
News From NathanFrançaisEnglish

Nathan Cullen calls 2013 budget a missed opportunity (with video)

March 22, 2013

Cullen says budget short-changes provinces, First Nations and the environment

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Cullen responds to appointment of new federal envoy on West Coast Energy Infrastructure

March 19, 2013

“The Harper government has made a legacy of ignoring the concerns of First Nations. The opposition to Northern Gateway has been mounting for years, and this appointment speaks to the Conservatives’ apparent preference for damage control rather than proactive consultation.”

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Nathan Cullen calls out Conservative green-washing of pipeline safety

March 18, 2013

Nathan Cullen criticized Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver and Transport Minister Denis Lebel’s announcement of new oil spill response measures in Vancouver on Monday, calling it “an exercise in green-washing.”

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News from NDP.ca

NDP Bill on language skills of officers of Parliament moves forward

OTTAWA – MP Alexandrine Latendresse (Louis-Saint-Laurent) is pleased that her bill, C-419, is progressing to 3rd reading in Parliament after being studied by the Official Languages Committee this...


Jim Flaherty concedes that the Keystone pipeline will create 40,000 jobs... in the United States

Today Jim Flaherty was in the United States to promote the Conservative vision on the Keystone XL pipeline.

 He didn't talk about economic benefits for Canada, but he did talk about its benefits...


Statement by NDP deputy Aboriginal Health critic, Carol Hughes, on wave of suicides in Neskantaga

New Democrats say the Conservative government must provide long term assistance to Aboriginal communities like the Neskantaga First Nation, in North Western Ontario, which declared a state of...


Nouvelles de NPD.ca

Le projet de loi du NPD sur la compétence linguistique des agents du Parlement franchit une nouvelle étape

OTTAWA – La députée Alexandrine Latendresse
(Louis-Saint-Laurent) se dit satisfaite que son projet de loi (C-419) se rendra
maintenant à l’étape de la 3e lecture au Parlement, après avoir été étudié au...

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Jim Flaherty admet que le pipeline Keystone créera 40 000 emplois... aux États-Unis

Aujourd’hui, Jim Flaherty était aux États-Unis pour promouvoir la vision conservatrice du pipeline Keystone XL.

 Il n’a pas parlé des avantages économiques pour le Canada, mais a pris soin de...

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Déclaration de la porte-parole adjointe du NPD en matière de santé des autochtones, Carol Hughes, au sujet de la vague de suicides à Neskantaga

Le NPD exhorte le gouvernement conservateur à apporter une assistance à long terme aux communautés autochtones comme la Première nation de Neskantaga, dans le nord-ouest de l’Ontario, qui a décrété...

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