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Front Page Image Arrow ERISA, FLSA claims dominate class-action settlements
The top 10 settlements of class actions brought by private U.S. plaintiffs in 2005 totaled more than $1 billion, led by wage and retirement benefit cases.

Arrow Morgan Stanley to pay $42 million in Calif. overtime suit
Brokerage firm Morgan Stanley has agreed to pay as much as $42.5 million to settle a lawsuit demanding overtime pay for its brokers in California.

Arrow E-mail cases take HR into uncharted territory
Courts are examining how deep into the flood of information employers have to dive when litigation arises. The lesson: Save those e-mail records.

Arrow iPods at work hit sour note for some employers
Some employers see no problem with workers listening to personal music players in the office. Others are beginning to express concerns, however.

Arrow Retirement summit seeks ways to boost savings
Americans must be educated about the need to spend less and save more, delegates to the National Summit on Retirement Savings are told.

Arrow Bush urges U.S. to welcome global competition
Meeting with entrepreneurs in India, President Bush says the United States should welcome rather than fear competition from that country.

Arrow Officials: Communication saves miners' lives
Safety officials say more effective communication can be a matter of life and death in dangerous workplaces such as mines.

Arrow Judge blocks Pentagon's new HR system
A federal judge blocks the Pentagon's proposed HR and pay system, saying it would create an unfair process for appealing an adverse employment decision.

Read these and other top stories

Focus Areas

Pension Plans: Freeze 'Em and Forget 'Em is Not a Practical Strategy
A "frozen" defined benefit pension plan will still require active management for at least a generation to come -- a burden for HR departments long after a plan freeze is put in place.
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Business Groups File Amicus Brief in Mohawk Class Action Lawsuit
Using a law originally intended to deter racketeering against employers threatens their ability to work with contractors and dramatically expands their liability, according to a friend-of-the-court brief that three prominent business groups have filed with the U.S. Supreme.
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Building Global Talent Pipelines
A worldwide drought is looming--and it has nothing to do with global warming. Rather, it's what some have termed a "global talent drought."
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On the Move: Relocation Services Outsourcing
As relocation demands increase, already overburdened HR departments are increasingly looking outside for assistance.
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Scarcity of Diverse Board Members Poses Problems
Which comes first: a diverse board of directors or a diverse organization? Studies suggest that this “chicken vs. egg” dilemma may help explain the under-representation of women and minorities on corporate boards..
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Outsourcing Learning Services
Now available
HR Outsourcing Focus Area

Determining the Return on Investment of Talent Acquisition and Mobility
Now available
HR Measurements Focus Area

Privacy vs. Security: Maintaining the Delicate Balance
Now available
Webcast sponsored by: Spectrum Human Resources Systems Corp.

All of these webcasts qualify for 1 PHR/SPHR/GPHR recertification credit hour from the Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI).


SHRM Online Highlights
Arrow HR Magazine: The Ethics Squeeze. HR professionals don't always emerge from battles over corporate ethics unscarred and triumphant. This month's HR Magazine profiles HR professionals who played leadership roles in codifying -- or trying to enforce -- ethics in their organizations.

Arrow Leading Indicator of National Employment (LINE). Overall U.S. employment growth was strong in February for both the manufacturing and service sectors as employers filled open positions, according to the SHRM/Rutgers University LINE report. Manufacturing growth is stronger than this time last year, and data indicates March employment growth for both sectors will be even greater than February.

Arrow Register Now for SHRM's Employment Law & Legislative Conference. Pre-registration for the SHRM Employment Law & Legislative Conference closes March 3, 2006. Come to Washington D.C. March 13-15 to meet with your member of Congress during Capitol Hill visits, track the progress of bills, get new ideas on managing challenging workplace and compliance issues and share ideas with your colleagues during networking meals and receptions.

Arrow Independent Contractor Toolkit. Simply refering to someone as an "independent contractor," or getting the contract to affirm that status in in a written contract, doesn't necessarily mean that the IRS agree he or she is an independent contractor. A new toolkit points to resources that help you determine whether individuals are employees or independent contractors.

Arrow A New Look at HR Trends. new report from SHRM summarizes the findings of its Special Expertise Panels on future developments that will affect employers. Among the trends cited: added responsibilities for HR in the area of safety, health and security; greater demand for multilingual training; and a major emphasis on workforce optimization and productivity.

  • Read this report

    Arrow Approaching a Metric of Human Capital Synergy. Many HR professionals are making use of a new measurement: the metric of human capital synergy, which attempts to quantify what happens when the right people are put together.

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    HR Tip

    Spousal Surcharges

    Spousal surcharge programs assist employers trying to limit the liability of covering employees' spouses while maintaining a high-quality health benefit plan. This is just one of the options employers are exploring as they try to cope with the rapid rise in health care costs. In addition to spousal surcharges, a growing number of employer-provided plans are puting in place a variety of cost-sharing strategies, including spousal surcharge and higher deductibles and co-payments. Get more information.


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