Youth Programs


Our programs for young entrepreneurs aim to inspire more young people (you) to choose entrepreneurship as a career – and equip you with the tools you need to succeed.

Summer Company

Hands-on business training and mentoring – together with awards of up to $3,000 – to help you start up and run your own summer business.

Future Entrepreneurs

A program that introduces an entrepreneurial mind-set and skills to students in Grades 7 and 8.

Ontario Secondary School Business Plan Competition

An opportunity for Ontario high school students to create a business plan and compete with their peers throughout the province for awards of up to $2500.

Programs for Non-Profit Organizations

Summer Company Grants for Not-for-Profit Organizations

A program that considers proposals from additional delivery partners to expand its successful Summer Company program to audiences not currently being adequately served.

Youth Entrepreneurship Partnership Grants for Non-Profit Organizations

Youth Entrepreneurship Partnerships will consider supporting projects through organizations and agencies that facilitate the development of an enterprising culture amongst all of Ontario's youth by providing them with educational and “entrepreneurial” opportunities and programs.