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New Brunswick Power Corporation

Société d'énergie
du Nouveau-Brunswick

International Power Line Project

Projet de ligne internationale
de transport d'électricité

Public Registry
Registre public

* Last update: 12 December 2002
The latest updates are marked with an asterisk.
* Dernière mise à jour : le 12 décembre 2002
Les plus récentes mises à jour portent un astérisque.

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New Brunswick Power Corporation (NB Power)

Société d'énergie du Nouveau-Brunswick

26 July 2002: Letter from Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP to the NEB enclosing NB Power's revised application, revised information requests dated 30 July, 3 August, 31 August and 26 September 2001 (revised July 2002), the Comprehensive Study Report (CSR) (dated 10 July 2002) and Response Document (dated July 24, 2002).

17 June 2002: Letter from Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP to the NEB enclosing a document entitled NB Power's Response to May 13th Technical Review by the National Energy Board, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Environment Canada and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency dated 17 June 2002.

11 June 2002: Letter from Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP to the NEB acknowledging receipt of the Board's letter dated 5 June 2002 stating that the NB Power Response does not address comments of the DFO, EC and CEAA on the draft NB Power CSR and will re-engross NB Power's 30 May 2002 Response Document to include responses to DFO, DOE and CEAA and re-date and re-submit it shortly.

30 May 2002: Letter from Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP to the NEB enclosing a document entitled NB Power's Response to May 13th Technical Review by the National Energy Board, The Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Environment Canada and The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency dated 30 May 2002.

21 May 2002: Letter from Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP to the NEB recording the telephone conversation between Board counsel Mr. Arthur Hamilton and Mr. Ian Blue at approximately noon EDT on 21 May 2002.

19 April 2002: Letter from Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP to the NEB thanking Mr. Jim McComiskey for his e-mail regarding section 1.2 of the CSR filed by NB Power and advising that it will be delivering by courier copies of the complete section 1.2 to be inserted in the CSR.

17 April 2002: Letter from Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP to the NEB advising that NB Power will be sending 20 copies of the Glossary and the correct Figure 6-1 ,by courier, for insertion into the Comprehensive Study Report document previously submitted.

11 April 2002: Letter from Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP to the NEB advising that NB Power will be couriering 20 copies of Table 5-1 of the of the Comprehensive Study Report.

28 February 2002: Letter to the NEB requesting that the NEB Ms. Goutreau, from the Canadian Wildlife Service, to give Mr. Gillis a call as he is having difficulty reach her.

11 October 2001: Letter to the Saint John Citizens Coalition for Clean Air responding to comments and questions outlined in it's letter dated 14 September 2001.

5 October 2001: Letter to the Conservation Council of New Brunswick Saint John Citizens Coalition for Clean Air responding to Saint John Citizens Coalition for Clean Air's comments and questions outlined in its letter dated 14 September 2001.

10 September 2001: Letter from Cassells Brock & Blackwell LLP to the NEB enclosing copies of the Comprehensive Study Report, Proposed 345 kV International Power Line: From Point Lepreau to the New Brunswick/Maine Border, Final Draft Report (Revised 7 September 2001).

24 August 2001: Letter from Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP to the NEB enclosing the draft CSR.

14 August 2001: Letter from Cassells Brock and Blackwell LLP to the Neb enclosing an Affidavit of Publication of a Public Notice on the Request for Comments on the Scope of Environmental Assessment for the Proposed New Brunswick Power Corporation International Power Line.

13 July 2001: Letter to the NEB enclosing a report entitled Supplemental Information Report Proposed 345 kV International Power Line Project From Point Lepreau to the New Brunswick/Maine Border.

May 2001: Application to the NEB for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the proposed Canadian portion of a 345 kV International Power Line from Point Lepreau, New Brunswick to Orrington, Maine.

25 April 2001: Letter to the NEB enclosing the Corridor Selection and the Environmental Impact Assessment - Final Study Report dated 25 April 2001 submitted by amec (Binder).

19 April 2001: Letter from Cassells Brock and Blackwell LLP to the NEB enclosing its Preliminary Submission for the Canadian portion of a 345 kV International Power Line from Point Lepreau, New Brunswick to Orrington, Maine.

National Energy Board (NEB)

Office national de l'énergie (ONÉ)

* 3 December 2002: Letter to CEAA advising that the NEB and DFO continue to be of the view that the CSR is complete.

9 July 2002: Letter to NB Power enclosing a document entitled Technical Review of the New Brunswick Power Corporation Proposed 345 kV International Power Line From Point Lepreau to the New Brunswick/Maine Border Draft Comprehensive Study Report - NB Power's Response dated 17 June 2002 to the 13 May 2002 Technical Review from the reviewing agencies.

13 May 2002: Letter to Cassels Brock and Blackwell LLP advising that the NEB, DFO, EC and CEAA have conducted a review of NB Power's draft CSR submitted on 28 March 2002, the results of which are contained in the document attached entitled Technical Review of the New Brunswick Power Corporation Proposed 345 kV International Power Line From Point Lepreau to the New Brunswick/Maine Border Draft Comprehensive Study Report Dated 28 March 2002.

16 October 2001: Letter to Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP enclosing the results of the review entitled Technical Review of the New Brunswick Power Corporation Proposed 345 kV International Power Line: From Point Lepreau to the New Brunswick/Maine Border Draft Comprehensive Study Report conducted by the NEB, DFO, CEAA and EC.

28 September 2001: Letter to NB Power Corporation advising that the Board is not prepared to make any assumptions as to the completeness of the Comprehensive Study Report.

16 August 2001: Letter to NB Power advising that the NEB, CEAA and DFO have agreed upon a process for the comprehensive study report, pursuant to section 17 of the CEA Act (scope of the environmental assessment included in letter).

4 July 2001: Letter to NB Power requesting that NB Power publish a public notice.

4 May 2001: Letter to certain Departments and Agencies regarding the NB Power International Power Line Project - Preliminary Submission to the NEB for the Proposed 345 kV International Power Line from Point Lepreau, New Brunswick to Orrington, Maine.

Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (CEAA)

Agence canadienne d'évaluation environnementale (ACÉE)

15 November 2002: Letter to the NEB requesting that the Board review the two submissions received by the CEAA during the IPL public comment period to determine whether any additional info should be provided in response to the questions and issues raised by the public and to report back to the CEAA.

6 November 2002: E-mail to the NEB attaching two comments sent to the CEAA as part of the public consultation for the NB Power Project.

2 July 2002: Letter to the NEB providing comments on the Technical Review by the NEB, DFO, EC and CEAA dated 13 May 2002.

19 December 2001: Letter to the NEB attaching its review of the proponent delegated components of the revised draft comprehensive study report.

2 October 2001: Letter to the NEB enclosing its review of the proponent delegated components of the draft CSR.

Atlantic Salmon Federation

26 September 2001: Letter to NB Power requesting a description of how NB Power intends to oversee the implementation of its environmental protection measures during future construction, an explanation of why the buffer zone was removed on the Digdeguash river during recent construction, and what remediation is planned.

Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC)

Commission canadienne de sûreté nucléaire (CCSN)

10 May 2001: Response to the NEB stating it is not a responsible authority.

Canadian Transportation Agency (CTA)

Office des transports du Canada (OTC)

30 May 2001: Letter received by the NEB re: regarding the Proposed New Brunswick Corporation International Power Line Project.

Environment Canada - Environmental Protection

Environnement Canada - Protection de l'environnement

18 December 2001: Letter from the Environmental Protection Branch to the NEB providing comments on the revised draft comprehensive study report.

9 October 2001: Letter to the NEB submitting its comments on the Proposed 345 kV International Power Line From Point Lepreau to the New Brunswick/Maine Border, Final Draft Report (revised), Comprehensive Study Report, September 7, 2001.

18 June 2001: Letter from the Environmental Protection Branch, Dartmouth, NS to the NEB offering its preliminary perspective on an appropriate scope of the project and assessment that is intended to facilitate early attention to issues of particular relevance to a power line and to the department's mandate.

18 May 2001: Letter the Environmental Protection Branch, Dartmouth, NS to the NEB stating it is not a responsible authority but does have expertise.

Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO)

Pêches et Océans Canada (MPO)

22 November 2002: Letter received by the NEB on 22 November 2002, expressing satisfaction that the CSR is complete.

15 June 2001: Letter to the NEB informing that it has reviewed the document entitled Draft Scope of the Environmental Assessment New Brunswick Power International Power Line - June 11, 2001 and advising that the scope of the project, factors to be considered, and the scope of those factors are acceptable.

4 October 2001: Letter to the NEB providing comments in response to the Comprehensive Study Report submission dated 11 September 2001.

18 May 2001: Letter from DFO, Habitat Management Division stating that it is deferring its decision until they are provided with details of construction required within the detailed route.

14 May 2001: Response from DFO, Navigable Waters Protection to the NEB stating it is a responsible authority.

Health Canada (HC)

Santé Canada (SC)

9 May 2001: Letter to the NEB stating it is not a responsible authority but does have expertise.

Indian Affairs and Northern Development (DIAND)

Affaires indiennes et du Nord canadien (MAINC)

9 May 2001: Response to the NEB stating it is not a responsible authority.

Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)

Ressources naturelles Canada (RNCan)

9 May 2001: Letter to the NEB stating it is not a responsible authority but does have expertise.

New Brunswick Department of the Environment and Local Government

15 October 2001: Letter from the Technical Review Committee to NB Power with respect to outstanding provincial issues pertaining to NB Power's proposed International Power Line.

15 June 2001: Letter to the NEB conveying that they will not be providing comments on the scoping document, however, look forward to reviewing the finalized CSR and will provide comments at that time.

Saint John Citizens Coalition for Clean Air

19 November 2002: Letter to CEAA enclosing media items related to the issue of ATV's.

1 November 2002: Letter to CEAA enclosing comments on the CSR.

14 September 2001: Letter to NB Power Corporation enclosing their comments in respect to the above-noted project.

9 August 2001: Letter to the NEB providing their comments on the draft scope of the environmental assessment.

St. Croix Waterway Commission

1 November 2002: E-mail to CEAA commenting on the NB Power International Power Line Project.

Union of New Brunswick Indians

9 August 2001: Letter to the NEB attaching its suggestions about the scope of the environmental assessment for the international power line.