Government of Ontario
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2006 Economic Outlook and Fiscal Review
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About Ontario

A strong economy means a healthy investment climate and a confident, forward-looking business environment. The Ontario government offers services and resources to help you succeed in Ontario's competitive economy.


  • Ontario Budget
    The Ontario Budget presents the Province's revenue and expenditure forecasts, the state of the Ontario economy, and announces tax and spending measures of the Government.

  • Quarterly Ontario Finance
    The Province's in-year revenue and expenditure forecasts are updated in the Quarterly Ontario Finances.

  • Public Accounts
    The Public Accounts of the Province of Ontario present the financial statements of the Province, provide financial and economic highlights of the past year, and report on performance against the goals set out in the Ontario Budget.

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Economic Overview

  • 2006 Ontario Economic Outlook and Fiscal Review

    The Ontario economy continues to grow and create jobs.

  • Ontario Economic Update
    Read documents related to the status of the Ontario economy. These include economic updates, economic accounts, economic outlook and fiscal review, and Ontario finances.

  • Economic Accounts
    The state of the Ontario economy is updated quarterly in the Economic Accounts.

  • Canadian Economy Online
    A wealth of information on the Canadian economy. Includes links to key Canadian economic indicators for the last ten years, economic information from government sites organized under various themes, definitions of key economic concepts and information on key economic events in the 20th century.

    Visit the federal government business gateway to find more information on economic conditions, statistics, foreign markets and industrial sectors.

  • About Ontario: Economy
    A brief overview of the Ontario economy.

  • Ontario Business Report
    Read about the latest news, trends, opportunities, challenges and issues affecting Ontario's business climate.

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Economic Development

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Labour Market Information

  • Labour Market Information
    Labour market information website provides valuable insights into labour market conditions and employment trends in Ontario.

  • Ontario Monthly Labour Market Report
    This monthly report looks at labour market conditions in Ontario by presenting data from Statistics Canada, such as unemployment rate, participation rate, and employment.

  • Ontario Regional Labour Market Report
    This quarterly report looks at labour market conditions in different regions of Ontario, presenting local data from Statistics Canada, such as unemployment rate, participation rate, and employment.

  • Ontario Annual Labour Market Report
    This annual report provides a summary of labour market conditions in Ontario by presenting data from Statistics Canada, such as average unemployment rate, participation rate, and employment.

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Tourism and Culture

  • Tourism Research and Publications
    Historical research, current performance and forecasting for this important segment of Ontario's economy.

  • Cultural Industries
    Through books, magazines, films, television programs, sound recordings and live theatre productions, Ontario's cultural industries play an important role in the economy.

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Agriculture and Food

  • Agricultural Statistics
    Find statistics on livestock, dairy, horticulture and other agriculture related topics.

  • Investment Services
    Find a range of resources on agriculture, food and rural investment services.

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Energy and Natural Resources

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Premier McGuinty's site
Fairness - It's Time for Fairness for All Canadians
Newcomer to Ontario
Visiting Ontario


Ontario Budget
The Ontario Budget presents the Province's revenue and expenditure forecasts, the state of the Ontario economy, and announces tax and spending measures of the Government.

Economic Updates
The Ontario economy is described in a monthly update and fact sheet

This site is maintained by the Government of Ontario, Canada.


Copyright information:© Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2005
Last Modified: December 14, 2006