Stephen Owen

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Stephen Owen was first elected Member of Parliament for Vancouver Quadra in November 2000, and re-elected in June 2004.

Mr. Owen currently serves as Minister of Western Economic Diversification and Minister of State for Sport. He previously served as Minister of Public Works and Government Services and Receiver General for Canada, and as Secretary of State (Western Economic Diversification) (Indian Affairs and Northern Development). He has also served as Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Justice, and was a member of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness.

Mr. Owen holds Masters’ degrees in both Law and Business Administration. Before entering federal politics, he has held positions such as Professor of Law & Public Policy and Director of the Institute for Dispute Resolution at the University of Victoria, Commissioner and Vice-President of the Law Commission of Canada, Deputy Attorney General of British Columbia, Commissioner of Resources & Environment of British Columbia, and Ombudsman of British Columbia.

He has been an advisor to many international and national projects such as war affected children in Northern Uganda, conflict resolution in Sri Lanka, and the Israel-Palestine Centre for Research and Information on final status peace negotiations.

Mr. Owen has been a special legal advisor to the Commission for Environmental Co-operation in Montreal, mediator of the Newfoundland-Nova Scotia offshore boundary dispute, and a director of Ecotrust Canada. Mr. Owen was awarded the John Tait Award of Excellence in Public Law for 2001 by the Canadian Bar Association.

He is married to Diane Koerner and has two grown sons.

















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