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(Consolidated up to 236/2004)


Partnership Act


Table of Contents

                1       Definition

Limited Liability Partnership

                2       Annual report

                3       Names

Limited Partnerships

                4       Designation of jurisdictions

Repeals, Review and Coming into Force

                5       Repeal

                6       Review

                7       Coming into force


1   In this Regulation, “Act” means the Partnership Act.

Limited Liability Partnership

Annual report

2(1)  For the purposes of subsection (2), the anniversary month of an Alberta LLP and an extra‑provincial LLP is the month in which the certificate of registration under Part 3 of the Act was issued by the Registrar.

(2)  An Alberta LLP and an extra‑provincial LLP shall annually, not later than the last day of the month immediately following the anniversary month, file with the Registrar, in a format and manner approved by the Registrar, a return setting out any changes in respect to the following information:

                                 (a)    the name and residential address of the partner who is designated as the representative of the partnership in respect to matters relating to the partnership;

                                 (b)    the address of the registered office of the partnership;

                                 (c)    the separate post office box, if any, designated as the partnership’s address for service by mail.

AR 276/99 s2;251/2001


3(1)  The name of an Alberta LLP must contain the legal element “Limited Liability Partnership” or its abbreviation “LLP” or “Société a Responsabilité Limiteé” or its abbreviation “SRL”, and where the name contains the legal element “Limited Liability Partnership” or its abbreviation “LLP”, the name must end with that legal element.

(2)  The name of an Alberta LLP may not be

                                 (a)    identical to the name of any other Alberta LLP or any extra‑provincial LLP registered in Alberta;

                                 (b)    so similar to the name of any other Alberta LLP or any extra‑provincial LLP registered in Alberta that the only difference is in respect to the legal element.

(3)  If, through inadvertence or otherwise, an Alberta LLP is registered with a name that does not comply with this section, the Registrar may, by notice in writing to the partnership, direct the partnership to change its name to one that complies with this section within 60 days of the date of the notice.

Limited Partnerships

Designation of jurisdictions

4   The following jurisdictions are designated for the purposes of section 52(2) of the Act in respect of the registration of limited partnerships:

                                 (a)    any province or territory of Canada;

                                 (b)    any state of the United States of America;

                                 (c)    the United Kingdom.

AR 276/99 s4;251/2001

Repeals, Review and Coming into Force


5   Alberta Regulation 426/81 is repealed.


6   For the purpose of ensuring that this Regulation is reviewed for ongoing relevancy and necessity, with the option that it may be repassed in its present or an amended form following a review, this Regulation expires on October 31, 2014.

AR 276/99 s6;236/2004

Coming into force

7   This Regulation comes into force on the date the Partnership Amendment Act, 1999 comes into force.

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