This website is entirely devoted to job searching in the North. Why? Because working in the North is different. Vast distances, isolation and the small population of our beautiful land can sometimes make it difficult to find and fill jobs. Our aim is to shrink some of that distance and isolation to help job seekers and employers come up with the perfect match. So come on in and get comfortable.

After all, this is your job search site.

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Looking for a job? Click here to start your search.

Click here for northern employment resources.
Looking for someone to fill a job? Click here to find the perfect employee to fill that position.

     Job Bank


Today's Stats:

Number of registered employers: 1062
Number of jobs available: 75
Number of job seekers listed: 15232
Number of resumes listed: 2253
Has helped you or someone you know find work? We want to hear about it! Sometimes the hardest part of looking for work is believing you will eventually get a job. Reading how other people have had success can make a big difference to other members. Click here
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