The Virtual Keeping House: A First Nations Gallery

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Since being established in 1972, The Saskatchewan Indian Cultural Centre's (SICC) mission has been to strengthen and support the overall education, retention and revitalization of the Five First Nations Languages in Saskatchewan. For the past twenty-five years, this non-profit corporation delivered services to support First Nations education, art and cultures, as well as to broaden the cultural awareness of First Nations people. The Center continues to work to achieve this mandate of providing quality and professional services to First Nations communities. The new era for the SICC is an introduction of a Keeping House that will display paintings and artifacts from our First Nations people. The Keeping House Project is a step towards the future for showcasing our First Nations creative talents.

Visit the new Contemporary Gallery added in March 1999.

 Here is our introduction in other languages.


...   This Digital Collection was produced under contract to the SchoolNet Digital Collections program, Industry Canada.   ...