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7. Spiritual Tapestry —
    Varieties of Religious Expression
Virtually every Christian denomination and world religion is represented in the Prairie region. Together they create a rich spiritual tapestry, interweaving themes common to all humanity with each group's unique beliefs and religious practices.

Newcomers quickly adopted many aspects of life in the West while generally maintaining their own forms of worship, traditional family celebrations and seasonal customs. Their religious buildings testified to the rich and widely diverse cultures that make up the West. Indeed, religion may be regarded as one of the mainsprings if not the single most important factor in ethnic survival in the new land.

Bordering this exhibit area are an actual Ukrainian church moved from Smoky Lake, Alberta and an authentic replica of the façade of a Danish Lutheran church from Dahlum, Alberta. Exhibits will illustrate a representative range of Christian denominations and other world religions, enabling Museum visitors to compare and contrast ritual-oriented churches, evangelical denominations, social gospel movements, and diverse beliefs about humanity's relationship to nature.

With the participation of various religious communities, the Museum will interpret seasonal religious customs, explore special issues such as gender and plan for the commemoration of the Christian bimillenary.

Opening date (tentative):

Created: June 1, 1996. Last update: July 12, 2001
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