La série Publications historiques du Musée canadien de la guerre compte 30 livres. Fred Gaffen était l'éditeur de la série.


There are thirty books in the Canadian War Museum Historical Publications series. Fred Gaffen was the series editor.

1. SWETTENHAM, John Alexander, 1968. Canada and the First World War / La participation du Canada à la première guerre modiale. 63 pages, 56 photographs / photographies, bilingual / bilingue.

A short history of Canada's role in the First World War illustrated with paintings by Canadian war artists and photographs of the battlefields. / Court récit du rôle du Canada dans la Première Guerre mondiale, illustré de peintures d'artistes de guerre canadiens et de photographies des champs de bataille.

2. SWETTENHAM, John Alexander, 1969. D-Day / Jour-J. 30 pages, illustrated / illustré, 1 map / carte, bilingual / bilingue, ISBN 0-660-50250-X / 978-0-660-50250-8.

A brief account of the Allied landings in Normandy on June 6, 1944 and subsequent events to the end of July 1944. / Court récit du débarquement des alliés en Normandie, le 6 juin 1944, et des évènements ultérieurs jusqu'à la fin de juillet de la même année.

3. SWETTENHAM, John Alexander, 1969. Canada and the First World War / La participation du Canada à la Première Guerre modiale. 160 pages, 281 illustrations, 2 maps / cartes, bilingual / bilingue. Co-published with / Coédité avec Ryerson (Toronto, Ontario). Reprinted / Réimprimé 1973, McGraw-Hill Ryerson (Toronto, Ontario), Cloth / relié, ISBN 0-7700-0280-3 / 978-0-7700-0280-0. Paper / papier, ISBN 0-07-092978-5 / 978-0-07-092978-4.

Based on the Fiftieth Anniversary Armistice Display at the Canadian War Museum, this book describes Canada's magnificant contribution by land, sea and air in World War I and depicts in clear, vivid language the achievements and sacrifices of the men and women who served. / Basé sur l'exposition marquant le 50e anniversaire de l'Armistice, au Musée canadien de la guerre, ce livre décrit la splendide contribution du Canada, sur terre, sur mer et dans les airs, à la Première Guerre mondiale et dépeint dans un langage clair et vivant les réalisations et les sacrifices des hommes et des femmes en service militaire.

4. GRIFFIN, J. A., 1969. Publication No. 69-2. Canadian Military Aircraft: Serials and Photographs, 1920-1968 / Avions militaires canadien: Numéros de série et photographies, 1920-1968. 691 pages, illustrated / illustré, bilingual / bilingue.

The definitive, illustrated catalogue of Canadian military aircraft used in the Second World War. Much of the book is devoted to all the military aircraft built in Canada, with serial numbers, dated taken on strength, and off strength. Frequently a record of service is included. / Catalogue définitif illustré, d'avions militaires canadiens utilisés durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Une grand partie du livre est consacrée à tous les avions militaires construits au Canada, leurs numéros de série, les dates lorsqu'ils furent portés à l'effectif et ensuite rayés des contrôles. Fréquemment, un état de service est inclus.

5. MORTON, Desmond, 1972. The Last War Drum: The North West Campaign of 1885. 193 pages, 118 illustrations, 8 maps, paper, ISBN 0-660-02464-0 / 978-0-660-02464-6. Reprinted, 1972, by A.M. Hakkert Ltd. (Toronto, Ontario), and Edgar Kent, Inc. (Campbellville, Ontario), ISBN 0-88866-512-1 / 978-0-88866-512-6.

A richly illustrated history of the second Riel Rebellion, the first great crisis of Confederation and the first military undertaking in which Canadians fought independent of the British.

6. SWETTENHAM, John Alexander, 1972. The Evening of Chivalry. 65 pages, 45 illustrations, 5 in colour, ISBN 0-660-00043-1 / 978-0-660-00043-5.

An account of that period in the history of warfare when the heavy horseman ceased to dominate the battlefields of western Europe, and of the tactics and weapons that brought about his fall. This catalogue marked the exhibition of arms and armour from the Tower of London held at the Canadian War Museum from 1972-1973.

6. SWETTENHAM, John Alexander, 1972. Le crépuscule de la chevalerie. 63 pages, 45 illustrations, 5 en couleur, ISBN 0-660-00040-7 / 978-0-660-00040-4.

Une reconstruction de la période historique où le chevalier en armure cessa de dominer les champs de bataille d'Europe occidentale, mettant l'accent sur les tactiques et les armes qui amenèrent son déclin. Ce catalogue a marqué l'exposition des bras et de l'armure de la tour de Londres tenue au Musée canadien de guerre de 1972-1973.

7. SWETTENHAM, John Alexander, ed., 1973. Valiant Men: Canada's Victoria Cross and George Cross Winners. 234 pages, 121 illustrations, 4 colour photographs, cloth. Co-published with A.M. Hakkert Ltd. (Toronto, Ontario), and Edgar Kent, Inc. (Campbellville, Ontario), ISBN 0-88866-525-3 / 978-0-88866-525-6.

This book presents all Canada's Victoria Cross and George Cross winners. Extensive research makes it possible to give the most accurate possible biographical data for each Cross winner, and carefully selected accounts portray the stirring actions in which they were involved.

8. STANLEY, George Francis Gilman, 1973. Canada Invaded, 1775-1776. 186 pages, 59 illustrations, 7 maps. Cloth, ISBN 0-660-02466-X / 978-0-660-02466-0. Paper, ISBN 0-660-02465-9 / 978-0-660-02465-3. Reprinted 1977 by A.M. Hakkert (Toronto, Ontario), and Edgar Kent, Inc. (Campbellville, Ontario), cloth, ISBN 0-88866-537-7 / 978-0-88866-537-9 and paper, ISBN 0-88866-578-4 / 978-0-88866-578-2.

Describes a crucial phase in Canadian history ─ the invasion of Canada by American forces in 1775 and the events and battles which led to the repulse of the invaders at Quebec. "The outcome of the American invasion of Canada in 1775 confirmed our separate identity...It had international significance with all the elements of high drama." The Legion

9. MORTON, Desmond, 1974. Canadian General: Sir William Otter. 423 pages, 16 photographs, 4 maps, cloth, ISBN 0-88866-535-0 / 978-0-88866-535-5. Co-published with A.M. Hakkert (Toronto, Ontario), and Edgar Kent, Inc. (Campbellville, Ontario).

The definitive biography of Canada's most eminent soldier of the Victorian period, Sir William Dillon Otter, 1843-1929, who rose from poverty and obscurity during a period of exciting events in Canadian history to achieve recognition, acclaim and honour.

10. WOOD, Herbert Fairlie, and John Swettenham, 1974. Silent Witnesses. 224 pages, 167 photographs, 69 in colour, 31 maps, cloth, ISBN 0-660-02467-5 / 978-0-660-02467-7. A joint publication of the Canadian War Museum and the Department of Veterans Affairs. Reprinted by A.M. Hakkert (Toronto, Ontario), and Edgar Kent, Inc. (Campbellville, Ontario), ISBN 0-88866-557-1 / 978-0-88866-557-7.

All over the world, Canadian fighting men have given their lives for their country and its causes. This is a detailed account of the battles in which Canadian forces have participated in defence of their country, with maps and guides to war cemeteries in Canada and Europe.

10. WOOD, Herbert Fairlie, et John Swettenham, 1974. Les témoins silencieux. Traduit par Jacques Gouin. 249 pages, 167 photographies, 69 en couleur, 31 cartes, relié, ISBN 0-660-02463-2 / 978-0-660-02463-9. Publication collective du Ministère des Affaires des anciens combattants et des Musées nationaux du Canada. Réimprimé par A.M. Hakkert (Toronto, Ontario), ISBN 0-88866-563-6 / 978-0-88866-563-8.

Partout dans le monde, les hommes de combat canadiens ont donné leurs vies pour leur pays et ses causes. C'est un compte détaillé des batailles dans lesquelles les forces canadiennes ont participé à la défense de leur pays, avec des cartes et des guides des cemetaries de guerre au Canada et l'Europe.

11. POWLEY, A. E., 1975. Broadcast from the Front: Canadian Radio Overseas in the Second World War. 189 pages, 55 photographs, cloth, ISBN 0-660-02468-3 / 978-0-660-02468-4. Reprinted by A.M. Hakkert (Toronto, Ontario), and Edgar Kent, Inc. (Campbellville, Ontario), ISBN 0-88866-565-2 / 978-0-88866-565-2.

The story of CBC war correspondents and their mobile recording units, through which, for the first time in the history of warfare, the home front could listen to the battle front and learn - sometimes in only hours - of what went on there.

12. MACPHERSON, Ken R., 1975. Canada's Fighting Ships. 136 pages, 70 photographs. Paper, ISBN 0-660-02469-1 / 978-0-660-02469-1 . Cloth, ISBN 0-660-02470-5 / 978-0-660-02470-7. Reprinted by S. Stevens, Hakkert (Toronto, Ontario), and Edgar Kent, Inc. (Campbellville, Ontario), ISBN 0-88866-566-0 / 978-0-88866-566-9.

An attractively illustrated reference work covering the vessels of the Royal Canadian Navy from its inception in 1910 to the unification of the Canadian forces in 1968.

13. NICHOLSON, Gerald William Lingen, 1975. Canada's Nursing Sisters. 176 pages, 97 photographs, 5 maps, cloth, ISBN 0-660-02471-3 / 978-0-660-02471-4 . Reprinted by A.M. Hakkert (Toronto, Ontario), and Edgar Kent, Inc. (Campbellville, Ontario), ISBN 0-88866-567-9 / 978-0-88866-567-6.

Told for the first time, the history of Canadian nurses in the North West Rebellion, the Yukon Field Force, the South African War, the two World Wars and the Korean conflict. This work constitutes the Canadian War Museum's tribute to International Women's Year.

14. KOSTENUK, Samuel, and John Griffin, 1977. RCAF: Squadron Histories and Aircraft, 1924-1968. 255 pages, 532 illustrations, cloth, ISBN 0-660-02472-1 / 978-0-660-02472-1. Reprinted by Samuel Stevens Hakkert (Toronto, Ontario), and Edgar Kent, Inc. (Campbellville, Ontario), ISBN 0-88866-577-6 / 978-0-88866-577-5.

A narrative account of Canadian military aviation from its beginnings to 1968 provides the framework for the detailed presentation of squadron histories, with their wealth of information on badges, chronology, commanders, higher formations and squadron locations, representative aircraft and operational history.

15. BARNES, Leslie W. C. S., 1979. Canada's Guns: An Illustrated History of Artillery. 112 pages, 82 illustrations. Paper, ISBN 0-660-00137-3 / 978-0-660-00137-1.

This illustrated history of artillery traces its development from the earliest projectiles to the weaponry of World War II and the Korean War, with special emphasis on the role of the gun in Canada's history. Written in layman's language, this book should appeal to the general reader as well as to those interested in ballistics and military history.

15. BARNES, Leslie W. C. S., 1979. Histoire illustrée de l'artillerie canadienne. 112 pages, 82 illustrations, papier, ISBN 0-660-00138-1 / 978-0-660-00138-8.

Cette histoire illustrée de l'artilerie décrit sa mise sur pied, à partir des premiers projectiles jusqu'à l'arnement de la Seconde Guerre mondiale et de la guerre de Corée, en soulignant particulièrement le rôle des canons dans l'histoire du Canada. Rédigé dans un langage de non-spécialiste, ce livre devrait plaire au lecteur ordinaire aussi bien qu'à celui qui s'intéresse à la balistique et à l'histoire militaire.

16. SUMMERS, Jack L., and René Chartrand, 1981. Military Uniforms in Canada, 1665-1970. Illustrated by R.J. Marrion. 192 pages, 40 colour illustrations, cloth, ISBN 0-660-10346-X / 978-0-660-10346-4.

This work describes the military dress of French, British and Canadian soldiers of forty units that have played an important part in Canada's military life over the past three hundred years. Each of the forty sections comprises a history of their corps or regiment and a precise description of its dress accompanied by a full-page watercolour plate of the uniform itself.

16. SUMMERS, Jack L., et René Chartrand, 1981. L'uniforme militaire au Canada, 1665-1970. Illustré par R.J. Marrion. 192 pages, 40 illustrations en couleur, relié, ISBN 0-660-90260-5 / 978-0-660-90260-9.

Ce travail décrit la tenue militaire des soldats français, britanniques et canadiens de
40 unités qui ont tenu une place importante dans la vie militaire canadienne au cours des 300 dernières années. Chacune des 40 sections comporte une histoire du corps ou du régiment de ces unités et une description précise de leur habillement, avec une planche hors-texte d'une aquarelle de l'uniforme lui-même.

17. HUNTER, T. Murray, 1982. Canada at Dieppe. Foreword by C. P. Stacey. 61 pages, 9 pages of photographs, 8 in colour. Paper, ISBN 0-919511-06-6 / 978-0-919511-06-4. Cloth, ISBN 0-919511-07-4 / 978-0-919511-07-1.

On the 40th anniversary of the Dieppe Raid of 19 August 1942, the author cuts through the controversy and provides a concise, accurate account of the events which took the lives of 2,790 Canadians.

17. HUNTER, T. Murray, 1982. Le Canada à Dieppe. Avant-propos par C. P. Stacey. 61 pages, 9 pages des photographies, 8 en couleur.

Pour le 40e anniversaire du raid sur Dieppe du 19 août 1942, l'auteur dépasse la controverse et donne un récit concis et précis des évènements qui ont causé la mort de 2 790 Canadiens.

18. STANLEY, George F. G., 1983. The War of 1812: Land Operations. 489 pages, illustrated, ISBN 0-7715-9859-9 / 978-0-7715-9859-3. Co-published with Macmillan of Canada, Gage Publishing Limited (Toronto, Ontario).

"...a perceptive, elegant and exciting history of the land operations of the War of 1812, offering laymen and historians alike a fresh and clear understanding of that frequently misinterpreted event."

18. STANLEY, George F. G., 1983. La guerre de 1812: les opérations terrestres. Traduit par Marguerite MacDonald. 489 pages, illustré, ISBN 2-89249-057-X / 978-2-89249-057-2. Coédité avec les Éditions du Trécarré (Montréal, Québec).

«... une histoire perspicace, élégante et passionnante des opérations terrestres de la guerre de 1812, offrant au non-spécialiste et aux historiens une compréhension claire et nouvelle de cet évènement souvent mal interprété. » Les Éditions du Trécarré

19. ROY, Reginald H., 1984. The Canadians in Normandy. 368 pages, 24 pages of photographs, ISBN 0-7715-9796-7 / 978-0-7715-9796-1. Co-published with Macmillan of Canada, Gage Publishing Limited (Toronto, Ontario).

Drawing on many unpublished and previously unavailable contemporary documents and war diaries, the author follows the campaign and gives a detailed history.

20. SENIOR, Elinor Kyte, 1985. Redcoats and Patriotes: The Rebellions in Lower Canada, 1837-38. 218 pages, illustrated, 12 maps, cloth ISBN 0-920002-28-5 / 978-0-920002-28-5. No. 1 of the Illustrated Military History of Canada Series. Co-published with Canada's Wings (Stittsville, Ontario),

An account of the military preparations and operations of the rebellions in Lower Canada in 1837 and 1838 from the buildup of preparations for armed revolt, the extent of the armed factions in the city of Montreal, the relations that existed between the militant reformers of Upper and Lower Canada prior to the uprisings and the breakdown of the Montreal magistracy and militia organization.

21. HAYCOCK, Ronald Graham, 1986. Sam Hughes: The Public Career of a Controversial Canadian, 1885-1916. 355 pages, 15 photographs, 1 map, ISBN 0-88920-177-3 / 978-0-88920-177-4. Co-published with Wilfrid Laurier University Press (Waterloo, Ontario), / .

The first major scholarly study of the eccentric and complex Lieutenant-General Sir Sam Hughes, K.C.B., M.P., Robert Borden's Minister of Militia and Defence during the First World War and then a Justice of the Supreme Court of Ontario.

22. HYATT, A. M. J., 1987. General Sir Arthur Currie: A Military Biography. 178 pages, 10 pages of photographs, ISBN 0-8020-2603-6 / 978- 0-8020-2603-3. Co-published with University of Toronto Press (Toronto, Ontario),

The military career of the extraordinarily successful World War 1 Canadian field commander General Sir Arthur Currie, 1875-1933.

23. FRYER, Mary Beacock, 1987. Volunteers and Redcoats, Rebels and Raiders: A Military History of the Rebellions in Upper Canada. 155 pages, illustrated, ISBN 1-55002-024-2 / 978-1-55002-024-3. Co-published with Dundurn Press (Toronto, Ontario),

A military history of the Rebellions in Upper Canada, 1837-38, and the military actions and cross border raids that were launched from U.S. territory. Appendices include lists of all British Regular Army units, including the Royal Marines, and a list of all Militia units that were called up.

24. LESTER, Edward, 1987. Guarding the Goldfields: The Story of the Yukon Field Force. Introduced and edited by Brereton Greenhous; maps by William R. Constable. 222 pages, illustrated, ISBN 1-55002-028-5 / 978-1-55002-028-1. Co-published with Dundurn Press (Toronto, Ontario),

The Yukon Field Force provided an armed presence in Canada's northern-most region during the gold rush of the late 1890s. This represented the first time that armed troops had been sent to the huge region lying north of 60 degrees latitude.

25. STANLEY, George F. G., 1989. Toil and Trouble: Military Expeditions to Red River. 303 pages, illustrated, ISBN 1-55002-059-5 / 978-1-55002-059-5. Co-published with Dundurn Press (Toronto, Ontario),

The author draws on official documents and contemporary narratives to write a fascinating account of the Red River Expeditions, bringing a fresh perspective to Louis Riel, the Fenian Raids and the military history of the Canadian Federation.

26. SUMMERS, Jack L, 1992. Tangled Web: Canadian Infantry Accoutrements, 1855-1985. 146 pages, illustrated, ISBN 0-919316-97-2 / 978-0-919316-97-0. Co-published with the Museum Restoration Service (Ottawa, Ontario), www.servicepub.commrs.html.

Well illustrated, Tangled Web,contains more than four hundred photographs and drawings to show the proper placement of the equipment, and the way it was actually used. A selected bibliography is included with citations for many primary source materials.

27. SENIOR, Hereward, 1991. The Last Invasion of Canada: The Fenian Raids, 1866-1870. 226 pages, illustrated, ISBN 1-55002-085-4 / 978-1-55002-085-4. Co-published with Dundurn Press (Toronto, Ontario),

Irish American revolutionaries engage the Canadian militia of the day in a series of border raids at Campobello, New Brunswick; Eccles Hill and Huntingdon, Quebec; Ridgeway, Ontario; Manitoba's Red River Valley and even threatened a raid as far west as Victoria. This book recaptures the drama of the decade and recounts the fledgling nation's rag-tag, but patriotic defence.

28. MILLER, Carman, 1993. Painting the Map Red: Canada and the South African War, 1899-1902.541 pages, 16 pages of photographs, maps, ISBN 0-7735-0913-5 / 978-0-7735-0913-9. Co-published with McGill-Queen's University Press (Montreal, Kingston),

By the time the Anglo-Boer War ended in May 1902, 7,368 young soldiers and 16 nurses had sailed from Canada for South Africa. Miller explains why men volunteered for service in that distant conflict, he examines the difficulties of leading citizen soldiers and compares the differing styles of leadership. He reveals how the soldiers' experiences and the public's perceptions of the war altered Canadian opinion, politics and military development.

29. MACLEOD, D. Peter, 1996. The Canadian Iroquois and the Seven Years' War. 247 pages, illustrated, maps, ISBN 1-55002-265-2 / 978-1-55002-265-0. Co-published with Dundurn Press (Toronto, Ontario),

The participation of the Iroquois of Akwasasne, Kanesetake (Oka), Kahnawake and Oswegatchie in the Seven Years' War and the social and economic impact of the war on both men and women in Canadian Iroquois communities.

30. GREENHOUS, Brereton, 1997. "C" Force to Hong Kong: A Canadian Catastrophe, 1941-1945. 160 pages, 32 pages of photographs, maps, cloth, ISBN 1-55002-267-9 / 978-1-55002-267-4. Co-published with Dundurn Press (Toronto, Ontario),

The formation of "C" Force, the battle with Japanese forces from 8-25 December 1941, the allegations surrounding the surrender of the garrison and life and death in the prison camps of Hong Kong and Japan.



Mise à jour : 11 août 2006 / Last update: August 11, 2006
© Société du Musée canadien des civilisations
© Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation
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