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POMPEII exhibition a huge success attracting 129,000 visitors

CMC and CWM leading attractions in the capital region

Gatineau, Quebec, September 22, 2005 — The Canadian Museum of Civilization’s North American première showing of POMPEII this summer was a tremendous success. More than 129,000 people visited the exhibition of 500 authentic ancient artifacts, from wall-sized frescoes, statues, jewellery, tools, furniture, coins and other significant objects to poignant body casts of victims of the Mount Vesuvius eruption of AD 79.

Visitors’ comments were highly positive: "Awesome!! The Pompeii exhibit was the best: very emotional and moving." "Very touching exhibit — made those ancient people seem very real." "The exhibit of Pompeii was magnificent. I love history like this!!"

"World history is part of Canadian history," said Dr. Victor Rabinovitch, President and CEO of the Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation. "We are proud to have hosted an international exhibition as rich in meaning and beauty as POMPEII. The designs and technical installations created by our staff here in Gatineau were exceptional. Visitors from across the region, the country and the rest of the world have responded unequivocally to the superlative quality of our presentation."

The exhibition came to the Canadian Museum of Civilization for its only Canadian stop after a successful tour in Europe. It will next travel to the Field Museum in Chicago, then to Japan, China and the United States. POMPEII was developed by the Soprintendenza Archeologica di Pompei together with the Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici di Napoli e Caserta, and promoted by the Regione Campania-Assessorato ai Beni Culturali, with the support of the Compagnia di San Paolo and a contribution from the Autostrade Meridionali SpA.

Attendance at the Canadian Museum of Civilization (CMC) and at the Canadian War Museum (CWM) is continuing to be strong. Regional tourism agencies credit the museums for helping the industry rebound over last year. Ottawa Tourism identified the new CWM as a "signature event" that has surpassed expectations and Outaouais Tourism confirms that the CMC is the top cultural attraction in western Quebec.

Jacques Burelle, President and CEO of Ottawa Tourism sums it up: "Hats off to these two institutions for leading the way in educating and entertaining visitors to Canada's Capital Region and showcasing our cultural richness."

Media Information:

Chief, Media Relations
Canadian Museum of Civilization
Tel.: (819) 776-7167

Media Relations Officer
Canadian Museum of Civilization
Tel.: (819) 776-7169

Fax: (819) 776-7187

Created: 9/22/2005
© Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation
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