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Search Link to Advanced Search > Military History > Chronology > Canada and the Second World War
Chronology of Canadian Military History Canadian Military History, Colonial Period, New France, First Peoples, Seven Years War, French Indian War Canadian Military History, British North America, American Invasion, War of 1812, Dominion of Canada, Riel Rebellion, South African War Canadian Military History, World War 1 History, 1914-1918, Canadian Armed Forces, conscription Canadian Military History, World War 2, 1939-1945, Battle of the Atlantic, conscription, invasion, Dday, Normandy, Germany, axis, allies, Hong Kong, Dieppe 1946-today
Canada and the 
Second World War
The World Crisis
Canada goes to War
Canada at Britain's side
The Battle of the Atlantic
Canada's War at sea
The War comes to Canada
The Battle for Hong Kong
Disaster at Dieppe
The British Commonwealth Air Training Plan
Bomber Command
The Royal Canadian Air Force
The Home Front
The Italian Campaign
Canada at D-Day
The Normandy Campaign
Liberating Northwest Europe
The War against Japan
Forced Relocation: the Japanese-Canadian Story
Going Home
Counting the Cost
A Nation Transformed



In 1942, the Federal government removed Japanese-Canadians from the coastal areas of British Columbia.

Japan's early victories made British Columbians fear an attack, possibly assisted by local Japanese-Canadians, and led to racially motivated pressure for their removal from the west coast. Bowing to public pressure, the Federal government forcibly removed 22,000 Japanese-Canadians from the coastal areas of British Columbia in 1942 and relocated them inland to rudimentary settlements, road camps, and prairie sugar beet farms. So-called "resisters" were sent to military internment camps at Angler and Petawawa, Ontario. Allowed to take few possessions, the evacuees then saw their remaining property confiscated and sold by the Federal government.

In 1945, the Canadian government offered Japanese-Canadians two equally harsh options: dispersal to places east of the Rocky Mountains or repatriation to Japan. Threatened with the breakup of their families, some 10,000 Japanese-Canadians consented to repatriation, despite public protest of the government's plan. Canadian Prime Minister Mackenzie King finally cancelled it in 1947, by which time 4,000 Japanese-Canadians had already been repatriated, the other 6,000 having revoked their consent. Of those who remained in Canada, only a few Japanese-Canadians ever returned to British Columbia. The majority attempted to start new lives elsewhere in the country.

The War Against Japan
Canadian War Museum
1 Vimy Place
Ottawa, Ontario
K1R 1C2

Created: April 2, 2003, Last update: May 17, 2005
© Canadian War Museum
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