Publications, Multimedia and the Museum of New France


Without a doubt, the most important publication of the year was Inuit: Glimpses of an Arctic Past. Launched on the international market in mid-October, this book presents the Inuit to readers the world over. Co-authored by David Morrison, an eminent researcher and curator at the CMC of the archaeology of the Northwest Territories -- and journalist Georges-Hébert Germain, the work features 225 prints and photographs, along with magnificent original illustrations by renowned illustrator Frédéric Back. The first edition, with a print run of 28,500 (French and English versions), divided between French, Canadian and American publishers, is already assured of successful marketing and distribution. The book has also made inroads with German publishers, and was presented at the Frankfurt International Book Fair in October 1995.

The Museum also published two major works to accompany eponymous exhibitions: Edward Poitras, Canada XLVI Biennale di Venezia by Gerald McMaster, and *Les paradis du monde*: Quebec Folk Art by Pascale Galipeau. Both works received critical acclaim, while the bound editions of Femmes artistes inuit and Inuit Women Artists received the Alcuin Society Graphic Design Prize, General Trade Category -- adult illustration and photography books. In addition, agreements were signed for the distribution of our publications in France, Great Britain, Africa and Australia.

In Paris, 22 of our publications and 50 cards by Inuit artists were on display in the Printemps department store during the holiday season, thanks to a promotion organized by the Economics and Trade Branch of the Canadian Embassy.


The Publishing Division is responsible for developing multimedia publishing projects, and has undertaken the following initiatives:

The Museum of New France -- A Virtual Museum

The mission of the Museum of New France (MNF) will be to present the historical period during which the French explored the North American continent and founded New France. Distribution and exchanges with a vast and varied public will become possible through the use of digital technology.

A dynamic partnership between government departments and the private sector in the three participating countries -- Canada, France and the United States -- will make it possible to set up the MNF. Canadian expertise in the promotion of our rich cultural heritage and in digital technology innovations will thus be made available on an international scale.

The virtual museum has been made possible thanks to the following partners: the Canadian Museum of Civilization, the Musée de la civilisation in Québec, Parks Canada, the National Archives of Canada and the Centre for Research in Communications and Social Change at the University of Ottawa. French partners, including the Maison des sciences de l'Homme in Paris and the French Ministry of Culture, participated in the strategic search for French partnerships.

New Publications

Archaeological Survey of Canada

CLARK, A. McFayden. Who Lived in This House, Mercury, ASC, Paper no. 153.
CLARK, Donald. Fort Reliance Yukon, 1874-1886, in Historical Archaeology, Mercury, ASC, Paper no. 150.
DYCK, Ian and Richard E. Morlan. The Sjovold Site: A River Crossing Campsite in the Northern Plains, Paper no. 151.
GERMAIN, Georges-Hébert, with scientific director David Morrison. Inuit: Glimpses of an Arctic Past, September 1995. Co-published with Libre-Expression. (Also available in French)
WRIGHT, James V. A History of the Native People of Canada, Vol. 1 (10,000-1,000 B.C.), Mercury, ASC, Paper no. 152, January 1996.

Canadian Centre for Folk Culture Studies

GALIPEAU, Pascale. *Les Paradis du monde* -- L'art populaire du Québec, Mercury, CCFCS, Paper no. 68, June 1995. (Also available in English)
HANAFI, Hanafi. Montréal . . . Passion, September 1995. Co-published with Méridien. Introduction by Aida Kouak.
KLYMASZ, Robert B. and Koozma J. TARASOFF. Spirit Wrestlers: Centennial Papers in Honour of Canada's Doukhobor Heritage, Mercury, CCFCS, Paper no. 67, March 1995.

Canadian Ethnology Service

CLÉMENT, Daniel. The Algonquins, translated from Recherches amérindiennes au Québec, Mercury, CES, Paper no. 130.
CLÉMENT, Daniel. La zoologie des Montagnais. Co-published with the CNRS and l'Institut culturel et éducatif montagnais, Ethnosciences 10.
LEROUX, Odette, Marion JACKSON and Minnie Aodla FREEMAN. Inuit Women Artists: Voices from Cape Dorset. Co-published with Douglas & McIntyre, softcover edition, 1995.
McMASTER, Gerald. Canada XLVI Biennale di Venizia, Edward Poitras, April 1995.


RUDDELL, Nancy. Mystery of the Maya: The Golden Age of the Classic Maya, June 1995. (Also available in French)
---- Mystery of the Maya, Teacher's Guide, November 1995. (Also available in French)
---- Raven's Village: The Myths, Arts and Traditions of Native People from the Pacific Northwest Coast, May 1995. (Also available in French)


Co-published with the CMC, the Commonwealth Association of Museums and the University of Victoria, Curatorship: Indigenous Perspectives in Post-Colonial Societies, Mercury, Paper no. 8.

Compact Discs

A History of the Native People of Canada, Vol. I (10,000-1,000 B.C.), produced by the Canadian Museum of Civilization, 1995.
Back the Attack: Canadian Women and the Second World War/Jusqu'au bout : Les Canadiennes et la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, produced by the Canadian Museum of Civilization, 1995.
Maya, co-produced by the Canadian Museum of Civilization, National Film Board of Canada and Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografía, 1995.
Painting the War: Canada's Second World War Official Artists/La Guerre en tableaux : Les artistes officiels de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, produced by the Canadian Museum of Civilization, 1995.
Tsimshian: From Time Immemorial. The History and Culture of the Tsimshian-Speaking Peoples of British Columbia, produced by the Canadian Museum of Civilization, 1995.

Articles and Other Publications

ALSFORD, S. "CMC Stakes Out Cyberspace Site" in Muse, Vol. 13, no. 3, November 1995.

BAIRD, R. C. "Beyond the Catalogue Card: Information and the Management of Museum Collections", Proceedings of the 7th Annual Conference of the Museum Documentation Association, Edinburgh, Scotland, November 1995.

BÉGIN, Dr. C. Introduction to Musiciens traditionnels du Québec (1920-1993) by Gabriel Labbé, éditions VLB, 1995.
---- "Le Musée canadien des civilisations et l'implication des acteurs culturels dans la sauvegarde et la diffusion de leur culture" in Cultural Heritage of Minority Groups in Vietnam, Part IV Museums and Cultural Centres, UNESCO, Paris, January 1996.

BLAIS, J.-M. "Apprentissage et interactifs, piste de réflexion" in Musées, Vol. 17, no. 1, Summer 1995.

CHRESTIEN, J.-P. "Une première : une exposition sur les baleiniers basques du Labrador" in L'aventure maritime, du golfe de Gascogne à Terre-Neuve, Paris, CTHS, 1995.
CHRESTIEN, J.-P. and D. DUFOURNIER. "Les grès béarnais au Canada" in L'aventure maritime, du golfe de Gascogne à Terre-Neuve, Paris, CTHS, 1995.
---- "French Stoneware in North-Eastern North America" in Trade and Discovery: The Scientific Study of Artifacts from Post-Medieval Europe and Beyond, edited by Duncan R. Hook and David R. M. Gaimster, Department of Scientific Research, British Museum, Occasional Paper 109, 1995.

CLÉMENT, D. Edited reviews in French for journal Culture, Vol. XV (2).
---- Translated articles for Journal of Ethnobiology.

CYBULSKI, J. (with G. Piedalue). "Buried Prisoners in 18th Century Quebec" in In Remembrance: Archaeology and Death.

GENDREAU, B. "Les porteurs de lettres" in Cap-aux-diamants, Summer 1995.
GENDREAU, B. and J. WILLIS. "Recherche et collections -- Research and Collections" in The National Postal Museum Newsletter, no. 1, 1995.
---- "Peu de machines mais beaucoup d'hommes : le tri du courrier à Montréal et Toronto à la fin du siècle dernier" in Philatélie Québec, 1995.

HOE, Dr. Ban Seng, Review of "The Playful Revolution of Asia" in Journal of the Canadian Anthropological Association, 1995.

KLYMASZ, Dr. R. Foreword for the book Marmonitz: A History of a Ukrainian Pioneer Settlement in Saskatchewan 1900-1995 by Jennie Zayachkowskie, Ottawa, 1995.

KOTLER, J. "Imaging: No More Drum Scans", in Electronic Link Magazine Vol. 2, no.3, September 1995.

LAFORET, A. "Three Songs from Spuzzum" in One People's Stories.

MACDONALD, Dr. G.F. and S. ALSFORD. "Museums 2000: museums for a new century" in Museums Review, Vol. 21.
---- "Museums and theme parks: worlds in collision?" in Museum Management and Curatorship, Vol. 14.

McMASTER, G. "Object (to) Sanctity" in Journal for Canadian Studies.

MORLAN, R. "Late and Middle Pleistocene Vertebrate Fossils from Old Crow Basin, Locality CRH 15, Northern Yukon Territory" in Palaeoecology and Palaeoenvironments of Late Cenezoic Mammals, 1996.

MORRISON, D. (review) "The Crane Site . . . by R.J. Leblanc" in Canadian Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 19.

PERESSINI, M. "Des mondes imparfaits - Le travail dans les récits de vie d'Italo-Montréalais", in Culture, Vol. XV, no. 1, 1995.
---- "Femmes et sexualité dans l'art populaire: Le dur métier de conservateur" in *Les paradis du monde*- L'art populaire du Québec, Mercury, no. 68.

WESTGATE, J., C. SCHWEGER, A. SANDHU, R. MORLAN, and J. MATTHEWS, Jr. "Technochronological, Palaeomagnetic and Palaeoenvironmental Studies of late Cenozoic Deposits in the Northern Yukon Canada". INQUA Abstracts, Berlin, 1995.

WILLIS, J. "Sur les traces de la modernité postale" in Cap-aux-diamants, Spring 1995.
---- "La poste au Canada : tout commence en Nouvelle-France" in Cap-aux-diamants, Christmas 1995.
----"On and Off the Island of Montreal" in Espace et culture, Quebec, 1995.

CMC Electronic Products

KEENLYSIDE, D. and Government of New Brunswick. "A Malaseet-Micmac photo sampler". CD, Government of New Brunswick.

BAIRD, R.C. "Museums Without Walls", promotional Portfolio-CD on the CMCC Digitization Project.

MORTENSEN, K. "Technology Gets Culture: How Museums Are Using Digital Imaging", Kodak Web Site.

Table of Contents

Created: September 21, 1996. Last update: July 19, 2001
© Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation
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