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Selected Readings

Abella, Irving Martin. “The ‘Sydenham Election’ of 1841”. Canadian Historical Review 47/4 (December 1966)

Adachi, Ken. The Enemy That Never Was: A History of the Japanese Canadians. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1976.

Bacchi, Carol. “Liberation Deferred: The Ideas of the English-Canadian Suffragists, 1877–1918”. Ph.D. dissertation, McGill University, 1976.

Black, Jerome H. 1991. “Reforming the Context of the Voting Process in Canada: Lessons from Other Democracies”. In Voter Turnout in Canada, ed. Herman Bakvis. Vol. 15 of the research studies of the Royal Commission on Electoral Reform and Party Financing. Ottawa and Toronto: RCERPF/Dundurn.

Brodie, Janine, with the assistance of Celia Chandler. 1991. “Women and the Electoral Process in Canada”. In Women in Canadian Politics: Toward Equity in Representation, ed. Kathy Megyery. Vol. 6 of the research studies of the Royal Commission on Electoral Reform and Party Financing. Ottawa and Toronto: RCERPF/Dundurn.

The Canadian Gallup Poll Ltd. 1979. “Attitudes of the Public Towards the Federal Electoral Process in Canada”. Commissioned by Elections Canada.

_____. 1980. “Attitudes of the Public Towards the Federal Electoral Process in Canada.” Commissioned by Elections Canada.

_____. 1984. “Gallup National Omnibus Conducted for Elections Canada: Summary of Results”. Commissioned by Elections Canada.

______ . 1986. “Gallup National Omnibus Conducted for Elections Canada: Summary of Results”. Commissioned by Elections Canada.

Cleverdon, C. The Woman Suffrage Movement in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1950.

Cornell, Paul G., Jean Hamelin, Fernand Ouellet and Marcel Trudel. Canada, Unity in Diversity. Toronto: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1968.

Dictionary of Canadian Biography. Volumes IV (1979), V (1983), VII (1988), VIII (1985), X (1972). Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1966– .

Eagles, Munroe. 1991. “Voting and Non-voting in Canadian Federal Elections: An Ecological Analysis”. In Voter Turnout in Canada, ed. Herman Bakvis. Vol. 15 of the research studies of the Royal Commission on Electoral Reform and Party Financing. Ottawa and Toronto: RCERPF/Dundurn.

Franquet, Louis. Voyages et mémoires sur le Canada par Franquet. With a preface by Jacques Lacoursière. Montreal: Éditions Élysées, 1974.

Gallup Canada Inc. 1988. “Gallup National Omnibus Survey of Eligible Voters”. Commissioned by Elections Canada.

______ . 1993. “1992 Federal Referendum Study: Volume I – National Survey Final Report”. Commissioned by Elections Canada.

Garner, John. The Franchise and Politics in British North America, 1755–1867. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1969.

Hamel, J.M. “Canadian Women and the Vote”. Chelsea Journal (September/October 1975).

Hamelin, Jean and Marcel Hamelin. Les mœurs électorales dans le Québec de 1791 à nos jours. Montreal: Éditions du Jour, 1962.

Hamelin, Jean, John Huot and Marcel Hamelin. Aperçu de la politique canadienne au XIXe siècle. Quebec City: Culture review, 1965.

Lamoureux, Diane. Citoyennes? Femmes, droit de vote et démocratie. Montreal: Éditions du remue-ménage, 1989.

Lavergne, France. Le suffrage féminin. Québec: Directeur général des élections du Québec. “Études électorales”, 1990.

Mishler, William. 1979. Political Participation in Canada: Prospects for Democratic Citizenship. Toronto: Macmillan.

Pammett, Jon H. 1991. “Voting Turnout in Canada”. In Voter Turnout in Canada, ed. Herman Bakvis. Vol. 15 of the research studies of the Royal Commission on Electoral Reform and Party Financing. Ottawa and Toronto: RCERPF/Dundurn.

Pomfret, Richard. 1987 [1981]. The Economic Development of Canada. Toronto: Methuen.

Preston, W.T.R. My Generation of Politics and Politicians. Toronto: D.A. Rose Publishing Co., 1927.

Qualter, T.H. The Election Process in Canada. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Company of Canada Limited, 1970.

Roy, Patricia E. “Citizens Without Votes: East Asians in British Columbia, 1872–1947”. In Ethnicity, Power and Politics in Canada, ed. Jorgen Dalhie and Tessa Fernando. Toronto: Methuen, 1981.

Ryerson, Stanley Bréhaut. Unequal Union: Roots of Conflict in the Canadas, 1815–1873. Toronto: Progress Books, 1973 [1968].

Scarrow, Howard A. 1962. Canada Votes: A Handbook of Federal and Provincial Election Data. New Orleans: The Hauser Press.

______. 1967. “Patterns of Voter Turnout in Canada”. In Voting in Canada, ed. John C. Courtney. Scarborough: Prentice-Hall.

Schull, Joseph. Laurier: The First Canadian. Toronto: The Macmillan Co. of Canada, 1965.

Ward, Norman. 1963. The Canadian House of Commons: Representation. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Woodsworth, J. S. Strangers Within Our Gates. 1906

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