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Committees House of Commons
Picture of a typical Committee meeting room
Standing Committee on Public Accounts (PACP)
Select a Session:
39th Parliament
1st 03/04/2006
38th Parliament
1st 04/10/2004-29/11/2005
37th Parliament
3rd 02/02/2004-23/05/2004
2nd 30/09/2002-12/11/2003
1st 29/01/2001-16/09/2002
36th Parliament
2nd 12/10/1999-22/10/2000
1st 22/09/1997-18/09/1999
35th Parliament
2nd 27/02/1996-27/04/1997
1st 17/01/1994-02/02/1996
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the Chair of the Public Accounts Committee selected from the Official Opposition?

How can I communicate with the Public Accounts Committee about public administration and other issues?

How do I contact the Office of the Auditor General of Canada? 

Who prepares the Public Accounts of Canada, and where can I find them?

Where can I find more information about the administrative policies of the federal government? 

Why is the Chair of the Public Accounts Committee selected from the Official Opposition?

This is done to ensure that the Committee has a greater focus on accountability and transparency in reviewing the federal government’s administrative practices.  The custom of appointing an opposition member as Committee Chair originated in the British Parliament, and was adopted by the Canadian Parliament in 1958.  It is believed that an opposition member has a strong motive for criticizing the government, while a government backbencher is equally interested in defending it.  The influence of the opposition Chair is offset by the government majority in the membership of the Committee.  

How can I communicate with the Public Accounts Committee about public administration and other issues?

You can communicate by contacting the Clerk of the Committee by mail, telephone, or e-mail: 

Clerk, Public Accounts Committee
Committees Directorate
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 0A6
Tel:  (613) 992-3150
E-mail:  PACC@parl.gc.ca

How do I contact the Office of the Auditor General of Canada? 

Answers to many questions about the Office of the Auditor General are available on-line:


Reports and other publications of the Auditor General are available on the Office’s Web site at:  Publications.

Media Relations Contacts

Media enquiries may be directed to:  media relations contacts.

General Inquiries

If you are unable to find the information you need, you can contact the Office of the Auditor General by:


  • E-mails are acknowledged within 15 working days.  If you would like a response, please include a name and a telephone number.


  • You may direct questions to the general inquiries line at (613) 995-3708. Business hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Eastern Time), Monday to Friday.
  • General queries may be faxed to the Office at (613) 957-0474; for the Environment and Sustainable Development Group, the fax number is (613) 941‑8286.


Correspondence may be mailed to:

Office of the Auditor General of Canada
240 Sparks Street
Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 0G6

Who prepares the Public Accounts of Canada, and where can I find them?

The Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada, as the Receiver General for Canada, is the public officer responsible for recording all the federal government’s financial transactions (day-to-day cash management) and for preparing the Public Accounts of Canada, the government’s consolidated financial statements. 

The Public Accounts of Canada are available on the Internet site of the Receiver General for Canada.  The same Internet site also enables you to order a printed version of these accounts.

General Inquiries

If you are unable to find the information you need, you can contact the Department of Public Works and Government Services Canada by:


For general questions and comments about the Department, please contact Public Works and Government Services Canada at Questions@pwgsc.gc.ca.


The telephone number for general inquiries is:  1 800 O-Canada (1 800 622-6232).


Correspondence may be mailed to: 

Department of Public Works and Government Services Canada 
National Headquarters
Place du Portage, Phase III
11 Laurier Street
Gatineau, Quebec  K1A 0S5

Where can I find more information about the administrative policies of the federal government? 

The Treasury Board Secretariat is the administrative arm of the Treasury Board and was established to implement administrative policies throughout the federal public service.  It is responsible for the overall control of government spending, the preparation of the Estimates, and establishing the rules for:

General Inquiries

If you are unable to find the information you need, you can contact the Treasury Board Secretariat by:


For general questions and comments about the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, please send an e-mail to:  tbs-sct@tbs-sct.gc.ca or complete the on-line Comments or Questions form.

Telephone / Fax

Questions and comments may be directed to the Secretariat’s general enquiries line at (613) 957-2400 or its TTY line at (613) 957‑9090.

Questions and comments may also be faxed to (613) 996-0518.


Correspondence may be mailed to:

    Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
    Corporate Communications
    L’Esplanade Laurier, 10th Floor, West Tower
    300 Laurier Avenue West
    Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 0R5

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