepreneurs. Specific details are on its website. http://www.myfutureishere.ca/

Mentors, Ventures and Plans
A site for young entrepreneurs. www.mvp.cfee.org

Canada Business Service Center - Saskatchewan
This is a great starter site for anyone who's thinking about getting into business.  It has links to every sort of information guide that you could want, as well as a really comprehensive, well-organized list of links.  http://www.cbsc.org/servlet/ContentServer?cid=1074860114753&pagename=CBSC_SK%2FCBSC_WebPage%2FCBSC_WebPage_Temp&lang=eng&c=CBSC_WebPage

Aboriginal Youth Business Council 
Not regularly updated but contains a list of helpful links for Aboriginal entrepreneurs.  www.aybc.org/ 

Business Development Bank of Canada 
Offers loans and investment capital for new businesses as well as information and advice on the ins and outs of start-ups. The website may seem daunting at first but is easy to navigate and has loads of information.  www.bdc.ca/ 

Canadian Youth Business Foundation
A resource where young entrepreneurs can find information, advice and loans to help build new businesses as well as links to mentors.  www.cybf.ca/

Junior Achievements of Canada
Dedicated to teaching students of all ages business and economic skills. Website provides details on how to join, the costs and benefits.  www.jacan.org/ 

Young Entrepreneurs Association of Canada
Brings together entrepreneurs from across Canada to network and exchange tips and information. Offers workshops and other programs & resources for young entrepreneurs.  www.yea.ca/

Excellent guides and tutorials on finding a job/career. Resume and interview tips, plus links to job listings.  www.youth.gc.ca/

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