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copyright © DOUCET- SAITO
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Artist Name and Type of Work

Way's Mills, Quebec

"Creating is a constant effort; each time to go a little further, not to be tempted to circle around the same idea and fall into tranquil mediocrity. We need to constantly draw new energy to remain curious and to sustain the power of renewing our emotion. " - written 1988

· Louise Doucet Saito was born in Montreal, Canada
· Satoshi Saito was born in Tokyo, Japan

· Louise Doucet Saito - Diploma, School of Art and Design, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Montreal, Quebec 1960
· Satoshi Saito - Bachelor of Arts, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan 1961
· DOUCET-SAITO - Research on Oriental Ceramics in Japan with Tatsuzo Shimaoka and Seimei & Kyo Tsuji, 1965-67

Selected Exhibitions:
· "Agalmata", solo, contemporary Sculpture Centre, Tokyo 1998
· "DOUCET-SAITO rétrospective de 1963 à 1990", solo, Musée des beaux-arts de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec, 1990
· "Concept in Clay, DOUCET-SAITO", solo, 4th International Ceramics Symposium of the Institute of Ceramic History, Koffler Gallery, Toronto, ON 1985

Selected Awards:
· The City of Osaka Award for the best urban environmental amenity, (for "Allure"), Osaka, Japan 2000
· Nagano Open-air Sculpture Award: stone sculpture "Alba" for the 1998 Nagano Olympics commemorative special installation, Nagano, Japan 1997
· Elected Members of the Royal Canadian Academy of the Arts 1995
· Winners, Prix Saidye Bronfman Masters of the Crafts Award 1980

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