La Commission géologique du Canada (, ministère des Mines, a publié les Mémoires à partir de 1910, qui incluaient les collections géologique, biologique et anthropologique. La liste ci-après ne comporte que les rapports parus dans la collection anthropologique. Sauf indication contraire, les publications sont dans la langue de l'auteur et brochées.

Les renseignements de plusieurs des livres qui suivent sont présentés tels que publiés avant 1974. Ainsi, elles peuvent inclure des terminologies qui, de nos jours, sont considérées inexactes ou inconvenantes.



Memoirs were published by the Geological Survey of Canada (, Department of Mines, commencing in 1910 and included separate Geological, Biological and Anthropological Series. Only those reports which appeared in the Anthropological Series have been listed below. Unless otherwise stated, publications are in the language of the author and paper bound.

For many of the following books the captions appear as originally published prior to 1974. They may include terminology not considered correct or appropriate today.

Memoir 42, Anthropological Series 1

SPECK, Frank G., 1914. The Double-Curve Motive in Northeastern Alongonkian Art. 17 pages, 18 photographs, 25 illustrations, GSC Publication No. 1310. Reprinted 1973, Facsimile Series.

A review of characteristic and widespread motifs in the decorative art of the Algonkians in the St. Lawrence Valley, revealed by investigation during the first decade of the century.

SPECK, Frank G., 1915. Thème décoratif de la double courbe dans l'art des Algonquins du nord-est. 21 pages, 18 photographies, 25 illustrations, CGC Publication No 1596. Réimprimé 1973, Série de Fac-similé.

Un examen des motifs caractéristiques généralisés de l'art décoratif des Algonquins de la vallée du Saint-Laurent, révélés par des recherches pendant la première décennie du siècle.

Memoir 48, Anthropological Series 2

RADIN, Paul, 1914. Some Myths and Tales of the Ojibwa of Southeastern Ontario. 83 pages, GSC Publication No. 1326. Reprinted 1973, Facsimile Series.

A collection of forty-five myths collected among the Ojibwa of southeastern Ontario in 1912. (For the report on fieldwork, see GSC Publication No. 1305.)

RADIN, Paul, 1916. Quelques mythes et contes des Ojibwa du sud-est d'Ontario. 94 pages, CGC Publication No 1327. Réimprimé, Série de Fac-similé.

Une collection de 45 mythes recueillis parmi les Ojibwas du sud-est de l'Ontario en 1912. (Pour le rapport du travail sur le terrain, voir la publication no 1305 de la CGC)

Memoir 45, Anthropological Series 3

HAWKES, Ernest W., 1913. The "Inviting-In" Feast of the Alaska Eskimo. 20 pages, 13 photographs, 4 illustrations, GSC Publication No. 1317. Reprinted 1973, Facsimile Series.

An account of the Aithukaguk or "Inviting-In" Feast, which took place in the Eskimo village of St. Michael. This celebration is a matter of great moment to the Eskimos for on it depends the success of the hunters.

HAWKES, Ernest W., 1916. La fête des invités des Esquimaux d'Alaska. 23 pages, 13 photographies, 4 illustrations, CGC Publication No 1318. Réimprimé 1973, Série de Fac-similé.

Un récit de l'Aithukaguk ou de la « fête des invités », qui avait lieu au village esquimau de St. Michael. Cette célébration est un grand moment pour les Esquimaux, car elle dépend le succès des chasseurs.

Memoir 49, Anthropological Series 4

MECHLING, W. H., 1914. Malecite Tales. 133 pages, GSC Publication No. 1333. Reprinted 1973, Facsimile Series.

Forty-two myths and tales collected between 1910 and 1912 on five trips among the Malecite are presented. (For the report on fieldwork, see GSC Publication No. 1218 and 1305.)

Memoir 62, Anthropological Series 5

SAPIR, Edward, 1915. Abnormal Types of Speech in Nootka. 21 pages, 1 folding sheet, GSC Publication No. 1437. Published with Memoir 63.

A study of the ways the Nootka dealt with specialized types of person-implication in speech. (For the report on fieldwork, see GSC Publication No. 1170 and 1503.)

Memoir 63, Anthropological Series 6

SAPIR, Edward, 1915. Noun Reduplication in Comox, A Salish Language of Vancouver Island. 53 pages, GSC Publication No. 1439. Published with Memoir 62.

Reduplication for grammatical purposes is one of the most characteristic processes of Northwest Pacific Coast languages, particularly Salish. This study of Comox, a Salish dialect, serves as an illustration of the process. (For the report on fieldwork, see GSC Publication No. 1170.)

Memoir 46, Anthropological Series 7

BARBEAU, Marius, 1915. Classification of Iroquoian Radicals and Subjective Pronominal Prefixes. 30 pages, 1 appendix, GSC Publication No. 1322.

The author draws upon his own Oklahoma Wyandot data in a comparative linguistic sketch and upon data from Cuoq and Boas on Mohawk and Oneida. It is based upon verb and noun stem conjugations and their pronominal prefixes. Inferences are made concerning historical changes that have taken place within the three separate languages, and for the Iroquoian family as a whole.

Memoir 70, Anthropological Series 8

SPECK, Frank G., 1915. Family Hunting Territories and Social Life of the Various Algonkian Bands of the Ottawa Valley. 27 pages, 1 map (GSC Publication No. 1479), 5 folding sheets, GSC Publication No. 1469. Published with Memoir 71.

The life and social organization of the Timiskaming Algonquin, the Dumoine and Kipqwq Band of Algonquin, and of the Timagami band of Ojibwa are described.

Memoir 71, Anthropological Series 9

SPECK, Frank G., 1915. Myths and Folk-Lore of the Timiskaming Algonquin and Timagami Ojibwa. 54 pages, 2 illustrations, 1 appendix, 1 map (GSC Publication No. 1479), GSC Publication No. 1470. Published with Memoir 70.

The author recounts sixteen Timiskaming and twenty-eight Timagami myths and items of folk-lore.

Memoir 75, Anthropological Series 10

SPECK, Frank G., 1915. Decorative Art of Indian Tribes of Connecticut. 73 pages, 112 illustrations, GSC Publication No. 1499.

This is the study of the painted designs, tools, and techniques used by the Mohegan and Niantic Indians of eastern Connecticut.

Mémoire No 75, Publication no 19 de la série anthropologique

SPECK, Frank G., 1917. L'art décoratif des indiens de Connecticut. 71 pages, 112 illustrations. CGC Publication No 1500.

C'est une étude des décorations peintes, des outils et des techniques des indiens Mohegans et Niantics de l'est du Connecticut.

Memoir 80, Anthropological Series 11

BARBEAU, Marius, 1915. Huron and Wyandot Mythology. 437 pages, 11 photographs, appendix, GSC Publication No. 1554.

The main part of the memoir comprises first-hand material. The appendix incorporates further data from earlier sources. (For the report on fieldwork, see GSC Publication No. 1218 and 1305.)

Memoir 86, Anthropological Series 12

WAUGH, F. W., 1916. Iroquis(sp) Foods and Food Preparation. 235 pages, 39 photographs, 2 illustrations, GSC Publication No. 1612. Reprinted 1973, Facsimile Series.

A systematic discussion of Iroquois foods, their preparation, uses, and terminology. (For the report on fieldwork, see GSC Publication No. 1305, 1359, 1503 and 1616.)

Memoir 90, Anthropological Series 13

SAPIR, Edward, 1916. Time Perspective in Aboriginal American Culture: A Study in Method. 87 pages, GSC Publication No. 1635. Reprinted 1968, Johnson Reprint Corp. (New York, NY).

The methods available for a reconstruction of time perspectives in aboriginal American culture-history are examined. The author's chief aim is to suggest some of the more important avenues of approach rather than to write a systematic methodology.

Memoir 91, Anthropological Series 14

HAWKES, Ernest W., 1916. The Labrador Eskimo. 235 pages, 184 illustrations, 1 map (GSC Publication No. 1560), GSC Publication No. 1637.

An account of the life of the Labrador Eskimos ".does not attempt to offer a complete ethnology of the group but to bring out the main facts of their life," mainly their material culture and social organization, their religion, and their mythology.



Mise à jour : 29 août 2006 / Last update: August 29, 2006
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