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You can retrace an Archaeological Expedition to the Lower Mackenzie Valley/Beaufort Sea region of the N.W.T. by selecting from a number of paths of discovery. These have been arranged in an order similar to the one followed by researchers themselves. Each one provides a unique opportunity to learn something new about a region and its past, but also about the process of discovery of the past.

You might begin by finding out about the research project, the study area and the details to be taken care of when putting together an expedition. These sections have been grouped together as Background and Preparations. In some cases you can choose from a brief overview or a more detailed version by simply clicking on highlighted section headers.

Archaeological Discoveries consist of observations and interpretations recorded at the sites themselves and the sense that is later made of this information. You can relive each field season's work in detail by reading through the richly illustrated reports. Others might prefer only learning about the main points contained in a report which are provided in overviews. Throughout, hyperlinks have been added which allow you to follow the work at particular sites over the years without having to scroll through other information. Sites used in analyses also have links which bring you to the original field information. In this way, you can see how these individual sites contribute to writing the "bigger picture" and how interpretations might have changed with new information.

At the bottom of just about every page there is an icon which allows you to change the language of the page from English to French and vice versa.

Here are some other handy navigation icons to keep an eye out for:

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choose a field season overview download a video file (.mpg)
read a field report download a sound file (.wav)
choose a new path of discovery select an analysis

Last update: September 12, 2001
© Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation
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