« Canadian Military History est une revue de format magazine, publiée par le Laurier Centre for Military Strategic and Disarmament Studies, Wilfrid Laurier University, depuis 1992. La revue en est maintenant à son 13e numéro et elle continue de remplir son mandat originel, qui est d'étudier à fond tous les aspects de l'histoire militaire du Canada, des premiers jours jusqu'au XXIe siècle. L'accent est spécialement mis sur les Première et Seconde Guerres mondiales, mais le magazine Canadian Military History (CMH) contient également des articles et des aspects concernant la Guerre de Sept Ans, la guerre de 1812, la rébellion du Nord-Ouest, la guerre d'Afrique du Sud, la guerre de Corée, les opérations de maintien de la paix des Nations Unies, ainsi que des évènements plus récents, comme la confrontation d'Oka en 1990 et la guerre du Golfe persique.

Les articles qui figurent dans les pages du CMH sont rédigés par des historiens professionnels et sont bien illustrés par des photographies et des cartes. On y trouve également des narrations intéressantes, des anecdotes, des rapports officiels, des récits d'anciens combattants, des articles de fond habituels et des critiques de livres. Une caractéristique remarquable est une section régulière fournie par le Musée canadien de la guerre à Ottawa. Dans cette section, les lecteurs trouvent des articles spéciaux relatifs aux expositions du Musée, aux acquisitions récentes, aux évènements à venir et à l'importante collection d'art militaire du Musée ». Laurier Centre for Military Strategic and Disarmament Studies (translation).

Bien que des employés du Musée canadien de la guerre aient, de temps à autre, fourni des articles à cette revue dans ses premières années de publication, c'est au printemps 1996 que le musée est devenu un partenaire et collaborateur officiel de la revue. Ne sont mentionnés ci-après que les numéros parus depuis 1996 et les articles du personnel du Musée canadien de la guerre. Le CMH n'est pas disponible auprès du Musée. Les abonnements peuvent être souscrits par l'entremise de l'université à

"Canadian Military History is a "journal-in-a-magazine-format" published by the Laurier Centre for Military Strategic and Disarmament Studies, Wilfrid Laurier University since 1992. Presently in its 13th volume, CMH continues to fulfill its original mandate, this being to explore all aspects of Canada's military history, from the earliest days through to the twenty-first century. Particular emphasis is given to the First and Second World Wars, but CMH also carries articles and features on the Seven Years' War, the War of 1812, the Northwest Rebellion, the South African War, the Korean War, United Nations Peacekeeping Operations, as well as more recent events such as the Oka standoff of 1990 and the Persian Gulf War.

The articles contained in the pages of CMH are written by professional historians and are well illustrated with photographs and maps. As well, interesting narratives, anecdotes, official reports, veteran accounts, regular columns and book reviews are included. A notable feature of CMH is a regular section contributed by the Canadian War Museum in Ottawa. In this section readers will find special articles concerning museum exhibitions, recent acquisitions, upcoming events, and the museum's extensive collection of Canadian war art." Laurier Centre for Military Strategic and Disarmament Studies.

Although Canadian War Museum employees had sporadically contributed articles to this journal in its early years of its publication, it was in the spring of 1996, that the museum became an official partner and contributor to the journal. Only the issues published from 1996 and the articles of Canadian War Museum personnel are listed below. Cameron Pulsifer is the Editor for the museum. The CMH is not available from the museum. Subscriptions may be arranged through the university at

Volume 5, Number 1. Spring 1996. 112 pages, illustrated. Includes:

BUTLIN, Susan. Women Making Shells: Marking Women's Presence in Munitions Work, 1914-1918. The Art of Frances Loring, Florence Wyle, Mabel May and Dorothy Stevens, p. 41-49,

PULSIFER, Cameron. The Battle of Rockhead, March 1871: Training for War in Mid-Victorian Halifax, p. 49-62,

REID, Mark A. Making Bricks Without Straws: The Development of the Korean War Exhibit at the Canadian War Museum, p. 62-69,

WHITHAM, Jim. Recent Additions to the Canadian War Museum's Vehicle Collection, p. 69-73.

Volume 5, Number 2. Autumn 1996. 128 pages, illustrated. Includes:

SOROBEY, Ron. Filip Konowal, VC: The Rebirth of a Canadian Hero, p. 44-57,

BRANDON, Laura. Obituary - George Campbell Tinning, War Artist, 1910-1996, p. 57-62,

BUTLIN, Susan. Landscape as Memorial: A.Y. Jackson and the Landscape of the Western Front, 1917-1918, p. 62-71,

FERNBERG, Eric M. A Tough Little Boat: The Pogo - HMSC Labrador's Hydrographic Survey Launch, p. 71-77,

HALLIDAY, Hugh A. VC or not VC?: Bestowing a Battlefield Icon, p. 77-88,

JENKINS, Dan R. Little Known Canadian Units - The Corps of Guides, 1903-1914, p. 88-99.

Volume 6, Number 1. Spring 1997. 127 pages, illustrated. Includes:

PULSIFER, Cameron. Richard Rowland Thompson and his Queen's Scarf: An Historical Investigation, p. 69-84,

MCINTYRE, Kyle. " "Sons of Good Western Stock": the South African War Artifacts of Private Alexander W. Stewart, Strathcona's Horse" p. 84-92,

LANGDON-FORD, Jean. Prisoners of War as Library Users, p. 92-97,

BRANDON, Laura. Obituary - C. Anthony Law (1916-1996): Official War Artist, p. 97-101.

Volume 6, Number 2. Autumn 1997. 128 pages, illustrated. Includes:

FOSS, Brian. "No Dead Wood": Henry Lamb and the Canadians, p. 62-67,

BRANDON, Laura. Reflections on the Holocaust: The Holocaust Art of Aba Bayefsky, p. 67-72,

WILSON, Tony. The Enigma Cipher Machine, p. 72-79,

PULSIFER, Cameron. John Robert Osborn: Canada's Hong Kong VC, p. 70-90.

Volume 7, Number 1. Winter 1998. 80 pages, illustrated. Includes:

CHARTRAND, René. Loyalist Lieutenant Jeremiah French and his Uniform, p. 42-51,

MARCUS, Angela. Soldiers' Lives Depicted: Paintings and Drawings by 'Unofficial Artists' in the Collection of the Canadian War Museum, p. 51-59.

Volume 7, Number 2. Spring 1998. 80 pages, illustrated. Includes:

POTHIER, Bernard. The Royal Arms of France and its Ancillary Artifacts, p. 56-65,

BRANDON, Laura. Obituary - Tom Wood (1913-1997): Naval War Artist, p. 65-71.

Volume 7, Number 3. Summer 1998. 80 pages, illustrated. Includes:

OLIVER, Dean F. "My Darlin' Clementine"?: Wooing Zombies for $6.50 a Night, General Service-NRMA Relations in Wartime Calgary, p. 46-55,

MCINTYRE, Kyle. The "Dorothy Medal" and the Dominion Rifle Association, p. 55-58.

Volume 7, Number 4. Autumn 1998. 80 pages, illustrated. Includes:

BRANDON, Laura. The Canadian War Memorial That Never Was, p. 45-55,

DURFLINGER, Serge. Otters's Wound and Other Matters: The "Debate" Between William Dillon Otter and Lawrence Buchan, p. 55-61,

ALLARD, Danielle. Restoration of the Canadian War Memorials Paintings in the Senate Chamber, p. 61-63.

Volume 8, Number 1. Winter 1999. 80 pages, illustrated. Includes:

BOND, James C. The Fog of War: Large-Scale Smoke Screening Operations of First Canadian Army in Northwest Europe, 1944-1945, p. 41-59,

HALLIDAY, Hugh A., and Laura Brandon. Into the Blue: Pilot Training in Canada, 1917-1918, p. 59-65.

Volume 8, Number 2. Spring 1999. 80 pages, illustrated. Includes:

ARMSTRONG, John G. RCAF Identity in Bomber Command: Squadron Names and Sponsors, p. 43-53,

REID, Mark. The Quebec Tercentenary, 1908: Canada's First National Military Pageant, p. 53-59.

Volume 8, Number 3. Summer 1999. 80 pages, illustrated. Includes:

MACFARLANE, John. The Right Stuff?: Evaluating the Performance of Lieutenant-Colonel F.-L. Lessard in South Africa and his Failure to Receive a Senior Command Position with the CEF in 1914, p. 48-59,

BRANDON, Laura. Obituary - Artist of War, Jack Shadbolt (1909-1998), p. 59-63.

Volume 8, Number 4. Autumn 1999. 80 pages, illustrated. Includes:

MILLER, Michael H. A Nightmare Revisited : The Restoration of the Canadian War Museum's 8.8 cm Flak Gun,  p. 39-47,

BAYERLEIN, Carl. Parachute Engineers in Combat, Ortona, 1943: A German Perspective, p. 47-51. Translated by Alex MacQuarrie and edited by Dean F. Oliver.

JOHNSTON, Murray. Canada's Peacekeepers Remember, p. 51-56.

Volume 9, Number 1. Winter 2000. 80 pages, illustrated. Includes:

PULSIFER, Cameron and Harold Wright. "Its just like the resurrection": The Boer Surrender to the Canadians at Paardeberg, p. 47-56,

BRANDON, Laura. Obituary - Orville Fisher: Official War Artist (1911-1999), p. 56-50

Volume 9, Number 2. Spring 2000. 80 pages, illustrated. Includes:

MCCOY, Brendan. Snapshots from the South African War: The F.C. Cantril Photograph Collection at the Canadian War Museum, p. 72-82,

MCDOWALL, Duncan. Canvas of War: Masterpieces from the Canadian War Museum, 1914-1918 and 1939-1945, p. 82-91.

Volume 9, Number 3. Summer 2000. 80 pages, illustrated. Includes:

STAIRS, Denis. Canada and the Korean War: Fifty Years On, p. 49-61,

BRIDGE, Arthur. "In the Eye of the Storm": A Recollection of Three Days in the Falaise Gap, 19-21 August 1944, p. 61-69.

Volume 9, Number 4. Autumn 2000. 80 pages, illustrated. Includes:

DURFLINGER, Serge. "I regret to inform you...": Next-of-kin Notification and Official Condolences - The Case of Flight Lieutenant George J. Chequer. RCAF, p. 44-57

Volume 10, Number 1. Winter 2001. 80 pages, illustrated. Includes:

PULSIFER, Cameron. Canada's First Armoured Unit: Raymond Brutinel and the Canadian Motor Machine Gun Brigades of the First World War, p. 44-58,

BRANDON, Laura. Shattered Landscape: The Great War and the Art of the Group of Seven, p. 58-67.

Volume 10, Number 2, Spring 2001. 80 pages, illustrated. Includes:

SARTY, Roger. Incident on Lucknow Street: Defenders and the Defended in Halifax, 1915, p. 55-60

QUINCE, Cliff and Serge Durflinger. Through the Camera's Lens: Scenes from Aboard the Frigate HMCS Dunver, 1943-1945, p. 60-71.

Volume 10, Number 3, Summer 2001. 80 pages, illustrated. Includes:

WINTER, Jay. The Generation of Memory: Reflections on the "Memory Boom" in Contemporary Historical Studies, p. 57-67,

WILSON, Barbara. The Road to the Cobourg Court Room: New Material from the Archives of the Canadian War Museum on the Sir Arthur Currie-Sir Sam Hughes Dispute, 1918-19, p. 67-74.

Volume 10, Number 4, Autumn 2001. 80 pages, illustrated. Includes:

GRANATSTEIN, J. L. Conscription and My Politics, p. 35-39,

BRANDON, Laura. Colours of War: Works on Paper from the Canadian War Museum, 1914-1945, p. 39-59.

Volume 11, Number 1, Winter 2002. 80 pages, illustrated. Includes:

PURCHASE, Gerry and Owen Cooke. A Rideau Canal Tragedy, p. 49-54,

GRAY, David R. Carrying Canadian Troops: The Story of RMS Olympic as a First World War Troopship, p. 54-71.

Volume 11, Number 2, Spring 2002. 80 pages, illustrated. Includes:

MACDONALD, Harold (with M.A. MacDonald). In the Heat of Battle: Letters from the Normandy Campaign, 1944, p. 29-44,

GLENNEY, Dan, et al. "Treasures" from the Canadian War Museum's Backlog, p. 44-53.

Volume 11, Number 3, Summer 2002. 79 pages, illustrated. Includes:

PULSIFER, Cameron. Death at Licourt: An Historical and Visual Record of Five Fatalities in the 1st Canadian Motor Machine Gun Brigade, 25 March 1918, p. 49-65,

GOUGH, Paul. Peacekeeping, Peace, Memory: Reflections on the Peacekeeping Monument in Ottawa, p. 65-75.

Volume 11, Number 4, Autumn 2002. 80 pages, illustrated. Includes:

MACDONALD, Harold (with M.A. MacDonald). Pursuit: The Letters of Captain Harold MacDonald, North Shore Regiment, from Normandy to the Scheldt, p. 37-53,

BRANDON, Laura. Obituaries: Paul Goranson, Michael Forster and Caven Aitkens, Canadian War Artists, p. 53-59.

Volume 12, Numbers 1 and 2, Winter2002 / Spring 2003. 80 pages, illustrated. Includes:

SARTY, Roger. The "Battle We Lost at Home" Revisited: Official Military Histories and the Battle of the St. Lawrence, p. 41-51,

MACLEOD, D. Peter. Hannah Ingraham: Loyalist Refugee, p. 51-56,

COOK, Tim. Obituary: Sam Hughes, Historical Officer, p. 56-60.

Volume 12, Number 3, Summer 2003. 80 pages, illustrated. Includes:

MACDONALD, Harold (with M.A. MacDonald). Striking into Germany: From the Scheldt to the German Surrender, p. 35-57.

Volume 12, Number 4, Autumn 2003. 80 pages, illustrated. Includes:

COOK, Tim. The Great War of Words, p. 34-37, a full private (Andrew Greenhill, 13th Battalion). Narrative of the Volunteer Camp at Niagara, June 1871, p. 37-55.

Volume 13, Number 1 and 2, Winter / Spring 2004.

COPP, T., and M. Bechthold. The Canadian Battlefields in Normandy. A Visitor's Guide. 152 pages, illustrated, ISBN 0968875041.

A special 60th D-Day Anniversary issue.

Volume 13, Number 3, Summer 2004. 80 pages, illustrated. Includes:

AUGER, Martin F. The Harikari Club: German Prisoners of War and the Mass Escape Scare of 1944-45 at Internment Camp Grande Ligne, Quebec, p. 49-67.

BRANDON, Laura. "From thy tomb a thousand heroes rise": Re-evaluating the CWM's Bust of General James Wolfe, p. 68-74.

Volume 13, Number 4, Autumn 2004. 80 pages, illustrated. Includes:

MACDONALD, Captain Harold, and M.A. MacDonald. "Holland Summer: Awaiting Repatriation, May - August 1945," p. 29-47.

Volume 14, Number 1 and 2, Winter / Spring 2005.

COPP, T., and M. Bechthold. The Canadian Battlefields in Northwest Europe, 1944-1945. A Visitor's Guide, 160 pages, illustrated, ISBN 0968875084.

Volume 14, Number 3, Summer 2005. 80 pages, illustrated. Includes :

WILSON, Barbara M. "This is no alternative": The Diary of Harry H. Coombs, 9th Battalion, CEF, August 1914 - January 1915, p.39-57.

Volume 14, Number 4, Autumn 2005. 80 pages, illustratred. Includes :

FOWLER, T. Robert. The Canadian Nursing Service and the British War Office: The Debate Over Awarding the Military Cross, 1918, p. 31-42.

PULSIFER, Cameron. Scenes from the Canadian Militia, 1866-1907: The Sir William Dillon Otter Albums, p. 43-48.



Mise à jour : 29 août 2006 / Last update: August 29, 2006
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