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Biographical Note   Sir Francis Knowles

Sir Francis Knowles Courtesy of the
Pitt Rivers Museum,
Oxford University,


Sir Francis Knowles began working on contract for the Anthropological Division of the Geological Survey of Canada in 1912 as a physical anthropologist.

Knowles's photographs of the Iroquois are an unexpected and compassionate portrait of a people, transcending the scientific basis with which he began.

© MCC/CMC No. 21436

John Gibson (Onondaga) and Family

Fieldwork Portrait of Chief John Gibson (Onondaga) and Family
1912 Six Nations Reserve, Ontario

© MCC/CMC No. 35446

Charlie Sundown's Daughters

Fieldwork Portrait of Charlie Sundown's Daughters (Seneca)
1915 Tonawanda Reserve, New York

Created: March 14, 2000. Last update: July 24, 2001
© Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation
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