Government of Ontario
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About Ontario

The Ontario Government website is the primary Internet portal for information on the Government of Ontario, its programs, services, laws, new initiatives and many other products. Our website offers many different ways to find what you are looking for.


Find Government of Ontario programs and services information by subject.

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Your Government

Find Government of Ontario programs and services information by audience.

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About Government

Find information about the Government of Ontario's organizational structure and functions.

  • Government A-Z Index
  • Ministries
  • Agencies, Boards and Commissions
  • Services and Offices Directory
  • About Ontario - Government Section
  • Legislative Assembly
  • Ontario - Canada website - Political Structure Section

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Life Events

Throughout our lives, we may each experience many important events such as getting married, having a baby or preparing for retirement. To help you deal with these kinds of events, this section has gathered resources and services from several different ministries and levels of government to provide you with focused and organized information.

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About Ontario

The "About Ontario" section provides residents and visitors with basic facts about the province, organized by various topics.

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Top News

Top News lists recent announcements from the Government of Ontario and provides searchable news archives.

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This section allows you to easily search for answers to common questions about the Province of Ontario and the services it offers.

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The "Contact" page, linked to from the bottom of every page, has links that lead to contact information for Members of Parliament and Government of Ontario employees. This page can also help you find the address of the nearest Government information centres. In addition, the "Contacts" box on the left side of each page, provides quick links to the Telephone Directory, Government Information Centres, Members of Parliament and our Feedback form.

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Search Engine

The search box on each page enables you to search all government of Ontario websites. If you don't find what you are looking for, try using some of the search options from the advanced search page. Specific help is also available on the Government of Ontario Search Engine page.

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Site Map

The Site Map is a visual model of the Ontario Government website's content. It breaks down the website's information into specific subject areas.

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My Page

My Page is a new feature of the site. After registering and logging in, you can create a customized page that provides you with quick and easy access to the information and services you need most frequently.

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Navigation Help

Global Navigation

All Government of Ontario websites include links to the Central Site (this site), Feedback or Contact, Search, Site Map and French/English.

Local Navigation

Local navigation for the site as a whole appears at the top of the page and includes links to many of the features described above: SERVICES, FORMS, ABOUT ONTARIO, ABOUT GOVERNMENT, TOP NEWS, FAQ and LOGIN/PERSONALIZE NOW (for My Page). In addition, there are additional navigation and features at the sides of the page. Some of these, with directional arrows, can expand or contract. When the area is expanded, the arrow will point down. Clicking on it will cause the area to contract. "Learn More" Sections provide local navigation for a particular section within the site.

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Technical Help

If you are having technical problems with the site, these common questions and answers will be able to help you.

Which browsers can I use to access the government of Ontario website?

The Government of Ontario website is designed to be browser independent. The website should be usable by most popular browsers.

Which screen resolution should I use for displaying the government of Ontario website?

The recommended minimum display settings for the pages are 800x600 and 16-bit colour (65,356 colours or thousands of colours depending on your operating system). The pages should still be legible and usable with a screen resolution of 640x480 and 16 colour. If you are having difficulty due to your screen resolution or colour settings, please let us know.

What is Acrobat Reader?

Browsers cannot display PDF documents without a plug-in program such as Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is freely available from the Adobe website.

What is a plug-in?

A plug-in is a program that enables a browser to access specialized content on the web. Plug-ins might be needed for accessing audio, video or other special file formats. If a plug-in is required, you will receive clear instructions about obtaining and installing the plug-in and be presented with an alternate way to access the information.

What is a cookie?

Many websites use cookies to "remember" information about you. A cookie is a program sent by the server to your computer. It makes it more convenient for you by allowing you to visit pages within a site without having to reintroduce yourself with each mouse click. If you are concerned about your privacy while visiting this site, read the government of Ontario privacy policy.

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This site is maintained by the Government of Ontario, Canada.


Copyright information:© Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2005
Last Modified: November 24, 2006