HELP ME! HELP ME! My boat has just sunk to the bottom of Georgian Bay, off the shores of Midland, Ontario, Canada, and now I'm stuck on one of its 30,000 Islands. My boat was full of treasures from Midland's past. A special collection from the Huronia Museum of photos by J.W.Bald, information and stories must be recovered. Within this collection are the clues to help me get off the island. So the more treasure chests you explore, the more you'll understand Midland's history and the more clues you will have to help me get home.

Intro to Midland, Lumber, Railroad, Transportation, Recreation, Then and Now, Shipping,
Clothing, Businesses, Children of the Past, Winter Activites, Legends and Ghosts,
Ship Wrecks, Naval Establishment, Photography, Colouring Book.

Teacher's Guide

Note: These pages can best been seen in Netscape 2.0 or higher and with a screen setting of 800*600dpi. Right Click on any photograph and view image for a better picture.

Jimmy's Project Team

All icons and graphics are for viewing purposes only, any downloading of them will be in violation of copyright laws.

Good quality copies of J.W. Bald's photo can be received from Huronia Museum c/o Bill Smith 1-705-526-2844 or through the National Archives of Canada, just refer to the archive number at the bottom of each picture.

Huronia Museum, Little Lake Park, P.O. Box 638, Midland, Ontario, Canada, L4R 4P4.

This digital collection was produced under contract to Industry Canada . Check out other SchoolNet Digital Collection web pages.