La Collection fac-similés servait à la réimpression de documents anthropologiques et historiques produits à l'origine avant le 1er avril 1968 par la Commission géologique du Canada et le Musée national du Canada, sous divers ministères. En 1968, on a créé quatre musées distincts ─ le Musée national de l'Homme, le Musée national des sciences et de la technologie, le Musée national de la nature et la Galerie nationale du Canada. Les éditions suivantes de fac-similés conservent leur série et leur désignation numérique d'origine, mais c'est le Musée national de l'Homme qui en a assuré la publication.

Les renseignements de plusieurs des livres qui suivent sont présentés tels que publiés avant 1974. Ainsi, elles peuvent inclure des terminologies qui, de nos jours, sont considérées inexactes ou inconvenantes.



The Facsimile Series was a vehicle for reprinting anthropological and historical documents originally produced prior to 1 April 1968 by the Geological Survey of Canada and the National Museum of Canada under various government departments. Four separate museums were created in 1968 ─ the National Museum of Man, the National Museum of Science and Technology, the National Museum of Nature and the National Gallery of Canada. The following Facsimile editions retained their original series and numerical designations but were published under the auspices of the National Museum of Man.

For many of the following books the captions appear as originally published prior to 1974. They may include terminology not considered correct or appropriate today.

BARBEAU, Marius, 1972. Assomption Sash. 52 pages, illustrated, ISBN 0-660-00130-6 / 978-0-660-00130-2. Reprint of the 1938 National Museum of Canada Bulletin No. 93, Anthropological Series No. 24.

A discussion of the cultural origins, history, and art of finger weaving the ceintures fléchées (arrow sashes) and garters made by North American Indians and French-Canadians.

BARBEAU, Marius, 1973. Totem Poles of the Gitksan, Upper Skeena River, B.C. 275 pages, 33 photographs, 1 illustration, ISBN 0-660-10309-5 / 978-0-660-10309-2. Reprint of the 1930 National Museum of Canada Bulletin No. 61, Anthropological Series No. 12.

A description and analysis of the totem poles of the Gitksan, who practised the art of carving and erecting tall wooden memorials to their dead.

BARBEAU, Marius, 1973. Medicine Men on the North Pacific Coast. 95 pages, 90 photographs. Reprint of the 1958 National Museum of Canada Bulletin No. 152, Anthropological Series No. 42.

The first part indicates the importance of the themes of the medicine men for the argillite carvers and describes an imposing collection of such carvings. Isaac Tens tells of his experience as a medicine man. The second part consists of three tales about medicine men recorded by William Beynon, and two articles, one by J.R. Swanton and one by Waldemar Jochelson.

BARBEAU, Marius, 1974. Haida Carvers in Argillite. 214 pages, 229 photographs, ISBN 0-660-00131-4 / 978-0-660-00131-9. Reprint of the 1957 National Museum of Canada Bulletin No. 139, Anthropological Series No. 38.

The work and life of more than forty nineteenth and early twentieth century argillite carvers from Skidegate and Masset, British Columbia.

HAWKES, Ernest W., 1973. The "Inviting-In" Feast of the Alaska Eskimo. 20 pages, 13 photographs, 4 illustrations, ISBN 0-660-00050-4 / 978-0-660-00050-3. Reprint of the 1913 Geological Survey Memoir No. 45, Anthropological Series No. 3, GSC Publication No. 1317.

An account of the Aithukaguk or the "Inviting-In"Feast, which took place in the Eskimo village of St. Michael. This celebration is a matter of great moment to the Eskimos for on it depends the success of the hunters.

HAWKES, Ernest W., 1973. La fête des invités des Esquimaux d'Alaska. 23 pages, 13 photographies, 4 illustrations. Réimpression du mémoire de la Commission géologique no 45 de 1916, Série anthropologique no 3, Publication no 1318v de la CGC.

Un récit de l'Aithukaguk ou de la fête des invités, qui avait lieu au village esquimaux de
St. Michael. Cette célébration est un grand moment pour les Esquimaux, car d'elle dépend le succès des chasseurs.

LAMBART, Helen H., 1972. Two Centuries of Ceramics in the Richelieu Valley. Edited by Jennifer Arcand. 34 pages, illustrations, ISBN 0-660-00084-9 / 978-0-660-00084-8. Reprint of the 1970 Publications in History Series No. 2.

This brief study spans the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries to examine the pottery industry in the Richelieu Valley and some of the forces that shaped its development as well as the styles of the region.

MECHLING, W. H., 1973. Malecite Tales. 133 pages. Reprint of the 1914 Geological Survey Memoir No. 49, Anthropological Series No. 4, GSC Publication No.

Forty-two myths and tales collected between 1910 and 1912 on five trips among the Malecite are recorded here.

RADIN, Paul, 1973. Some Myths and Tales of the Ojibwa of Southeastern Ontario. (1914, 1973), 83 pages. Reprint of the 1914 Geological Survey Memoir No. 48, Anthropological Series No. 2, GSC Publication No. 1326.v.

A collection of forty-five myths collected among the Ojibwa of southeastern Ontario in 1912.

RADIN, Paul, 1974. The Social Organization of the Winnebago Indians: An Interpretation. 40 pages, 2 illustrations, ISBN 0-660-10305-2 / 978-0-660-10305-1. Reprint of the 1915 National Museum of Canada Bulletin No. 10, Anthropological Series No. 5.

The social organization of the Winnebago is based on a twofold division of the tribe that seems to represent a historic social grouping. The author makes the analysis of this division.

SPECK, Frank G., 1973. The Double-Curve Motive in Northeastern Algonkian Art. 17 pages, 18 photographs, 25 illustrations. Reprint of the 1914 Geological Survey Memoir No. 42, Anthropological Series No. 1, GSC Publication No. 1310.v.

A review of characteristic and widespread motifs in the decorative art of the Algonkians in the St. Lawrence Valley, revealed by investigation during the first decade of the century.

SPECK, Frank G., 1973. Thème décoratif de la double courbe dans l'art des Algonquins du nord-est. 21 pages, 18 photographies, 25 illustrations. Réimpression du Mémoire no 42, Série anthropologique no 1 de la commission géologique du Canada.. Publication no 1596.vii de la commission géologique du Canada.

Un examen des motifs caractéristiques généralisés de l'art décoratif des Algonquins de la vallée du Saint-Laurent, révélés par des recherches pendant la première décennie du siècle.

WAUGH, F. W., 1973. Iroquois Foods and Food Preparation. 235 pages, 39 photographs, 2 illustrations, ISBN 0-660-00051-2 / 978-0-660-00051-0. Reprint of the 1916 Geological Survey Memoir No. 86, Anthropological Series No. 12, GSC Publication No. 1612.

A comprehensive study of the agricultural and culinary methods and customs of early twentieth century Iroquois. Includes many Iroquois recipes.

WINTEMBERG, W. J., 1972. Roebuck Prehistoric Village Site, Grenville County, Ontario. 178 pages, 19 photographs, 4 illustrations, 2 maps. Reprint of the 1936 National Museum of Canada Bulletin No. 83, Anthropological Series No. 19.

A detailed examination of a St. Lawrence River Iroquois site.

WRIGHT, James V., 1973. Ontario Iroquois Tradition. 195 pages, 10 photographs, 16 illustrations, 20 tables, $3.95, ISBN 0-660-02054-8 / 978-0-660-02054-9. Reprint of the 1966 National Museum of Canada Bulletin No. 210, Anthropological Series No. 75.

A major work proposing a general synthesis of the prehistoric development of the Huron-Petun and the Neutral-Erie.

SMITH, Harlan I, and W.J. Wintemberg, 1973. Some Shell-Heaps in Nova Scotia. ISBN 0-660-10306-0 / 978-0-660-10306-8. Reprint of the 1929 National Museum of Canada Bulletin No. 47, Anthropological Series No. 9. Includes:

SMITH, Harlan I. "The Archaeology of Merigomish Harbour, Nova Scotia, "p. 1-104, 21 photographs.

WINTEMBERG, W. J. "The Eisenhauer Shell-Heap, Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia," p. 107-128, 10 photographs.



Mise à jour : 29 août 2006 / Last update: August 29, 2006
© Société du Musée canadien des civilisations
© Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation
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