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After studying at Trinity Western University and University College of the Fraser Valley, Mark worked in Langley, BC as the Road Safety/Loss Prevention Coordinator for the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia. He also has 30 years of experience as a successful business owner.

A veteran of municipal and regional politics, Mark spent more than 13 years serving his community as a Municipal Councillor and as Regional District Director. Mark was first elected to the House of Commons in 2004, and re-elected in 2006. As an MP, he distinguished himself as an advocate for automobile safety. He was later named Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of the Environment.

Mark met Diane, his wife of more than 35 years, while attending Trinity Western University. They have five children and one grandchild, and currently reside in Walnut Grove. Five generations of Warawas have made Langley their home.


101-6830, 216th Street
Langley, BC
V0X 1T0



Stephen Harper
Conservative Party
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