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The Entrepreneurial Spirit

Entrepreneurship Training for Aboriginal Youth

“The Entrepreneurial Spirit” is a business education program designed for Aboriginal youth that is part of the banking industry’s Building a Better Understanding program and our commitment to support economic development in Aboriginal communities. This program provides Aboriginal youth with an introduction to entrepreneurship and exposure to the skills they need to start and develop their own businesses.

The program combines twelve hours of classroom instruction with individual in-class exercises, group work and a case study. It also incorporates a video series profiling Aboriginal entrepreneurs who have developed successful businesses themselves.

Course instructors have expertise in running their own businesses, as well as working with Aboriginal communities. Through their instruction, course participants can assess their readiness to start a business and learn how to prepare a viable business plan in order to access capital.

Through a partnership with the Ontario Native Affairs Secretariat and the Ministry of Economic Development Trade and Tourism, Aboriginal youth who complete the course will automatically qualify to apply for a start-up loan under the "Young Entrepreneurs Program," without having to take mandatory government workshops.

“The Entrepreneurial Spirit” will be delivered in partnership with federal and provincial government agencies, the Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO), The Federation of Indian Friendship Centres, the Toronto Aboriginal Business Resource Centre (ABRC) and post-secondary institutions across the country.

Launched in January 1998, the banking industry’s Building a Better Understanding program is designed to provide Canadians with helpful information on banking, the economy and today’s financial world.

For more information, please call:

The Canadian Executive Service Organization, Aboriginal Services

The Aboriginal Business Resource Centre, Toronto

The Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres

For more information on the banking industry’s Building a Better Understanding program, please call the Canadian Bankers Association at toll-free, 1-800-263-0231 or visit our website at .