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ILTIS under fire

CWM 19950050-001; photo: Stephen Alsford

In June 1992, a Canadian reconnaissance patrol was hit by Muslim mortar fire in Sarajevo, wounding several soldiers. While the casualties were evacuated by ambulance, the damaged ILTIS was recovered under fire and towed to safety. Under circumstances that speak volumes for the Canadian military ethos, the damaged vehicle was repaired overnight and ready for duty the following morning.

The ILTIS replaced the jeep in 1985 and is manufactured by Bombardier of Quebec. This example was prepared by the Electrical and Mechanical Engineers workshops at Canadian Forces Base Ottawa.

photo: Stephen Alsford photo: Stephen Alsford photo: Stephen Alsford photo: Stephen Alsford


Created: November 5, 1996. Last update: June 14, 2001
© Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation
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