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Military history of Canada
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The Corporation
Military History of Canada
Canadian War Museum
1 Vimy Place
Ottawa, Ontario
K1R 1C2
Tel. (819) 776-8600
toll-free 1-800-555-5621

Public Programs

Clash of Empires: The War that Made Canada, 1754-1763

May 31 to November 12

Free with Museum admission.
More than 200 years ago, the French, British, and First Peoples collided in a historic struggle for empire in North America. This exhibition contains the largest collection of Seven Years' War artifacts ever assembled in North America. Almost 200 artifacts from 55 collections highlight the clothing, weapons, art, maps, and documents of French, British, and First Peoples.
John McCrae Gallery
An exhibition organized by the Senator John Heinz Pittsburgh Regional History Center, an affiliate of the Smithsonian Institution, in partnership with the Canadian War Museum. Supported by the Department of Canadian Heritage through the Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Program

Ongoing Public Programs

Free with Museum admission. For details, please enquire at the Information Desk

History Is Yours
History is not owned or written by someone else for you to learn. It is being made by you, right now. What is your Canada?
Location: Gallery 4

Witnesses to History
Find out what it was like to live through the Second World War, Cold War, fight in Korea or be a peacekeeper by meeting men and women who were there.
Location: Galleries 3, 4 and LeBreton Gallery

Hands-On History
Join these lively demonstrations and find out how army surgeons treated wounds, or how Canadians prepared to invade Normandy. Children can make their own medals or write a poem about their museum experience.
Location: Canadian Experience Galleries

Royal Canadian Legion Poster Winners (Ongoing)

Every year, the Royal Canadian Legion sponsors a Remembrance-themed poster and essay contest for students across Canada. The Museum honours the national winners, from junior grades up to senior high school, with a special display of their artwork.
Location: Atelier corridor

Created: May 6, 2005. Last update: September 15, 2006
© Canadian War Museum
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Government of Canada