Le premier volume des rapports annuels des activités de la Commission géologique est paru en 1845 pour l'année 1843, sous le titre Report of Progress. La publication annuelle des volumes s'est poursuivie sous la dénomination de Rapport annuel à partir de 1885. Ces publications ont continué jusqu'en 1907. À compter de 1907, la publication de la Commission géologique du Canada a été irrégulière et les rapports paraissaient dans la série Mémoires, à partir de 1910, ou dans la série Bulletin du Musée après 1913. En 1885, une série annuelle distincte, Rapports sommaires, a été produite afin de traduire les activités de la Commission. En plus de ces nombreuses séries, la Commission a édité une variété de publications indépendantes et spéciales. Ces publications et les Reports présentant un intérêt anthropologique sont mentionnés ci-après. Les Mémoires et les Bulletins sont mentionnés séparément. Prière de consulter le site Web à

Les renseignements de plusieurs des livres qui suivent sont présentés tels que publiés avant 1974. Ainsi, elles peuvent inclure des terminologies qui, de nos jours, sont considérées inexactes ou inconvenantes.



The first volume of annually produced reports of the activities of the Geological Survey was issued in 1845 for the year 1843 under the title of Report of Progress. These volumes continued to be published annually and were renamed Annual Reports in 1885. Their publication continued until 1907. From 1907 publication by the Geological Survey of Canada was irregular and reports were either published in the Memoir series, beginning in 1910, or, after 1913, in the Museum Bulletin series. In 1885, a separate annual series, Summary Reports, was produced to reflect the activities of the Survey. In addition to these numerous series, the Survey published a variety of independent and special publications. These publications and Reports of anthropological interest are listed below. Memoirs and Bulletins are listed separately. Please consult their web site at

For many of the following books the captions appear as originally published prior to 1974. They may include terminology not considered correct or appropriate today.

SELWYN, Alfred R.C., 1880. Report of Progress for 1878-79. Reports of Explorations and Surveys, 1878-79. Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) Publication No. 132. 394 pages, 3 maps, 59 illustrations. Co-published with Dawson Brothers (Montreal, Quebec). Includes:

DAWSON, George Mercer, 1878. III. "Report on the Queen Charlotte Islands by Mr. G.M. Dawson, with Appendices A. to G.," p. 1-239.

Appendix A. "On the Haida Indians of the Queen Charlotte Islands," p. 103-171, 41 illustrations.

Appendix B. "Vocabulary of the Haida Indians," p. 177-189.

SELWYN, Alfred R.C., 18??. Rapport des opérations. 1878-1879. Publication no 497 de la commission géologique du Canada (CGC). 450 pages, 3 cartes, 59 illustrations. Coédité avec Dawson Brothers (Montréal, Québec).

DAWSON, George Mercer, 1880. Report on the Queen Charlotte Islands, 1878. GSC Publication No. 133. 239 pages, 2 maps, 53 illustrations, 7 appendices. Includes:

DAWSON, George Mercer. Appendix A, "On the Haida Indians of the Queen Charlotte Islands," p. 103-171, 41 illustrations.

DAWSON, George Mercer. Appendix B, "Vocabulary of the Haida Indians," p. 177-189.

TOLMIE, W. Fraser, and George M. Dawson, 1884. Comparative Vocabularies of the Indian Tribes of British Columbia. With a Map Illustrating Distribution. GSC Publication No. 454. 131 pages, 1 map (GSC Publication No. 455), 3 appendices. Co-published with Dawson Brothers (Montreal, Quebec).

"...211 words of one or more dialects of every Indian language spoken on the Pacific slope from the Columbia River north to the Tshilkat River, and beyond, in Alaska and from the outermost sea-board to the main continental divide in the Rocky Mountains."

Includes: Appendix 1. "Comparative table of some words in Tshimshian, Haida, Thlinket and Tinne"; Appendix 2. "Comparative table of a few of the words in the foregoing vocabularies" (folded sheet); and, Appendix 3. "Comparison of a few words in various Indian languages of North America."

SELWYN, Alfred R.C., 1886. Annual Report, Volume II. GSC Publication No. 233. 1015 pages, 1 map, 20 illustrations, 13 parts, various appendices plus portfolio of maps. Includes:

TYRRELL, J. B. (E) Appendix IV. "Cree and Stoney Indian names for places within the area of the accompanying map (Maps GSC No. 249 and No. 250)," (published separately in English, GSC Publication No. 237).

SELWYN, Alfred R.C., 1887. Rapport annuel, volume II. CGC Publication no 904. 1051 pages, 1 carte, 20 illustrations, 13 parts, annexes plus une brochure des cartes.

SELWYN, Alfred R.C., 1889. Annual Report, Volume III, 1887-88. GSC Publication No. 258. 2 parts, 1446 pages, maps, 75 illustrations. Co-published by Dawson Brothers (Montreal). Includes:

DAWSON, George Mercer, 1888. (B) Appendix II. "Notes on the Indian tribes of the Yukon district and adjacent northern portion of British Columbia," p. 191B-213B. (Also published separately in English as GSC Publication No. 261).

SELWYN, Alfred R.C., 1889. Rapport annuel, volume III, 1887-88. CGC Publication no 910. 2 tomes, 1640 pages, cartes, 75 illustrations.

DAWSON, George Mercer, 1896. Annual Report, Volume VII, 1894. GSC Publication No. 581, 1227 pages, 4 maps, folded sheet, 18 diagrams, 31 illustrations, 8 parts, various appendices, plus porfolio of maps. Includes:

DAWSON, George Mercer, 1895. (B) Appendix II. "Shuswap names of places within the area of the Kamloops map-sheet," (published separately 1896, in English, as GSC Publication No. 573). Reprinted from: Dawson, G. M., 1891, Notes on the Shuswap Peoples of British Columbia (Trans. Royal Soc. Can., vol. IX, sec. II).

DAWSON, George Mercer, 1897. Rapport annuel, volume VII, 1894. CGC Publication no 1250, 1316 pages, 4 cartes, une feuille pliée, 18 diagrammes, 31 illustrations, 8 tomes, annexes, une brochure des cartes.

DAWSON, George Mercer, 1898. Annual Report, Volume IX, 1896. GSC Publication No. 658. 828 pages, 16 diagrams, 5 maps, 30 illustrations, folding tables plus portfolio of maps. Includes :

TYRRELL, J. B. (F) Appendix I. "Chippewyan names of places in the country here reported on ("...Dubawat, Kazan and Ferguson rivers, northwest coast Hudson Bay and on two overland routes from Hudson Bay to lake Winnipeg...").

TYRRELL, J. B. (F) Appendix II. "Vocabulary of words used by the tribe of Inland Eskimos inhabiting the banks of the Kazan and Ferguson rivers" (published separately, 1897, in English as GSC Publication No. 618).

DAWSON, George Mercer, 1899. Rapport annuel, volume IX, 1896. CGC Publication no 658a. 901 pages, 16 diagrammes, 5 cartes, 30 illustrations, tableaux, une brochure des cartes.

BELL, R., 1906. Annual Report, Volume XVI, 1901. GSC Publication No. 907. 1130 pages, 8 diagrams, folded sheet, 60 illustrations plus portfolio of maps, English only. Includes:

LOW, A. P. "Sketch map of the northern portion of the Labrador peninsula from exploratory surveys by A.P. Low and Eskimo sketches collected in 1899-1900-1901" (published separately, GSC Publication No. 758).

LOW, A. P., 1906. Report on the Dominion Government Expedition to Hudson Bay and the Arctic Islands on Board the D. G. S. Neptune, 1903-1904. GSC Publication No. 905. 355 pages, 1 map, 66 illustrations, 6 appendices. Includes:

BORDEN, L. E. Appendix VI. "Notes on the physical condition of Eskimos."

LOW, A. P., 1913. Rapport de l'expédition du Gouvernement du Canada à la baie d'Hudson et aux îles Arctiques à bord du navire du Gouvernement du Canada « Le Neptune », 1903-04. CGC Publication no 1124. 345 pages, 1 carte, 66 illustrations, 6 annexes.

BROCK, R. W., ed., 1909. Summary Report of the Geological Survey Branch of the Department of Mines for the calendar year 1908. GSC Publication No. 1072. 220 pages, 3 maps. Includes:

BROCK, R. W. "Archaeology and ethnology (List of accessions to the museum)."

STEFANSSON, V. xxix "A preliminary report of an ethnological investigation of the Mackenzie delta."

BROCK, R. W., réd., 1911. Rapport sommaire des travaux de la Commission géologique par le directeur. CGC Publication no 1072a. 246 pages, 3 cartes.

BROCK, R. W., ed., 1910. Summary Report of the Geological Survey Branch of the Department of Mines for the calendar year 1909. GSC Publication No. 1120. 307 pages, 2 maps, plan and diagrammatic section. Includes:

BROCK, R. W. "Archaeology and ethnology (Additions to collections)."

BROCK, R. W., réd., 1913. Rapport sommaire des Traveaux de la Commission géologique par le directeur. CGC Publication no 1122. 389 pages, 2 cartes, plan et section schématique.

BROCK, R. W., ed., 1911. Summary Report of the Geological Survey Branch of the Department of Mines for the calendar year 1910. GSC Publication No. 1170. 314 pages, 4 maps, 10 illustrations. Includes:

SAPIR, E. Anthropological Division; xxx-I. "Report of field work. Sept.-Dec., 1910."

STEFANSSON, V. Anthropological Divison; xxxII. "Work among the Arctic Eskimos."

BROCK, R. W., réd., 1912. Rapport sommaire des traveaux de la Commission géologique par le directeur. CGC Publication no 1176. 315 pages, 4 cartes, 10 illustrations.

BROCK, R. W., ed., 1912. Summary Report of the Geological Survey Branch of the Department of Mines for the calendar year 1911. GSC Publication No. 1218. 412 pages, 5 maps, 10 diagrams, 7 illustrations. Includes:

SAPIR, E. xxxviii-Part 1. Ethnology. "General Report on museum and field work.,"

SAPIR, E. (aa) "Work in Iroquois and Algonkin reservations of Ontario and Quebec, 1911."

BARBEAU, C. M. (a) "On Huron work, 1911."

GOLDENWEISER, A. A. (b) "On Iroquois work, 1911."

MACMILLAN, C. (c) "On Micmac work, 1911."

MECHLING, W. H. (d) "On Micmac and Malecite work, 1911."

STEFANSSON, V. (e) "Work among the Arctic Eskimos (reprint). "

SMITH, H. I. "Anthropology Division; xxxviii-Part 11. Archaeology"(published separately in English as GSC Publication No. 1218b).

BROCK, R. W., réd., 1914. Rapport sommaire des travaux de la Commission géologique par le directeur. CGC Publication no 1475. 429 pages, 5 cartes, 10 diagrammes, 7 illustrations.

SAPIR, E. (Ethnology), and H. I. Smith (Archaeology), 1912. Summary report of the anthropological division for the calendar years 1910 and 1911. GSC Publication No. 1218b. 18 pages. Reprint of the Anthropology Division section of Summary Reports of 1910 and 1911.

BROCK, R. W., ed., 1914. Summary Report of the Geological Survey Branch of the Department of Mines for the calendar year 1912. GSC Publication No. 1305. 544 pages, 10 maps, 2 diagrams, 12 illustrations. Includes:

SAPIR, E. Part I. Ethnology and linguistics; "Summary report: museum, field-work and research."

BARBEAU, C. M. "On Iroquoian field-work, 1912."

BARBEAU, C. M. "On Interior Salish work, 1912."

GOLDENWEISER, A. A. xlvii. "On Iroquois work, 1912."

WAUGH, F. W. xlviii. "On work in material culture of the Iroquois, 1912."

MECHLING, W. H. "On Malecite and Micmac work, 1912."

RADIN, P. xlix. "On Ojibwa work in southeastern Ontario, 1912."

TEIT, J. A. l. "On Tahltan (Athabaskan) work, 1912."

STEFANSSON, V. li. "On Eskimo work, 1908-1912."

SMITH, H. I. Part II. Archaeology. "Summary report: field-work and accessions."

WINTEMBERG, W.J. lii. "On archaeological work in Ontario and Quebec."

NICKERSON, R. B. liii. "On an archaeological reconnaissance of Manitoba."

SAPIR, E. Part III. Physical Anthropology. "Summary report: field-work and accessions" (published separately in English as GSC Publication No. 1305c).

BROCK, R. W., réd., 1915. Rapport sommaire de la Commission géologique du Ministère de Mines pour l'année civile 1912. CGC Publication no 1306. 529 pages, 10 cartes, 2 diagrammes, 12 illustrations.

SAPIR, E. (Ethnology), and H. I. Smith (Archaeology), 1914. Reports from anthropological division. (From the Summary Report of the Geological Survey, Canada, for the year 1912). GSC Publication No. 1305c. 59 pages. Reprint of Part I, Anthropology; Part II, Archaeology; and, Part III, Physical Anthropology of Summary Report for 1912.

SMITH, H. I., 1914. Museum of the Geological Survey, Canada. The archaeological collection from the southern interior of British Columbia. GSC Publication No. 1290. 40 pages, 92 illustrations.

SMITH, H. I., 1916. Archéologie : La collection archéologique du sud de l'intérieur de la Colombie-Britannique. CGC Publication no 1291. 35 pages, 92 illustrations

BROCK, R. W., ed., 1915. Summary Report of the Geological Survey Branch of the Department of Mines for the calendar year 1913. GSC Publication No. 1359. 417 pages, 4 maps, 3 plans, 2 diagrams, 6 illustrations. Includes:

SAPIR, E. Part I. Ethnology and linguistics. "Summary report: museum, field-work and research."

WAUGH, F. W. "On Iroquois work, 1913."

GOLDENWEISER, A. A. xlv. "On Iroquois work, 1913-1914."

MECHLING, W. H. "On Malecite and Micmac work, 1913."

RADIN, P. "On Ojibwa work, 1913."

MASON, J. A. xlvi. "On work among northern Athabaskan tribes, 1913."

SAPIR, E. "Anthropology in the Canadian Arctic Expedition."

SMITH, H. I. Part II. Archaeology. xlvii "Summary report: museum, research, and field-work."

WINTEMBERG, W. J. xlviii. "On archaeological work on the Atlantic coast, 1913."

NICKERSON, W. B. xlix. "On archaeological research in the valley of the Souris river, southwestern Manitoba, 1913."

SAPIR, E. Part III. Physical anthropology. "Note, and list of accessions."

BROCK, R. W., réd., 1915. Rapport sommaire de la Commission géologique du Ministère de Mines pour l'année civile 1913. CGC Publication no 1360. 399 pages, 4 cartes, 3 plans, 2 diagrammes, 6 illustrations.

SAPIR, E. (Ethnology), and H. I. Smith (Archaeology), 1915. Reports from anthropological division. (From the Summary Report of the Geological Survey, Canada, for the year 1913). GSC Publication No. 1359b. 35 pages. Reprint of Part I, Anthropology; Part II, Archaeology; and, Part III, Physical Anthropology of Summary Report for 1913.

MCCONNELL, R. G., ed., 1915. . Summary Report of the Geological Survey Branch of the Department of Mines for the calendar year 1914. GSC Publication No. 1503. 201 pages, 1 map, 2 diagrams, 1 illustration. Includes:

SAPIR, E. Part I. "Ethnology and linguistics."

SMITH, H. I. xliii. Part II. "Archaeology."

KNOWLES, F. H. S. Part III. "Physical anthropology."

MCCONNELL, R. G., réd., 1916. Rapport sommaire de la Commission géologique du Ministère de Mines pour l'année civile 1914. CGC Publication no 1504. 206 pages, 1 carte, 2 diagrammes, 1 illustration.

MCCONNELL, R. G., ed., 1916. Summary Report of the Geological Survey Branch of the Department of Mines for the calendar year 1915. GSC Publication No. 1616. 307 pages, 8 maps, 2 diagrams, 3 folding sheets, 3 illustrations. Includes:

SAPIR, E. Part I. "Ethnology and linguistics."

SMITH, H. I. xxxviii. Part II. "Archaeology."

KNOWLES, F. H. S. xxxix. Part III. "Physical anthropology." Includes: "Report on a skeleton from near Savona, B. C., submitted for examination by Mr. C. Hill-tout, Abbotsford, B.C."

MCCONNELL, R. G., réd., 1917. Rapport sommaire de la Commission géologique du Ministère de Mines pour l'année civile 1915. CGC Publication no 1617. 289 pages, 8 cartes, 2 diagrammes, 3 feuilles, 3 illustrations.

LEECHMAN, D., 1934. Moyens de préserver les spécimens anthropologiques dans les musées. 34 pages.

ALCOCK, F. J., 1948. A Century in the History of the Geological Survey of Canada. Special Contribution, National Museum of Canada No. 47-1. 94 pages, 62 photographs.

In 1942, the Geological Survey of Canada, celebrated its 100th birthday. Through an examination of the terms of office of its directors during this time, highlights of the Survey's history and the development of its policies are revealed.



Mise à jour : 29 août 2006 / Last update: August 29, 2006
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