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Bibliographie préparée par:/Bibliography compiled by: Brigitte Lafond
Services de gestion de l’information/Information Management Services
Avril/April 1995
Mise à jour/Update: Novembre/November 1996

ARNOLD, Paul. L'écriture maya déchiffrée: le livre des mots Maya. Paris: Éditions Robert Laffont. 1978.

BAUDEZ, Claude F.; BECQUELIN, Pierre. Le monde précolombien. [Paris]: Gallimard. 1984.

BAUDEZ, Claude F.; PICASSO, Sydney. Les cités perdues des Mayas. Paris: Gallimard (Découvertes Gallimard/Archéologie). 1987.

BECK, Barbara L.; GREENBERG, Lorna. The Ancient Maya. New York: Watts. 1983.

BRETON, Alain; ARNAULD, Jacques (éds.). Mayas. Paris: Autrement (Série Monde, H.S. no.56). 1991.

CHANTEPIE, Frank. Réalité maya: approche de la civilisation maya. Nantes: CID editions. 1987.

CHARTIER, Jean. Civilisations mystérieuses: des Olmèques aux Mayas. Montréal: Stanké. [1979].

COE, Michael D. The Maya, 5th ed. fully rev.and expanded. London: Thames and Hudson. 1993.

COE, Michael D. The Maya Scribe and his world. New York: Grolier Club. 1973.

DWORKIN, Mark J. Mayas, Aztecs and Incas: Mysteries of Ancient Civilizations of Central and South America. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart. 1990.

ENDROP, Paul. Les Mayas, 3ème éd. corr. Paris: Presses universitaires de France. 1985.

FARRISS, Nancy M. Maya Society Under Colonial Rule: The Collective Enterprise of Survival. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1984.

FASH, William L. Scribes, Warriors and Kings: The City of Copán and the Ancient Maya. London: Thames and Hudson (coll. New Aspects of Antiquity). 1991.

FREIDEL, David; SCHELE, Linda; PARKER, Joy. Maya Cosmos: Three Thousand Years on the Shaman's Path. New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc. 1993.

GALLENKAMP, Charles. Maya: The Riddle and Rediscovery of a Lost Civilization, 3rd rev. ed. New York: Viking. 1985.

GALLENKAMP, Charles. Les Mayas: la découverte d'une civilisation perdue. Paris: Payot. 1979.

HAMMOND, Norman. Ancient Maya Civilization. New Brunswick (N.J.): Rutgers. 1982.

HARRIS, John F. Understanding Maya Inscriptions: A Hieroglyph Handbook. Philadelphia: University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania. 1992.

KUBLER. George. The Art and Architecture of Ancient America: Mexican, Maya and Andean Peoples, rev. ed. New York: Penguin. 1984.

LOVE, Bruce. The Paris Codex; Handbook for a Maya Priest. Austin: University of Texas Press. 1994.

McANANY, Patricia A. Living with the Ancestors; Kinship and Kingship in Ancient Maya Society. Austin: University of Texas Press. 1995.

MEYER, Carolyn; GALLENKAMP, Charles. The Mystery of the Ancient Maya. New York: Atheneum. 1985.

MILLER, Mary Ellen; TAUBE, Karl A. The Gods and Symbols of Ancient Mexico and the Maya: An Illustrated Dictionary of Mesoamerican Religion. New York: Thames and Hudson. 1993.

MORLEY, Sylvanus Griswold. The Ancient Maya, 5th rev. ed. Stanford: Stanford University Press. 1983.

NOUGIER, Louis-René. Au temps des Mayas. Paris: Hachette. 1981.

PREM, Hanns J. Le Mexique ancien: l'histoire et la culture des peuples de la Mésoamérique. Paris: Bordas. 1987.

RUDDELL, Nancy. Mystery of the Maya: The Golden Age of the Classic Maya. Hull: Canadian Museum of Civilization. 1995.

RUDDELL, Nancy. Mystery of the Maya: Teachers Guide. Hull: Canadian Museum of Civilization. 1995.

SALMORAL, Manuel Lucena. America 1492: Portrait of a Continent 500 Years Ago. New York: Facts on File. 1990.

SCHELE, Linda; FREIDEL, David. A Forest of Kings: The Untold Story of Ancient Maya. New York: Morrow. 1990.

SCHELE, Linda; MILLER, M.E. The Blood of Kings: Dynasty and Ritual in Maya Art. Fort Worth: Kimbell Art Museum. 1986.

SIFFRE, Michel. L'or des gouffres: découvertes dans les jungles mayas. Paris: Flammarion. 1979.

SOUSTELLE, Jacques. Les Mayas. Paris: Flammarion (coll. L'Odyssée). 1985.

La Splendeur des Mayas. Amsterdam: Éditions Time-Life (coll. Grandes civilisations du passé). 1993.

STIERLIN, Henri. L'art maya: des Olmèques aux Mayas-Toltèques. Paris: Éditions du Seuil. 1991.

STUART, Gene S.; STUART, George E. Lost Kingdom of the Maya. Washington (D.C.): National Geographic Society. 1993.

STUART, Gene S.; STUART, George E. The Mysterious Maya. Washington (D.C.): National Geographic Society. 1977.

TAUBE, Karl. The Legendary Past: Aztec and Maya Myths. Austin: University of Texas Press. 1993.

THOMPSON, J. Eric S. Maya Hieroglyphs Without Tears. London: British Museum Publications. 1980.

THOMPSON, J. Eric S. The Rise and Fall of Maya Civilization, 2nd ed. enl. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. [1966].

TROUT, Lawana, Hooper. The Maya. New York: Chelsea House Publishers. 1991.

Von HAGEN, Victor W. À la recherche des Mayas. Montréal: Éditions Québec/Amérique. 1977.

Books for children:

BAQUEDANO, Elizabeth. Aztec, Inca & Maya. Toronto: Stoddart (coll. Eyewitness Books). 1993.

BAQUEDANO, Elizabeth. Les peuples du soleil. Paris: Gallimard (coll. Yeux de la découverte, no.46). 1993.

BECK, Barbara L.; GREENBERG, Lorna. The Ancient Maya. New York: Watts. 1983.

GARCIA, Guy. Climbing to the Sun; A Boy Explores his People's Mysterious Past. New York: Walker. 1995.

MUSSET, Alain. Avant l'Amérique, les Mayas et les Aztèques. Paris: Nathan (coll. Peuples du passé). 1992.

NICHOLSON, Robert. The Maya. New York: Chelsea Juniors. 1994.

TALBERT, Marc. Heart of a Jaguar. New York: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers. 1995.

WHITLOCK, Ralph. Everyday Life of the Maya. London: Batsford. [1976].


Lost Kingdoms of the Maya. Washington (D.C.): National Geographic Society. 1993. 60 min.

Maya Lords of the Jungle. Washington(D.C.): PBS Home Video (Dist. by Pacific Arts). 1993. 58 min.
Abstract: "Visits ancient sites on the Yucatan Peninsula where new findings are forcing a reappraisal of the Mayan past".

Le serpent à plumes. [s.l.: s.n.] (produced by Demimonde Productions Ltd, Quantum Films and Australian Broadcasting Corporation). 1988. 54 min.

Created: April 11, 1997. Last update: June 21, 2001
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