Office of Human Resources
Department of Health

Region 1 Public Health Offices

Public Health Office
81 Albert Street
Moncton, N.B.
E1C 1B3
Phone: (506) 856-2401
Fax: (506) 856-2623

Public Health Office
342 Main Street, Unit 160
Centre Ville Mall
Shediac, N.B.
E4P 2E7
Phone: (506) 533-3354
Fax: (506) 533-3376

Public Health Office
95 Queens Road Unit B
Sackville, N.B.
E4L 4H2
Phone: (506) 364-4080
Fax: (506) 364-4099

Public Health Office
25 Blvd Cartier, Unit 153
Cartier Place
Richibucto, N.B.
E4W 5R5
Phone: (506) 523-7607
Fax: (506) 523-7678

Sexual Health Centre
81 Albert Street
Moncton, N.B.
E1C 1B3
Phone: (506) 856-3310
Fax: (506) 856-3312
Anonymous HIV/AIDS Testing:
     For more information, call STI Info Line 1-877-STI-1010


Department of Health
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