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Home: Making your organization bilingual
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Home Bilingual Organization Implementation Process Bilinguism in Practice Follow-up steps Best practices
Assess and plan
Language policy statements and guidelines
Bilingual positions

Information sheets:
Action plan
Assigning responsibilities
Designating bilingual positions
Recruiting bilingual employees

Pratical tools:
Monitoring and assement
Language policy
Measures and guidelines
Bilingual position profile


Bilingual positions

When you deliver services in both official languages, certain committees and positions must necessarily be designated as "bilingual." To establish the language requirements of a position, you must identify in conjunction with management the number, nature and frequency of duties that must be performed in English and French. Refer to the "Designating bilingual positions" information sheet.

Group of people Another option:

Designating bilingual positions is not the only option. Your organization could also establish teams composed of Anglophones and Francophones to ensure that bilingual services are always available.

One person who must be able to speak both languages fluently to members and the general public alike is the receptionist. The "Bilingual position profile" practical tool will help you to establish linguistic profiles and to draft bilingual designations for the appropriate positions in your organization.

To help you locate qualified individuals for these positions, consult the "Recruiting bilingual employees" information sheet.

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Information sheets Designating bilingual positions PDF Document - For printing
Recruiting bilingual employees PDF Document - For printing
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Practical tools Bilingual position profile PDF Document - For printingRTF Document - For editing
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Some useful definitions

Anglophone - Any person, of whatever ethnic origin or mother tongue, whose first official language is English.

Bilingual position - A position with at least one function requiring a knowledge and use of both official languages.

First official language - The official language with which an employee has a primary personal identification (that is, the official language in which a person is generally more proficient).

Francophone - Any person, of whatever ethnic origin or mother tongue, whose first official language is French.

Linguistic profile - A description of the language requirements of a bilingual position and the proficiency level required in the second language for each of the skills; Reading, writing, and oral interaction.

Mother tongue - The first language learned at home in childhood and still understood by the individual at the time of the census.

Official languages symbol - A symbol indicating that service is available in either official language.

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Date modified: 2006-04-24
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