Objectives and Results -- Shared Understanding of Canadian Identity and History

The Corporation is in a position to make a significant contribution to Canada's identity and unity by fostering a greater shared understanding of Canadian history and culture. An important element of the CMCC's efforts in this regard continues to be completion of unfinished exhibition spaces at the Canadian Museum of Civilization. Priority was given to the Canada Hall, scheduled to be completed in 1998.


To increase Canadians' sense of their common identity and history.



Attendance at both the CMC and the CWM surpassed expectations. While other national institutions experienced some decline in popularity, the Corporation's attendance figures exceeded the 1995-1996 attendance target.

CMC -- 1,250,000 (projected); 1,319,901 (actual)
CWM -- 200,000 (projected); 216,720 (actual)
TOTAL -- 1,450,000 (projected); 1,536,621 (actual)

Completion of Exhibitions:

  • Work on the Canada Hall is proceeding on schedule. Western Expansion: St. Onuphrius (Ukrainian Church -- Alberta) and the Western Railway Setting (Ontario/Saskatchewan) will open in June 1996.
  • At the CWM, the Hall of Heroes and the exhibition Victory opened in May 1995. In addition, funds were made available by the Corporation for the development of the Canadian Peacekeepers' gallery, which will open in June 1996.

Participation in Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the End of the Second World War:

  • The CWM successfully staged its Commemorative Programme from May 17-22, 1995, marking the 50th anniversary of the end of the Second World War. The CWM won a Special Award from the Department of Canadian Heritage for this programming.

Table of Contents

Created: September 21, 1996. Last update: July 19, 2001
© Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation
Government of Canada