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Maurice Savoie ARTSPOT #1 (30 seconds)
Maurice Savoie ARTSPOT #2 (30 seconds)
Maurice Savoie ARTSPOT #3 (30 seconds)
Maurice Savoie ARTSPOT #4 (30 seconds)
Maurice Savoie ARTSPOT #5 (30 seconds)
Maurice Savoie ARTSPOT #6 (30 seconds)
Maurice Savoie ARTSPOT #7 (30 seconds)
Maurice Savoie ARTSPOT #8 (30 seconds)
Maurice Savoie ARTSPOT #9 (30 seconds)
Maurice Savoie ARTSPOT #10 (30 seconds)

Montreal, QC
The Saidye Bronfman Award

"I think creation is a game. It's a great noble game. You find out that it's most successful when you take the time to play."

· Born in Sherbrooke, QC in 1930

· École nationale d'art décoratif, Limoges, France
· Ceramic studios in Faenza/Rome, Italy, Paris, France
· École des beaux-arts, Montreal, QC
· École du meuble, Montreal, QC

Selected Exhibitions:
· "Maurice Savoie: An Alchemical Journey", Centre Materia, Quebec City, QC 2004
"Quebec New York 2001, Westwood Gallery, New York City, NY 2001
· Conseil des métiers d'art, Queen's Gallery and Art Centre, Charlotte, North Carolina 2001

Selected Awards:
· Recipient, 2004 Prix Saidye Bronfman Award for excellence in the fine crafts
· Elected to Royal Canadian Academy of Arts, 1994
· Member of the Order of Canada, 1994

Frame from Maurice Savoie's Artist Profile





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