General Employment of Young People Factsheet

The information in this factsheet applies to the employment of young people under the age of 15, other than the employment of young people in the entertainment industry.

The complete details of conditions, best practices and sample forms for young people employed in the entertainment industry are available from Employment Standards Branch offices and on the Internet under Young People in Entertainment.

In British Columbia, minimum standards for wages and working conditions for most employees are set under the Employment Standards Act and the Employment Standards Regulation.

Parent or guardian written consent

An employer must receive the written permission of a young person's parent or guardian before employing a person under the age of 15. The parent or guardian is responsible for their children and must determine that the employment situation meets the best interests of the child and will not adversely affect the child's social, physical or educational needs.

The employer must have written consent on record to indicate the young person's date of birth and that the parent or guardian knows where the young person is working, the hours of work and the type of work.

Employment conditions

An employer must follow these conditions of employment set under the Employment Standards Regulation for young people aged 12 to less than 15 years of age:

  • A young person must not be employed at the same time he or she is scheduled to attend school.
  • A young person can work up to four hours on a school day and no more than 20 hours in a week that has five school days.
  • A young person must not work more than seven hours a day on a non-school day unless the director has provided written approval.
  • A young person may work up to 35 hours a week in any week containing less than five school days.
  • A young person must be under the direct and immediate supervision of a person aged 19 or older at all times while working.

Employment of young people under 12 years of age

An employer must have the written permission of the Director of Employment Standards before employing a young person under 12 years of age.

Follow this link to apply for a permit to employ a young person under 12.

Ministry of Labour and Citizens' Services
Employment Standards Branch
Province of British Columbia

This factsheet has been prepared for general information purposes. It is not a legal document. Please refer to the Employment Standards Act and Regulation for purposes of interpretation and application of the law. December 2003

For more information contact the Employment Standards Branch