Senators and Members - House of Commons The Speaker - House of Commons Canada / Le Président - Chambre des Communes Canada

The Honourable Peter Milliken, M.P.
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Welcome!The Speakers's Chair

  Guide to the Canadian House of Commons
Guide to the Canadian House of Commons
The Honourable Peter  Milliken, M.P. photograph by Bernard Clark

On January 29, 2001, my colleagues in the House of Commons elected me to be their Speaker, the 34th person to hold the office in Canada. Having already served as a Member of Parliament for 13 years, I was honoured to be chosen for such an important and challenging role. In June 2004, I was re-elected Member for Kingston and the Islands, and on October 4th, acclaimed Speaker of the House of Commons. In February 2006, I had the honour of once again being re-elected as Member of Parliament and on April 3rd, 2006 I was chosen to be the Speaker for the 39th Parliament.

The Speakership is rooted in history, stretching back hundreds of years in Great Britain. In Canada today, the Speaker maintains order in Chamber proceedings and protects the rights and privileges of the House.

In a place where important decisions are made by people who hold strong opinions and are themselves charged with representing the interests of those who elected them, my job is not always an easy one. However, it is a role I respect and cherish and am proud to play.

This Website answers questions most asked of me about the role. In so doing, it also offers key insights into the work of the House of Commons and of Parliament.

Peter Milliken, M.P.
Kingston and the Islands

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